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Planetary Data System - Engineering Node Banner

Release Changes

Release History

0.2.02010-10-31This release of the Registry Service is a component of the integrated release 1.0.0 of the PDS 2010 System.
0.1.02010-08-25This release of the Harvest Tool is a component of the integrated release 0.1.0 of the PDS 2010 System.

Release 0.2.0 - 2010-10-31

addAdded the capability to register and crawl a PDS Bundle file.mcayanan
addAdded the capability to support namespaces in the PDS4 product files. Harvest is initialized to look for expected metadata like logical_identifier, product_class, etc. within the pds namespace.mcayanan
updateUpdated the Harvest tool to look for the 'product_class' tag instead of the 'object_type' tag.mcayanan
updateUpdated the Harvest tool to support table-formatted collection files.mcayanan
updateUpdated the Harvest tool to register associations when processing a table-formatted collection file.mcayanan
updateUpdated the Harvest policy file to be able to specify namespaces and bundle files. Tag names in general were also updated. See the user guide for the latest and greatest description of the policy file.mcayanan
updateUpdated the Harvest report log to show header information and a summary.mcayanan
updateUpdated messaging to log the GUID upon a successful ingestion of a product into the registry.mcayanan
fixFix error handling in the associations for the case where a bad lidvid_reference is given (i.e. missing the version field).mcayanan

Release 0.1.0 - 2010-08-25

addAdded the capability to pass in an XML-based, policy file to the tool to find products and what metadata to register.mcayanan
addAdded the capability to register data products with a target Registry Service.mcayanan
addAdded the capability to register a PDS Inventory File first before crawling the file for products.mcayanan
addAdded the capability to output log messages.mcayanan
addAdded the capability to launch the tool with a shell script or batch file.mcayanan
addAdded the capability to register associations that are in the "class" format.mcayanan
addProvide the initial documentation covering the design, installation and operation of the software.shardman, mcayanan

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