SCR 3-1114

SCR 3-1114: Review standard value output flag values in PSDD

Priority: high

Problem Summary

Since regular printing of the PSDD ceased roughly a decade ago, we (as an organization) have not been paying strict attention to the value of the standard value output flag for each keyword. This is the flag in the PSDD that determines whether or not the standard values for a keyword are output for hard copy display. In the case of the PDF version of the PSDD, Appendix A, which contains the list of standard values, has grown from 66 pages in 1996 to 284 pages today. Many of the keywords for which this value is set to ‘Y’ either have no standard values, or have standard values which it makes no sense to display in this context. Since these values are always available via the online interface, I believe it would appropriate to review the list of keywords with the value set to ‘Y’ and determine which of them should be updated to ‘N’. In the process, we should probably also review if there are currently values of ‘N’ which should be changed to ‘Y’.

Working Group

E. Rye (lead) NULL

Originator: Elizabeth Rye

Standards Change Request


Supplementary Material


StatusDateTaskResponsible PartyResponse
SUBMITTED 2007-05-02Submit issue.ORIGIssue submitted through online interface 05/02/07.
Form working group.EN-SEORIG
