Link Check
The PDS Engineering Node is responsible for web site link verification of the PDS Home Pages and the Engineering Node website. Web link verification includes the web pages and the dataset resource urls. Web page links are checked every six months.
The Web Link Validator by REL Software is currently used ( starting Jan 2021 ). Reports generated by the Validator are posted below.
Validation of Discipline Node website is the responsibility of the Node Web curator. As requested, the following website reports have been run and are available below. Note that in some cases links pointing to large online directories were excluded because of the time involved for the link checking software to check through every file in the directory tree. The complex nature of such directory structures caused the software to run for several hours, or in some cases not to complete at all. We opted to exclude such structures in the interest of doing at least a minimal check for the site. The individual report will detail what, if any, links /directories were excluded. We continue to review and evaluate link checking software for our use.
Latest Web Link Checking (Mar 2025)
- PDS Home Page Report
PDS Engineeringnot available- Atmospheres
Geosciencesnot available- Imaging
RMSnot available- SBN UMD