Data Model Study

At the August 2-4, 2007 Management Council meeting the PDS4 Data Model working group was formed to develop a Data Model for PDS4. The group is to report to the Management Council at its December 2007 meeting. To fulfill this charge the group will assemble use cases, evaluate existing data models and consider potential innovations in developing a data model to address the current needs of the PDS. It is a goal of the group to provide concrete recommendations to the Management Council.

Working Group

Working group members include: Todd King (chair), Lyle Huber, Steve Hughes, Ed Guinness and Chris Isbell.


There are no current milestones associated with this effort.

Current Status

The PDS4 Data Model working group was disbanded in April 2008 with the completion of its milestones. The following artifacts are associated with this effort:

Historical Documents

Historical documents associated with this effort:

Other related documents include: