A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V X 


Agency - Enum in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
Java class for Agency.
agency - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapService
allowsMultipleArgs() - Method in enum gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.Flag
Find out if the flag can handle multiple arguments.


BatchManager - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry
Class that manages the batch ingestion of products into the Registry.
BatchManager(RegistryClient) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry.BatchManager


cache(RegistryObject, String, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry.BatchManager
Caches the given RegistryObject for future registration.
CONFIGURATION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.ToolsLevel
Constants - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.constants
Constants() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.constants.Constants
COPYRIGHT - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.ToolInfo
createDynamicMetadata() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of DynamicMetadata
createDynamicMetadata(DynamicMetadata) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<DynamicMetadata>}
createElement() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Element
createElement(Element) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Element>}
createPackage(RegistryPackage) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry.PdsRegistryService
createPackageDescription(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
createPackageName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
createPdapService() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of PdapService
createPdapService(PdapService) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<PdapService>}
createPdapServices() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of PdapServices
createPdapServices(PdapServices) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<PdapServices>}
createPdsRegistry() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of PdsRegistry
createPdsRegistry(PdsRegistry) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<PdsRegistry>}
createPolicy() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Policy
createProductMetadata() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of ProductMetadata
createProductMetadata(ProductMetadata) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<ProductMetadata>}
createResourceMetadata() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of ResourceMetadata
createResourceMetadata(ResourceMetadata) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<ResourceMetadata>}
createSlot() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Slot
createSlot(Slot) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<Slot>}
createSlotName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
createStaticMetadata() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of StaticMetadata
createStaticMetadata(StaticMetadata) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<StaticMetadata>}
createTitle(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
createType(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}
createValue(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<String>}


DATA_SET_PRODUCT_CLASS - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.constants.Constants
The data set product class.
DEBUG - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.ToolsLevel
DEFAULT_BATCH_MODE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.constants.Constants
displayHelp() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.HarvestPdapLauncher
Displays tool usage.
displayVersion() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.HarvestPdapLauncher
Displays the current version and disclaimer notice.
DynamicMetadata - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
Java class for DynamicMetadata complex type.
DynamicMetadata() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.DynamicMetadata
dynamicMetadata - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ProductMetadata


element - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.DynamicMetadata
Element - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
Java class for Element complex type.
Element() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Element


FILE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.ToolInfo
Flag - Enum in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options
Class that holds the command-line option flags.
format(LogRecord) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.formatter.HarvestPdapFormatter
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Agency


getAgency() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapService
Gets the value of the agency property.
getArgName() - Method in enum gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.Flag
Get the argument name of the flag.
getArgType() - Method in enum gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.Flag
Get the argument type of the flag.
getBatchManager() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry.PdsRegistryService
getCacheSize() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry.BatchManager
getCatalogFile(String, String) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PdapRegistryClient
Gets the catalog file associated with the given dataset.
getCatalogFile(String, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PsaRegistryClient
Gets the catalog file from the PSA Registry.
getCopyright() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.ToolInfo
Get copyright information.
getDataSet(String) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PdapRegistryClient
Gets a single dataset.
getDataSet(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PsaRegistryClient
Gets a single dataset in VOTable format.
getDataSets() - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PdapRegistryClient
Gets all the datasets.
getDataSets(DateTime, DateTime) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PdapRegistryClient
Gets the datasets within a given datetime range.
getDataSets() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PsaRegistryClient
getDataSets(DateTime, DateTime) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PsaRegistryClient
Gets all the datasets.
getDate() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.Utility
getDateTime() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.Utility
Get the current date time.
getDescription() - Method in enum gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.Flag
Get the flag description.
getDynamicMetadata() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ProductMetadata
Gets the value of the dynamicMetadata property.
getElement() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.DynamicMetadata
Gets the value of the element property.
getIdentifier() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.ToolsLogRecord
getLine() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.ToolsLogRecord
getLongName() - Method in enum gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.Flag
Get the long name of the flag.
getName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Element
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Slot
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.ToolInfo
Get the name of the tool.
getOptions() - Static method in enum gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.Flag
Get the command-line options.
getPackageDescription() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdsRegistry
Gets the value of the packageDescription property.
getPackageName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdsRegistry
Gets the value of the packageName property.
getPdapService() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapServices
Gets the value of the pdapService property.
getPdapServices() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Policy
Gets the value of the pdapServices property.
getPdsRegistry() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Policy
Gets the value of the pdsRegistry property.
getProductMetadata() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Policy
Gets the value of the productMetadata property.
getRegistryClient() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry.BatchManager
getReleaseDate() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.ToolInfo
Get the release date.
getResourceLink(String) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PdapRegistryClient
Gets the resource link associated with the given dataset.
getResourceLink(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PsaRegistryClient
Gets the resource link associated with the given dataset identifier.
getResourceMetadata() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Policy
Gets the value of the resourceMetadata property.
getShortName() - Method in enum gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.Flag
Get the short name of the flag.
getSlot() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ResourceMetadata
Gets the value of the slot property.
getSlot() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.StaticMetadata
Gets the value of the slot property.
getSlotName() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Element
Gets the value of the slotName property.
getStartDateTime() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapService
Gets the value of the startDateTime property.
getStatementsRecursively(Label, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.catalog.StatementFinder
Recursively searches down a PDS label to find attributes that matches a user supplied keyword.
getStatementsRecursively(List<Label>, String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.catalog.StatementFinder
Recursively searches down a PDS label to find attributes that match a user supplied list of keywords.
getStatementsRecursively(List<Label>, List<String>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.catalog.StatementFinder
Recursively searches down a PDS label to find attributes that match a user supplied list of keywords.
getStatementsRecursively(Label, List<String>) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.catalog.StatementFinder
Recursively searches down a PDS label to find attributes that match a user supplied list of keywords.
getStaticMetadata() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ProductMetadata
Gets the value of the staticMetadata property.
getStopDateTime() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapService
Gets the value of the stopDateTime property.
getTail(Handler) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.formatter.HarvestPdapFormatter
getTitle() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ResourceMetadata
Gets the value of the title property.
getType() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ResourceMetadata
Gets the value of the type property.
getUrl() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapService
Gets the value of the url property.
getUrl() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdsRegistry
Gets the value of the url property.
getValue() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Slot
Gets the value of the value property.
getVersion() - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.ToolInfo
Get the version.
getVoldescFile(String) - Method in interface gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PdapRegistryClient
Gets the VOLDESC.CAT file associated with the given dataset.
getVoldescFile(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PsaRegistryClient
Gets the VOLDESC.CAT file.
gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap - package gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap
gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.catalog - package gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.catalog
gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options - package gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options
gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.constants - package gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.constants
gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging - package gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging
gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.formatter - package gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.formatter
gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.handler - package gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.handler
gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy - package gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client - package gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client
gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.stats - package gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.stats
gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util - package gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util
gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry - package gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry


handleEvent(ValidationEvent) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.XMLValidationEventHandler
harvest(PdapServices) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.HarvesterPdap
Harvest products from a list of PDAP Services.
harvest(PdapService) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.HarvesterPdap
Harvest products from a PDAP service.
HarvesterPdap - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap
Front-end class to the Harvest-PDAP Tool.
HarvesterPdap(PdsRegistryService, ProductMetadata, ResourceMetadata) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.HarvesterPdap
HarvestPdapFileHandler - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.handler
Class to setup a file handler for the tools logging capability.
HarvestPdapFileHandler(String, Formatter) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.handler.HarvestPdapFileHandler
Constructor that does not append to a file and automatically sets the log level to 'ALL'.
HarvestPdapFileHandler(String, Level, Formatter) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.handler.HarvestPdapFileHandler
Constructor that does not append to a file.
HarvestPdapFileHandler(String, boolean, Level, Formatter) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.handler.HarvestPdapFileHandler
HarvestPdapFormatter - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.formatter
Class that formats the Harvest logging messages.
HarvestPdapFormatter() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.formatter.HarvestPdapFormatter
HarvestPdapLauncher - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap
Wrapper class to the Harvest-PDAP Tool.
HarvestPdapLauncher() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.HarvestPdapLauncher
Default constructor.
HarvestPdapStats - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.stats
HarvestPdapStats() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.stats.HarvestPdapStats
HarvestPdapStreamHandler - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.handler
This class sets up a stream handler for the tools logging capability.
HarvestPdapStreamHandler(OutputStream, Formatter) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.handler.HarvestPdapStreamHandler
HarvestPdapStreamHandler(OutputStream, Level, Formatter) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.handler.HarvestPdapStreamHandler
hasArg(String, Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.ToolsOption
Requires a single argument to follow the option.
hasArg(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.ToolsOption
Allows a single argument to be passed into the option.
hasArgs(String, Object) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.ToolsOption
Requires an argument to follow the option.
hasArgs(String, Object, char) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.ToolsOption
Requires an argument to follow the option.
hasArgs(String, Object, char, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.ToolsOption
Allows multiple arguments to be passed in to the option.
hasArgs(int, String, Object, char, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.ToolsOption
Defines an argument's "properties" for an option.
hasProduct(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry.PdsRegistryService
hasProduct(String, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry.PdsRegistryService


ingest() - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry.BatchManager
Ingests all products that have been cached.
ingest(ExtrinsicObject, String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry.PdsRegistryService
InvalidOptionException - Exception in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options
Exception class that is called upon errors found during command-line option processing.
InvalidOptionException(String) - Constructor for exception gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.InvalidOptionException


LID_PREFIX - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.constants.Constants
The LID prefix for a data set.


main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.HarvestPdapLauncher
main(String[]) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PsaRegistryClient


name - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Element
name - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Slot
NAME - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.ToolInfo
NOTIFICATION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.ToolsLevel
numDatasetsNotRegistered - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.stats.HarvestPdapStats
numDatasetsProcessed - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.stats.HarvestPdapStats
numDatasetsRegistered - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.stats.HarvestPdapStats
numErrors - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.stats.HarvestPdapStats
numResourcesNotRegistered - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.stats.HarvestPdapStats
numResourcesRegistered - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.stats.HarvestPdapStats
numWarnings - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.stats.HarvestPdapStats


ObjectFactory - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy package.
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy


packageDescription - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdsRegistry
packageName - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdsRegistry
parse(String[]) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.HarvestPdapLauncher
A method to parse the command-line arguments.
PdapRegistryClient - Interface in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client
Interface class to the PDAP-Compliant Registries.
PdapRegistryClientException - Exception in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client
PdapRegistryClientException(String) - Constructor for exception gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PdapRegistryClientException
PdapService - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
Java class for PdapService complex type.
PdapService() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapService
pdapService - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapServices
PdapServices - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
Java class for PdapServices complex type.
PdapServices() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapServices
pdapServices - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Policy
PdsRegistry - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
Java class for PdsRegistry complex type.
PdsRegistry() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdsRegistry
pdsRegistry - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Policy
PdsRegistryService - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry
PdsRegistryService(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry.PdsRegistryService
PdsRegistryService(String, SecurityContext, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry.PdsRegistryService
Policy - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Policy() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Policy
POLICY_PACKAGE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PolicyReader
POLICY_SCHEMA - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PolicyReader
PolicyReader - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
PolicyReader() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PolicyReader
PRODUCT_VERSION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.constants.Constants
The VID in a product label.
productMetadata - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Policy
ProductMetadata - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
Java class for ProductMetadata complex type.
ProductMetadata() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ProductMetadata
PsaRegistryClient - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client
Client to the PSA Registry.
PsaRegistryClient(String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.registry.client.PsaRegistryClient


query(CommandLine) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.HarvestPdapLauncher
Examines the command-line arguments passed into the Harvest-PDAP Tool and takes the appropriate action based on what flags were set.


RELEASE_DATE - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.ToolInfo
RESOURCE_PREFIX - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.constants.Constants
The LID prefix for a resource.
RESOURCE_PRODUCT_CLASS - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.constants.Constants
The resource product class.
resourceMetadata - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Policy
ResourceMetadata - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
Java class for ResourceMetadata complex type.
ResourceMetadata() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ResourceMetadata


setAgency(Agency) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapService
Sets the value of the agency property.
setBatchMode(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.HarvesterPdap
Sets the number of concurrent registrations to make during batch mode.
setBatchMode(int) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.registry.PdsRegistryService
Sets the number of concurrent registrations to make during batch mode.
setDynamicMetadata(DynamicMetadata) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ProductMetadata
Sets the value of the dynamicMetadata property.
setName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Element
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Slot
Sets the value of the name property.
setPackageDescription(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdsRegistry
Sets the value of the packageDescription property.
setPackageName(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdsRegistry
Sets the value of the packageName property.
setPdapServices(PdapServices) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Policy
Sets the value of the pdapServices property.
setPdsRegistry(PdsRegistry) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Policy
Sets the value of the pdsRegistry property.
setProductMetadata(ProductMetadata) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Policy
Sets the value of the productMetadata property.
setResourceMetadata(ResourceMetadata) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Policy
Sets the value of the resourceMetadata property.
setStartDateTime(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapService
Sets the value of the startDateTime property.
setStaticMetadata(StaticMetadata) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ProductMetadata
Sets the value of the staticMetadata property.
setStopDateTime(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapService
Sets the value of the stopDateTime property.
setTitle(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ResourceMetadata
Sets the value of the title property.
setType(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ResourceMetadata
Sets the value of the type property.
setUrl(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapService
Sets the value of the url property.
setUrl(String) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdsRegistry
Sets the value of the url property.
SKIP - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.ToolsLevel
slot - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ResourceMetadata
Slot - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
Java class for Slot complex type.
Slot() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Slot
slot - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.StaticMetadata
slotName - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Element
startDateTime - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapService
StatementFinder - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.catalog
Class that finds statements in a PDS label that matches a user supplied list of keywords.
StatementFinder() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.catalog.StatementFinder
staticMetadata - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ProductMetadata
StaticMetadata - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy
Java class for StaticMetadata complex type.
StaticMetadata() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.StaticMetadata
stopDateTime - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapService
SUCCESS - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.ToolsLevel


title - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ResourceMetadata
toISO8601(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.Utility
Converts a datetime string into an ISO 8601 format.
ToolInfo - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util
Class to get tool release information.
ToolInfo() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.ToolInfo
ToolsLevel - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging
ToolsLevel(String, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.ToolsLevel
ToolsLogRecord - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging
ToolsLogRecord(Level, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.ToolsLogRecord
ToolsLogRecord(Level, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.ToolsLogRecord
ToolsLogRecord(Level, String, String, int) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.logging.ToolsLogRecord
ToolsOption - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options
Class that extends Apache's Option class.
ToolsOption(String, String, String) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.ToolsOption
ToolsOption(Flag) - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.ToolsOption
toURL(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.Utility
Convert a string to a URL.
toWellFormedURI(String) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.Utility
Convert a string to a URI.
toXML(ExtrinsicObject) - Static method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.Utility
Convert the ExtrinsicObject into an XML.
type - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.ResourceMetadata


unmarshall(InputStream, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PolicyReader
unmarshall(File, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PolicyReader
unmarshall(StreamSource, boolean) - Method in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PolicyReader
url - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdapService
url - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.PdsRegistry
URN_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.constants.Constants
Utility - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util
Utility class.
Utility() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.Utility


value() - Method in enum gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Agency
value - Variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Slot
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.Flag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Agency
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.commandline.options.Flag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.policy.Agency
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERSION - Static variable in class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.ToolInfo


XMLValidationEventHandler - Class in gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util
XMLValidationEventHandler() - Constructor for class gov.nasa.pds.harvest.pdap.util.XMLValidationEventHandler
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