Data Discovery Challenge


The Data Discovery Challenge was a User Engagement opportunity piloted at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting. The intent being to have node personnel observe and document various information about what and how PDS user’s are searching for. The page intends to capture some best practices for the node observers, as well as the data from the challenges moving forward.

Observer Best Practices 

Take Notes 

  • Be sure to take copious notes on the user’s actions. You can take notes on the paper questionnaires provided or online using Google doc (links below)

Start with intro of Data Discover Challenge 

  • Brief intro of what we they should be doing (find any planetary data) and why we are doing it (to try to better understand our users and help them understand what resources are out there)

First 5 Minutes – minimal direction 

  • User should approach desktop of computer or browser with no page opened
  • Let user do whatever they think is best to try to find the data (Google, go to PDS, whatever)
  • Feel free to give some guidance if they are really heading down a rabbit hole unrelated to PDS
    • e.g. Add “PDS” to their searches
  • Note the steps in their discovery, including where they start, and the different methods they use to track down their data
  • Note things missing from PDS websites/searches that could make it more obvious as they are browsing/searching
  • Note any questions they raise or concerns they have

Next 5 minutes – provide whatever help you can 

Any Additional Time 

~10 Minutes – End 

  • If the user really wants to find this data, note their contact information and follow up with appropriate node personnel
  • Otherwise, ~10 minutes is a sufficient amount of time to try to track down the data

Executive Summary 

  • If possible, provide a brief summary of the challenge
  • Specifically call out possible actions / updates / improvements that should be highlighted Events Data

Event Live Notes 

Past Event Data 

TBD copy data from