A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W X 


addProfileFilter(String, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportServiceManager
addSource(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.ProfileConfigUtil
Builds the configuration for Sawmill profile
allowsMultipleArgs() - Method in enum gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.Flag
Find out if the flag can handle multiple arguments.


BACKUP_DIR - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
backupDir(Properties, String, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.FileUtil
Backup a directory in the given source directory structure to a location under the given destination directory structure.
backupStaging() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportServiceManager
Backup the contents of the staging directory
buildDatabase(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.PDSSawmillManager
buildDatabase(String) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.SawmillManager
Add a Sawmill command to the queue to rebuild the database for a given Sawmill profile.
buildSawmillDB(boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportServiceManager
Update or rebuild the Sawmill database for each profile


cleanup() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportServiceManager
Remove all logs from the staging directory and any old logs from final and backup
cleanupLogs(File) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.FileUtil
Delete all files under the given directory
cleanupOldLogs(File, long) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.FileUtil
Delete all files under the given directory that are past a given age
cleanupProcessingDir() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProcessingManager
Delete the directories created during processing.
client - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.FtpPull
close() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ReadWriter
command - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.SimpleCommandProcessor
COMMANDLINE_TIMEOUT_PROP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
CommandLineWorker - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.util
This class is used while processing logs to run commands on those logs from the command line.
CommandLineWorker(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.CommandLineWorker
compareLogDate(Date, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateFilter
Check if the Date from the filename matches the start and end Dates
CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.ToolsLevel
configure(Properties) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.CopyProcessor
configure(Properties) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DetailByDetailProcessor
configure(Properties) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ENFtpProcessor
configure(Properties, String, String, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
This is a convenience method to assist sub-classes in configuring their log detail maps and means of parsing input and structuring output.
configure(Properties) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.NcftpReformatProcessor
configure(Properties) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.Processor
Configure the Processor, providing the details needed to process logs.
configure(Properties) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProxyFilterProcessor
This particular Processor doesn't require any configuration since its purpose is so specific.
configure(Properties) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.RingsDecryptionProcessor
This particular Processor doesn't require any configuration since its purpose is so specific.
configure(Properties) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.SimpleCommandProcessor
configure(Properties) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.WholeLineProcessor
configure(Properties) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.XymonFilterProcessor
This particular Processor doesn't require any configuration since its purpose is so specific.
connect(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.FtpPull
connect(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.HttpPull
connect(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.PDSPull
connect(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.PDSPullImpl
Connects to external machine using SFTP.
Constants - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.constants
Constants() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
CopyProcessor - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
This Processor implementation is used to copy logs from a given source directory--specified in the configuration--to a given destination.
CopyProcessor() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.CopyProcessor
COPYRIGHT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ToolInfo
countSubstringInstances(String, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.Utility
Get the number of times that a substring occurs in a String
createDirTree(List<Properties>, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.FileUtil
Create a directory tree with the given name directly under the root of the Report Service directory tree.
createProfile(boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.ProfileConfigUtil
createStagingDirTree() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportServiceManager
CRYPT_PASSWORD - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants


date - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DateTimeLogDetail
DATE_FILTER_PROP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
DateFilter - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.util
TODO: Write a proper javadoc!
DateFilter() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateFilter
dateFormat - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DateTimeLogDetail
DateLogFilter - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.util
DateLogFilter() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateLogFilter
DateTimeLogDetail - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
TODO: Write a decent class doc.
DateTimeLogDetail(String, String, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DateTimeLogDetail
Create a new DateTimeLogDetail with the specified name, pattern, requirement, input format, and default date.
DateTimeLogDetail(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DateTimeLogDetail
Create a new DateTimeLogDetail with the specified name, pattern, requirement, and input format.
DEBUG - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.ToolsLevel
DEBUG_ALWAYS - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.CommandLineWorker
DEBUG_ERRORS - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.CommandLineWorker
DEBUG_NONE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.CommandLineWorker
DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
DEFAULT_ERRORS_ALLOWED - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
defaultDate - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DateTimeLogDetail
defaultValue - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.StringLogDetail
deleteOutput() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ReadWriter
DelimitedDateFilter - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.util
TODO: Write a proper javadoc!
DelimitedDateFilter() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DelimitedDateFilter
DetailByDetailProcessor - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
This LogReformatProcessor sub-class is used to transform logs in a more detail-oriented manner.
DetailByDetailProcessor() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DetailByDetailProcessor
determineErrorTolerance() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
TODO: Change this into an actual javadoc Using the system properties during execution, determine how many lines in an input log can cause errors before the logs is discarded.
DIR_ROOT_PROP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
disconnect() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.FtpPull
disconnect() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.HttpPull
disconnect() - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.PDSPull
disconnect() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.PDSPullImpl
Disconnect SFTP and the session
displayHelp() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportManagerLauncher
Displays tool usage.
displayVersion() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportManagerLauncher
Displays the current version and disclaimer notice.
doubleLineFeed - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter.PDSFormatter
DynamicDateFilter - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.util
This class searches through filenames using a given set of regular expressions to determine the date of the file.
DynamicDateFilter() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DynamicDateFilter


emptyValue - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogDetail
endDate - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateFilter
ENFtpProcessor - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
This is a custom Processor that removes the version information from file names in EN FTP logs.
ENFtpProcessor() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ENFtpProcessor
EnvProperties - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.properties
EnvProperties(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.properties.EnvProperties
EnvProperties() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.properties.EnvProperties
errorLinesAllowed - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
execute() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportManagerLauncher
Executes the necessary functions in order to copy the log files and update the database.
execute() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.CommandLineWorker


FILE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ToolInfo
FileUtil - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.util
FileUtil() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.FileUtil
Flag - Enum in gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options
Describes all the flags used in the CLI
forceUnsetFilter() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateLogFilter
format(LogRecord) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter.PDSFormatter
formatOutputLine() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
Following the output pattern, create the reformatted version of the log line, using the log detail values from the input log line.
formatSawmillCommand(String, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.SawmillUtil
Accept the Sawmill operation flags and values and add the common command component (i.e.
FtpPull - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull
FtpPull() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.FtpPull


generateReport(String, String, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.PDSSawmillManager
generateReport(String, String, String) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.SawmillManager
Add a Sawmill command to the queue to generate a report specified using the given Sawmill profile and report at the given location.
generateReports(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportServiceManager
Generate Sawmill reports.
GenericReportServiceObjectFactory - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.util
getAbsolutePath(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.Utility
Method to convert the file path to absolute, if relative
getActiveFlag() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
getArgName() - Method in enum gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.Flag
Get the argument name of the flag.
getArgType() - Method in enum gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.Flag
Get the argument type of the flag.
getCopyright() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ToolInfo
Get copyright information.
getDate(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DateTimeLogDetail
Get the date stored by the log detail, formatted according to the format provided as a parameter.
getDate(DateTimeLogDetail) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DateTimeLogDetail
This method is meant to be invoked on the DateTimeLogDetail that represents the log detail in output and accepts the input DateTimeLogDetail.
getDateFilter(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.GenericReportServiceObjectFactory
getDateTime() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.Utility
Get the current date time.
getDescription() - Method in enum gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.Flag
Get the flag description.
getDir(String, String, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.FileUtil
Get a File object pointing to the directory under the root directory and create all directories and sub-directories as needed.
getDirName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.CopyProcessor
getDirName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DetailByDetailProcessor
getDirName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.NcftpReformatProcessor
getDirName() - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.Processor
Get the name of the directory where the output of the processor is placed.
getDirName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProxyFilterProcessor
getDirName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.RingsDecryptionProcessor
getDirName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.SimpleCommandProcessor
getDirName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.WholeLineProcessor
getDirName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.XymonFilterProcessor
getDirPath(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.Utility
Remove the filename/expression from the pathname and return base path
getEmptyValue() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogDetail
Get the String that is recognized in the input line as an empty value.
getEncrypted() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
getEndDateString(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateFilter
getEndDateString(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateLogFilter
getFileDate() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.Utility
getFileLines(File) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ReformatUtil
Read in the lines of a File as a List of Strings.
getFileList(File) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.FileUtil
Get a List of Files in the given directory.
getFilename() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.ToolsLogRecord
getFilenameList(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.FileUtil
Get a List of file names in the given directory.
getFilesFromDirTree(File, File) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.FileUtil
Copy all files found within the given directory or its sub-directories to the given location.
getFormat() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DateTimeLogDetail
Get a String representing the format used to interpret an input String into a String.
getHomeDirectory() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.Utility
getHostname() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
getIdentifier() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
getLabel() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
getLine() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.ToolsLogRecord
getLineNum() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ReadWriter
getLogHome() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogPath
getLogSetId() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
getLogSetLabel() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogPath
getLogSetList() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
getLongName() - Method in enum gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.Flag
Get the long name of the flag.
getMethod() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
getName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
getName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogDetail
Get the name of the detail contained in this object.
getName() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ToolInfo
Get the name of the tool.
getNewLogSets() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
getNextDetail(String, int, LogDetail, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DetailByDetailProcessor
Get the value of the next detail in the remaining input log line.
getNode() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
getNodePropsBool(Properties, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.Utility
Utility method to get a boolean from a Properties.
getNodePropsString(Properties, String, boolean) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.Utility
Utility method to get a String from a Properties.
getOptions() - Static method in enum gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.Flag
Get the command-line options.
getOutputFileName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.CopyProcessor
getOutputFileName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DetailByDetailProcessor
getOutputFileName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.NcftpReformatProcessor
getOutputFileName(String) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.Processor
Get the name that will be assigned to an output file, given the input file name.
getOutputFileName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProxyFilterProcessor
getOutputFileName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.RingsDecryptionProcessor
getOutputFileName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.SimpleCommandProcessor
getOutputFileName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.WholeLineProcessor
getOutputFileName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.XymonFilterProcessor
getPassword() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
getPath() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogPath
getPathname() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
getPattern() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogDetail
Get the pattern used to capture the log detail.
getProcessingDir(String, String, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.FileUtil
Get a File object pointing to the directory in the tree where output for the process with the given name will be placed
getProcessor(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.GenericReportServiceObjectFactory
getProfileId() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
getProfileId() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
getProfileName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogPath
getProfileNode() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogPath
getReleaseDate() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ToolInfo
Get the release date.
getSawmillHome() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.properties.EnvProperties
getSawmillHome() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.SawmillUtil
Get the value of the Sawmill home property (the directory where the Sawmill executable resides) and validate the property if we have not yet done so
getSawmillInterface(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.GenericReportServiceObjectFactory
getSawmillLogHome() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.properties.EnvProperties
getSawmillProfileHome() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.properties.EnvProperties
getSetNumber() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
getShortName() - Method in enum gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.Flag
Get the short name of the flag.
getStartDateString(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateFilter
getStartDateString(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateLogFilter
getTail(Handler) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter.PDSFormatter
getType() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DateTimeLogDetail
getType() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogDetail
Get the type (i.e.
getType() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.StringLogDetail
getUsername() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
getValue() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.StringLogDetail
Get the value of the log detail or the default value if no value was extracted from the log line.
getValue(StringLogDetail) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.StringLogDetail
This method is meant to be invoked on the StringLogDetail that represents the log detail in output and accepts the input StringLogDetail.
getValuesFromXML(File, String, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.Utility
Utility method to extract values from an XML file.
getVersion() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ToolInfo
Get the version.
getXferType() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
gov.nasa.pds.report - package gov.nasa.pds.report
gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options - package gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options
gov.nasa.pds.report.constants - package gov.nasa.pds.report.constants
gov.nasa.pds.report.logging - package gov.nasa.pds.report.logging
gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.filter - package gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.filter
gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter - package gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter
gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.handler - package gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.handler
gov.nasa.pds.report.logs - package gov.nasa.pds.report.logs
gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull - package gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull
gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model - package gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model
gov.nasa.pds.report.processing - package gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
gov.nasa.pds.report.profile - package gov.nasa.pds.report.profile
gov.nasa.pds.report.properties - package gov.nasa.pds.report.properties
gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill - package gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill
gov.nasa.pds.report.util - package gov.nasa.pds.report.util


hasArg(String, Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.ToolsOption
Requires a single argument to follow the option.
hasArg(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.ToolsOption
Allows a single argument to be passed into the option.
hasArgs(String, Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.ToolsOption
Requires an argument to follow the option.
hasArgs(String, Object, char) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.ToolsOption
Requires an argument to follow the option.
hasArgs(String, Object, char, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.ToolsOption
Allows multiple arguments to be passed in to the option.
hasArgs(int, String, Object, char, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.ToolsOption
Defines an argument's "properties" for an option.
HOME_ENV_VAR - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
Name of environment variable specifying home of software application
HttpPull - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull
HttpPull() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.HttpPull


inputDetailMap - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
inputDirectory - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.CopyProcessor
InvalidOptionException - Exception in gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options
Exception class that is called upon errors found during command-line option processing.
InvalidOptionException(String) - Constructor for exception gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.InvalidOptionException
isLoggable(LogRecord) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.filter.ToolsLogFilter
Method that checks if a log record is loggable.
isNewSet() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
isReportTime() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.Utility
Determine if the current day is during the portion of the month when reports are generated.
isRequired() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogDetail
Indicate whether the detail to be captured in this object is required.


lineFeed - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter.PDSFormatter
listProfiles(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportServiceManager
log - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
LOG_AGE_PROP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
logDestBase - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.PDSPullImpl
LogDetail - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
This is the basic data structure object that holds the value of a detail extracted from a line of a log.
LogDetail(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogDetail
Create a LogDetail object, specifying it's name, the RE pattern used to capture the detail, and whether a value is required for the detail that will be captured.
LogPath - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model
LogPath(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogPath
LogReformatProcessor - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
Sub-classes of this class are used to reformat text-based log files so that they can be parsed by Sawmill, using a profile created from our template profile.
LogReformatProcessor() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
LOGS_HOME_ENV_VAR - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
LogSet - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model
LogSet() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
LogsManager - Interface in gov.nasa.pds.report.logs
LogsManagerException - Exception in gov.nasa.pds.report.logs
LogsManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.LogsManagerException


main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.properties.EnvProperties
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportManagerLauncher
match(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateFilter
match(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateLogFilter
match(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DelimitedDateFilter
match(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DynamicDateFilter


name - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogDetail
NAME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ToolInfo
NcftpReformatProcessor - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
This class is used to reformat logs created by an NcFTP server.
NcftpReformatProcessor() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.NcftpReformatProcessor
NODE_COPY_INPUT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_DETAIL_REFORMAT_INPUT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_DETAIL_REFORMAT_OUTPUT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_ENCRYPT_KEY - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_FILENAME_PATTERN_KEY - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_HOST_KEY - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_ID_KEY - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_LINE_REFORMAT_INPUT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_LINE_REFORMAT_OUTPUT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_NCFTP_REFORMAT_OUTPUT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_NCFTP_VERSION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_NODE_KEY - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_PASSWORD_KEY - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_PATH_KEY - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_PROCESSES_KEY - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_REPORT_LIST - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_SAWMILL_OUTPUT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_SAWMILL_PROFILE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_SIMPLE_COMMAND_KEY - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_STAGING_PATH - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_USER_KEY - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NODE_XFER_TYPE_KEY - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
NOTIFICATION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.ToolsLevel
numErrors - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter.PDSFormatter
numWarnings - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter.PDSFormatter


OUTPUT_DIR_NAME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.CopyProcessor
OUTPUT_DIR_NAME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DetailByDetailProcessor
OUTPUT_DIR_NAME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.NcftpReformatProcessor
OUTPUT_DIR_NAME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProxyFilterProcessor
OUTPUT_DIR_NAME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.RingsDecryptionProcessor
OUTPUT_DIR_NAME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.SimpleCommandProcessor
OUTPUT_DIR_NAME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.WholeLineProcessor
OUTPUT_DIR_NAME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.XymonFilterProcessor
outputCommands() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.PDSSawmillManager
outputCommands() - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.SawmillManager
Make the queued Sawmill commands execute in a manner determined by the SawmillInterface implementation being used.
outputDetailMap - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
outputSawmillOps() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportServiceManager
Output all Sawmill operation previously specified in a manner determined by the implementation of SawmillInterface being used


parse(String[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportManagerLauncher
A method to parse the command-line arguments.
parseInputLine(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DetailByDetailProcessor
parseInputLine(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
Parse a line from an input file and extract the values for presented details (e.g.
parseInputLine(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.NcftpReformatProcessor
parseInputLine(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.WholeLineProcessor
parseInputSpec(String, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
Parse the line specification used for input.
parseOutputSpec(String, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
Parse the line specification used for output.
pattern - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogDetail
PDSFileHandler - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.handler
Class to setup a file handler for the tools logging capability.
PDSFileHandler(String, Formatter) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.handler.PDSFileHandler
Constructor that does not append to a file and automatically sets the log level to 'ALL'.
PDSFileHandler(String, Level, Formatter) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.handler.PDSFileHandler
Constructor that does not append to a file.
PDSFileHandler(String, boolean, Level, Formatter) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.handler.PDSFileHandler
PDSFormatter - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter
PDSFormatter() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter.PDSFormatter
PDSLogsManager - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logs
PDSLogsManager() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.PDSLogsManager
PDSPull - Interface in gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull
PDSPullImpl - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull
Utility that provides all SFTP connection functionality
PDSPullImpl() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.PDSPullImpl
PDSSawmillManager - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill
This class creates a queue of Sawmill operations and executes them by invoking the outputCommands() method.
PDSSawmillManager() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.PDSSawmillManager
PDSStreamHandler - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.handler
This class sets up a stream handler for the tools logging capability.
PDSStreamHandler(OutputStream, Formatter) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.handler.PDSStreamHandler
PDSStreamHandler(OutputStream, Level, Formatter) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.handler.PDSStreamHandler
process(File, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.CopyProcessor
process(List<File>, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.CopyProcessor
process(File, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
Read in a log file, reformat it as per configured, and place the output in the given directory.
process(List<File>, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
Read in the log files in the given directory, reformat them as per configured, and place the output in the given directory.
process(File, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.NcftpReformatProcessor
process(List<File>, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.NcftpReformatProcessor
Reformat all of the NcFTP logs in the given list and place them in the given output directory.
process(File, File) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.Processor
Process the files in the input directory and place them in the output directory.
process(List<File>, File) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.Processor
Process the files in the given list and place them in the output directory.
process(File, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProxyFilterProcessor
process(List<File>, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProxyFilterProcessor
process(File, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.SimpleCommandProcessor
process(List<File>, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.SimpleCommandProcessor
process(File, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.WholeLineProcessor
process(List<File>, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.WholeLineProcessor
process(File, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.XymonFilterProcessor
process(List<File>, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.XymonFilterProcessor
processFile(File, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
Process a given File, placing the reformatted version inside a given directory.
processFile(File, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProxyFilterProcessor
Process a given File, placing the filtered version inside a given directory.
processFile(File, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.XymonFilterProcessor
Process a given File, placing the filtered version inside a given directory.
processFileList(List<File>, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.CopyProcessor
processFileList(List<File>, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
Process the provided List of Files.
processFileList(List<File>, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProxyFilterProcessor
Process the provided List of Files.
processFileList(List<File>, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.RingsDecryptionProcessor
processFileList(List<File>, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.SimpleCommandProcessor
Run the given command on the list of provided files.
processFileList(List<File>, File) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.XymonFilterProcessor
Process the provided List of Files.
PROCESSING_DIR - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
ProcessingException - Exception in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
ProcessingException(String) - Constructor for exception gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProcessingException
ProcessingManager - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
ProcessingManager() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProcessingManager
processLine(ReadWriter) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ENFtpProcessor
Use the provided reader to read in a line, reformat it, then write the new version of the line using the provided writer.
processLine(ReadWriter) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
Use the provided reader to read in a line, reformat it, then write the new version of the line using the provided writer.
processLine(ReadWriter) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProxyFilterProcessor
Use the provided reader to read in a line, strip away any proxy IPs from the client details, and then write it to output using the provided writer.
processLine(ReadWriter) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.XymonFilterProcessor
Use the provided reader to read in a line and only write it to output (using the provided writer) if the client IP is provided.
processLogs(Properties) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProcessingManager
Process the logs that have been pulled using the given profile.
processLogs() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportServiceManager
Processor - Interface in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
processSummary() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter.PDSFormatter
processSummary() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter.ReportManagerFormatter
Profile - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model
Profile object
Profile() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
Base constructor class with no parameters
PROFILE_HOME_PROP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
ProfileConfigUtil - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill
This class creates a Sawmill profile on the fly for a new profile.
ProfileConfigUtil(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.ProfileConfigUtil
ProfileManager - Interface in gov.nasa.pds.report.profile
PROPERTIES_PATH - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
ProxyFilterProcessor - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
This processor filters Apache/Combined logs to remove proxies from the client IP details.
ProxyFilterProcessor() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProxyFilterProcessor
pull(String, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.FtpPull
pull(String, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.HttpPull
pull(String, String) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.PDSPull
pull(String, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.PDSPullImpl
Retrieve the logs using the specified login information and host
pullLogFiles(Properties) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.LogsManager
pullLogFiles(Properties) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.PDSLogsManager
pullLogs() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportServiceManager
PushPullException - Exception in gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull
PushPullException(String) - Constructor for exception gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.PushPullException


query(CommandLine) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportManagerLauncher
Examines the command-line arguments passed into the RSUpdate Tool and takes the appropriate action based on what flags were set.


readLine() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ReadWriter
readProfiles(String) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.profile.ProfileManager
readProfiles(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.profile.SimpleProfileManager
readProfiles() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportServiceManager
ReadWriter - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.util
A convenience class to create and manage a file reader and writer pair.
ReadWriter(File, File) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ReadWriter
REFORMAT_ERRORS_PROP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
ReformatUtil - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
This class contains utility methods to help with reformatting log files.
ReformatUtil() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ReformatUtil
RELEASE_DATE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ToolInfo
REMOTE_SPECS_PATH - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
replaceStringInFile(String, String, File, File) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.Utility
REPORT_WINDOW_PROP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
ReportManagerException - Exception in gov.nasa.pds.report
ReportManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportManagerException
ReportManagerFormatter - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter
Class that formats the Harvest logging messages.
ReportManagerFormatter() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter.ReportManagerFormatter
ReportManagerLauncher - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report
ReportManagerLauncher() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportManagerLauncher
ReportServiceManager - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report
ReportServiceManager() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.ReportServiceManager
required - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogDetail
reset() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DateTimeLogDetail
reset() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogDetail
Reset the value contained within the LogDetail object.
reset() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.StringLogDetail
resetDetailMaps() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
Set the maps that store value of details back to null so that values for previous lines aren't carried forward.
RingsDecryptionProcessor - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
This sub-class of the SimpleCommandProcessor, performs the specific command necessary to decryprt and decompress log files from the Rings node.
RingsDecryptionProcessor() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.RingsDecryptionProcessor
runCommands(List<String>) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.SawmillCommandLineRunner
runCommands(List<String>) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.SawmillInterface
Run a List of provided commands in order
runCommands(List<String>) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.SawmillScriptWriter


SAWMILL_DIR - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
SAWMILL_HOME_PROP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
SAWMILL_INTERFACE_PROP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
SAWMILL_REPORT_PROP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
SAWMILL_SCRIPT_PROP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
SawmillCommandLineRunner - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill
Class that interacts with Sawmill CLI and rebuilds/updates Sawmill databases.
SawmillCommandLineRunner() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.SawmillCommandLineRunner
SawmillException - Exception in gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill
SawmillException(String) - Constructor for exception gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.SawmillException
SawmillInterface - Interface in gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill
Class that implement this interface will execute Sawmill commands in different ways.
SawmillManager - Interface in gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill
These classes allow the user to execute Sawmill operations, abstracting the manner in which the commands for those operations are performed.
SawmillScriptWriter - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill
Class that creates a shell script at location specified by gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.SawmillScriptWriter.output.location in default.properties.
SawmillScriptWriter() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.SawmillScriptWriter
SawmillUtil - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.util
SawmillUtil() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.SawmillUtil
SCRIPT_NAME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.SawmillScriptWriter
sectionBreak - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter.PDSFormatter
segmentedInput - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
segmentedOutput - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
session - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.PDSPullImpl
setActiveFlag(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
setDate(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DateTimeLogDetail
Set the date of the log detail, using the log detail date format to transform the given String into a Date.
setDebugMode(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.CommandLineWorker
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogDetail
Specify a log detail value that is recognized as empty.
setEncrypted(boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
setEndDate(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateFilter
setEndDate(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateLogFilter
setHostname(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
setLabel(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
setLogHome(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogPath
setLogSetId(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
setLogSetLabel(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogPath
setLogSetList(List<LogSet>) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
setMethod(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
setName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
setNode(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
setPassword(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
Set the local password variable.
setPathname(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
setPattern(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateFilter
setPattern(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateLogFilter
setPattern(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DelimitedDateFilter
setPattern(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DynamicDateFilter
setProfileId(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
setProfileId(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.Profile
setProfileName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogPath
setProfileNode(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogPath
setSetNumber(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
setStartDate(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateFilter
setStartDate(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateLogFilter
setUsername(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
setValue(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.StringLogDetail
Set the value of the log detail to the given String.
setXferType(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
sftpChannel - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.PDSPullImpl
SimpleCommandProcessor - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
This Processor implementation runs a specified command.
SimpleCommandProcessor() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.SimpleCommandProcessor
SimpleProfileManager - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.profile
SimpleProfileManager() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.profile.SimpleProfileManager
SKIP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.ToolsLevel
STAGING_DIR - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.constants.Constants
startDate - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateFilter
StringLogDetail - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
This LogDetail implementation is used to represent log details that can be stored as simple Strings.
StringLogDetail(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.StringLogDetail
Create a StringLogDetail object with the given name, pattern, requirement, and default value.
StringLogDetail(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.StringLogDetail
Create a StringLogDetail object with the given name, pattern, and requirement.
SUCCESS - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.ToolsLevel
summary - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.formatter.PDSFormatter


ToolInfo - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.util
Class to get tool release information.
ToolInfo() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ToolInfo
ToolsLevel - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logging
ToolsLevel(String, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.ToolsLevel
ToolsLogFilter - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.filter
Class to filter logging messages that are coming from the underlying framework.
ToolsLogFilter() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.filter.ToolsLogFilter
ToolsLogRecord - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.logging
ToolsLogRecord(Level, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.ToolsLogRecord
ToolsLogRecord(Level, File) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.ToolsLogRecord
ToolsLogRecord(Level, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.ToolsLogRecord
ToolsLogRecord(Level, String, File) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.ToolsLogRecord
ToolsLogRecord(Level, String, String, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.logging.ToolsLogRecord
ToolsOption - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options
Class that extends Apache's Option class.
ToolsOption(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.ToolsOption
ToolsOption(Flag) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.ToolsOption
toString() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.logs.pushpull.model.LogSet
toString() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.DateTimeLogDetail
toString() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogDetail
Represent the value stored in the LogDetail as a String.
toString() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.StringLogDetail


unsetAll() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateFilter
unsetAll() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DateLogFilter
unsetAll() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DelimitedDateFilter
unsetAll() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.DynamicDateFilter
updateDatabase(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.PDSSawmillManager
updateDatabase(String) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.sawmill.SawmillManager
Add a Sawmill command to the queue to update the database for a given Sawmill profile.
useOutputFileName - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.SimpleCommandProcessor
Utility - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.util
Utility() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.Utility


validateCommand() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.SimpleCommandProcessor
Validate the currently specified command to run.
validateLineSpecs(boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
Validate the line specifications.
value - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.StringLogDetail
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.Flag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum gov.nasa.pds.report.cli.options.Flag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyConfiguration() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.CopyProcessor
verifyConfiguration() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ENFtpProcessor
verifyConfiguration() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.LogReformatProcessor
verifyConfiguration() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.NcftpReformatProcessor
verifyConfiguration() - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.Processor
Verify that the Processor has been properly configured.
verifyConfiguration() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.ProxyFilterProcessor
This particular Processor doesn't require any configuration since its purpose is so specific.
verifyConfiguration() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.RingsDecryptionProcessor
verifyConfiguration() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.SimpleCommandProcessor
verifyConfiguration() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.WholeLineProcessor
verifyConfiguration() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.XymonFilterProcessor
This particular Processor doesn't require any configuration since its purpose is so specific.
VERSION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ToolInfo


WholeLineProcessor - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
TODO: Fix this documentation! This class is used to perform basic reformatting on log files.
WholeLineProcessor() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.WholeLineProcessor
writeLine(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.report.util.ReadWriter


XymonFilterProcessor - Class in gov.nasa.pds.report.processing
This class is meant to filter logs in Apache/Combined format remove requests that lack a client IP, such as those produced by Xymon and similar monitoring software.
XymonFilterProcessor() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.report.processing.XymonFilterProcessor
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