Scheme and Node RegistrationThis section describes classification scheme and classification node registration in more detail. At this point in time, only one classification scheme is supported by the Registry Service and that is the ObjectType scheme. This scheme is utilized by the service for determining the allowable object types (artifacts) for registration. These object types are represented by the classification nodes, which are children of the ObjectType classification scheme. The standard scheme and associated nodes are registered during the installation of the service. That procedure is detailed in the Configuration portion of the Installation section. The rest of this section gives a little insight into the content of the scheme and node descriptions and how they are registered with the service. The following is an example of a scheme description in XML form: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <classificationScheme xmlns="" guid="urn:registry:classificationScheme:ObjectTypeScheme:Test" name="TestObjectType" description="This is the canonical object type classification that is one of the core registry objects" isInternal="true" nodeType="UniqueCode"/> The scheme description above is contained in the new_scheme.xml file, which can be found in the /examples directory of the software distribution package. The following command registers this scheme with the service: % curl -X POST -H "Content-type:application/xml" -v -d @new_scheme.xml \ http://localhost:8080/registry/schemes The following is an example of a node description in XML form: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <classificationNode xmlns="" guid="urn:nasa:pds:profile:regrep:ObjectType:ProductTest" lid="urn:nasa:pds:profile:regrep:ObjectType:ProductTest" name="Product Test Node" description="This is the classification node for testing." parent="urn:registry:classificationScheme:ObjectTypeScheme:Test" code="ProductTest"/> The node description above is contained in the new_node_product.xml file. The following command registers this node with the service: % curl -X POST -H "Content-type:application/xml" -v -d @new_node_product.xml \ http://localhost:8080/registry/\ schemes/urn:registry:classificationScheme:ObjectTypeScheme:Test/nodes