About Transform Tool

The Transform Tool project contains software for transforming PDS3 and PDS4 product labels and product data into other formats. The following transformations are currently supported:

PDS3 Image
(8-bit Image)
(16-bit Image)
GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, PNM, TIFFKnown limitations:
- Does not yet support product labels referencing multiple images, including explicit FILE objects
- Does not yet support Qube objects
PDS4 Labeled Table
The resulting product label contains the minimum set of elements in order to be compliant with the PDS4 standards.
PDS3 LabelPDS4 LabelThe resulting product label contains the minimum set of elements in order to be compliant with the PDS4 standards.
PDS4 Table
PDS4 Labeled Table
The resulting product label contains the minimum set of elements in order to be compliant with the PDS4 standards.
PDS4 2D Image
PDS4 3D Image
GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, PNM, TIFFThe current implementation defaults to transforming band 1. Will add support for selecting bands in the future.
PDS4 3D Hyper-Spectral Cube
GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PNG, PNM, TIFFThe current implementation defaults to transforming band 1. Will add support for selecting bands in the future.
PDS4 LabelPDS3 LabelThe resulting product label contains the minimum set of elements in order to be compliant with the PDS3 standards.

Known limitations:
- Does not yet support a PDS4 label containing multiple File_Area_Observational elements.
- Does not yet support a PDS4 label containing Group_Field_Delimited elements
- Does not yet support a PDS4 label describing a Qube data object
PDS4 LabelObject Description Language (ODL)
Parameter Value Language (PVL)

Please send comments, change requests and bug reports to the PDS Operator at pds_operator@jpl.nasa.gov.