Plan Document
NASA Planetary Data System
PDS4 System
Build 8a Test Document
Revision |
Date |
Description |
Author |
Draft |
Initial draft release. |
1c |
May 16, 2011 |
Modified many tests to work with build 1c of Harvest and Registry. Other minor revisions. |
Richard Chen
1d |
Oct 24, 2011 |
Updated for build 1d |
Richard Chen |
2a |
Nov 11, 2011 |
Updated for build 2a |
Richard Chen |
2b |
Feb 28, 2012 |
Updated for build 2b |
Richard Chen |
2b.1 |
Mar 7, 2012 |
Re-added HVT.T3, expanded SRCH.T5 |
Richard Chen |
2c |
Jul 17, 2012 |
Updated for build 2c |
Richard Chen |
3a |
Oct 26, 2012 |
Added BNDL.T1 to .T4 |
Richard Chen |
3b |
Apr 09, 2013 |
Richard Chen |
3b.1 |
Aug 30, 2013 |
Incorporated JIRA resolutions |
Richard Chen |
3b.2 |
Sep 15, 2013 |
Cleaned up and removed not applicable test procedures |
Richard Chen, Emily Law |
4a |
Dec. 05, 2013 |
Incorporated PDS4ORR-RFA1’s reeendations by: · folding the test plan into this (test procedures and test results) document. · listing the requirements tested in each test case and their pass/fail status · adding version numbers in list of software components tested · indicating for each JIRA issue: the software build under which it was discovered, its severity, the test case demonstrating, and its description. · adding “pass”, “fail”, or “skip” to the requirements traceability matrix Added tests TPRT.1, SCMA.1 to test transport service and schema. Removed redundant tests AATESTME.*. |
Richard Chen, Emily Law |
4b’ |
Apr 14, 2014 |
Replaced generate0.7.0 with 0.7.1 |
Richard Chen |
5a |
Oct 27, 2014 |
Added PRV.3, TPRT.4. Changed HVT.4 to GEN.2. Changed TPRT.3 to test more of transport-proxy. Deleted TPRT.2 after folding its step into TPRT.1 |
Richard Chen |
5b |
Apr 19, 2015 |
Rewrote TPRT.4 to test transport-proxy correctly. Much work on formatting issues in Generate, Transform, and Transport. Added SRCH.8 |
Richard Chen |
6a |
Oct 19, 2015 |
Added HVT.7, REG.10. Modified HVT.5, PRG.1, PRT.1, PRV.1, PRV.3, PRV.5, PRV.6, REG.3, REG.9, SRCH.5, SRCH.8, TPRT.1, TPRT.3 |
Richard Chen |
6b |
Apr 29, 2016 |
Added PRP.1, PRT.2, PRT.3, PRV.7, TPRT.5 |
Richard Chen |
7a |
Oct 24, 2016 |
Added MOD.1, Changed DSV.1 to POR.1, added POR.2 |
Richard Chen |
7b |
Apr 17, 2017 |
Added HVT.8 |
Richard Chen |
8a |
Oct 23, 2017 |
Added harvest-search, search-analytics |
Richard Chen |
Change Log.................................................................................................................................................. ii
1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Scope................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Document Revision.............................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Test Approach..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Applicable Documents......................................................................................................................... 3
2 Executive Summary.................................................................................................................................. 4
3 Test Procedures........................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Setup.................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Testing of Bundle Processing.............................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Testing for Complete Coverage of PDS4 Level 5 Requirements....................................................... 21
4 Anomalies............................................................................................................................................. 100
5 Requirements Traceability.................................................................................................................. 102
6 Miscellaneous...................................................................................................................................... 105
6.1 Test Data......................................................................................................................................... 105
6.2 Test Environment............................................................................................................................ 105
6.3 Configuration Management............................................................................................................ 105
6.4 Acronyms........................................................................................................................................ 105
For over twenty years, the Planetary Data System (PDS) has been NASA’s official data system for archiving and distribution of data from planetary exploration missions. It has been a leader in defining data standards, working with missions and instrument teams, and developing data system technologies. The PDS has been instrumental in changing the scientific culture by working with the planetary science community to publicly release and peer review the data it captures. It has also been used as a model by other science data systems interested in establishing distributed scientific networks organized by independent discipline nodes at facilities that are doing leading-edge scientific research.
While PDS has been a leader in developing and exploiting new technologies and ideas, an increasing workload and substantial increases in the volume of delivered data are now threatening the system's ability to accomplish its primary missions of both archiving planetary science data and distributing it to working scientists. PDS identified these challenges in its Roadmap published in 2006. In addition to these challenges, the ten year Roadmap outlined several goals including improving the PDS data standards, increasing user services by leveraging newer technologies and technical standards, and re-architecting PDS to ensure efficient operations of the system while supporting the increasing demands on PDS by both the data providers and end users.
In response to these challenges and goals, PDS has developed a plan for the next generation. The vision, as defined by the PDS Management Council at its April 2008 meeting, includes:
· Simplified, but rigorous, archiving standards that are consistent, easy to learn, and easy to use
· Adaptable tools for designing archives, preparing data, and delivering the results efficiently to PDS
· On-line services allowing users to access and transform data quickly from anywhere in the system
· A highly reliable, scalable computing infrastructure that protects the integrity of data, links the nodes into an integrated data system, and provides the best service to both data providers and users
PDS previously maintained two separate documents:
· the Integration and Test Plan
· the Test Procedures and Report
Because the latter document grew to encompass most of the former, this document merges the two.
This Test Document 1) defines specific tests that ensure that the new system and the new standards called “PDS4” comply with requirements and meet customers’ needs, and 2) reports results of the tests to verify and validate that the PDS4 system deployed for Build 8a is free of critical defects. This document describes the integration and test activities and contains test cases that demonstrate compliance to requirements. The test scenarios verify and validate the system components and data products in an integrated manner. A test traceability matrix in section 5 below traces these scenarios to the new PDS4 system design requirements, which in turn can be traced to high-level PDS requirements.
For PDS4 Build 8a, the following software will be deployed at the EN:
· Ingest: Harvest 1.13.0, Harvest-pdap 1.7.0, Harvest-Search 0.1.0, Catalog 1.14.0
· Model: LDDTool 8.0.0
· Portal: Data Set View 2.10.0
· Preparation: Design, Generate 0.13.0, Transform 1.6.0, Validate 1.12.0
· Registry: Core 1.13.0, Service 1.13.0, UI 1.13.0
· Report (Sawmill 8.5)
· Search: Core 1.11.0, Service 1.11.0, Search-UI 1.11.0, Product-Search-UI 1.11.0, Analytics 1.11.0/
· Security (OpenDS 2.2.0)
· Storage-Service 1.2.0, Product-Service 1.2.0
· Transport-Registry 1.5.0, Transport-OFSN 1.7.0, Transport-Proxy 1.6.0
The scope of this build is to support data providers and Discipline Nodes in developing and distributing PDS4 data products both for new missions and data migration. Previous releases of PDS4 have been scoped to support the LADEE and MAVEN missions as early adopters as well as internal testing by PDS and the IPDA. Future, incremental releases will target data users as PDS4 data is available within the PDS.
Revisions of this document will be held in the PDS Engineering Node website through the use of its document history functionality. Previous versions of this document can be accessed through the use of that tool.
The PDS4 build structure is organized such that the system can be tested and verified early on to ensure seamless transitions. The builds will ensure there is a coordinated testing and deployment of functionality coupled with upgrades of the data standards.
Build 8a Integration testing is the execution and management of tests by the Engineering Node to ensure that the release of Build 8a meets the intended functionality. The process of verification testing includes the selection of verification items, integration, and regression testing. Any functionality that is added to the system is treated as a new verification item.
[1] Planetary Data System Strategic Roadmap 2006 - 2016, February 2006.
[2] Planetary Data System Level 1, 2 and 3 Requirements, March 26, 2010.
[3] PDS4 Project Plan, July 2013.
[4] PDS4 Operations Concept, September 2013.
[4] System Architecture Specification, September 2013.
[5] General System Requirements, September 2013.
[6] Software Requirements and Design, 2013.
[7] PDS4 Standards Documents, 2014.
The testing documented herein substantiates that all tested tools and services meet Build 8a requirements as specified in their Software Requirements and Design documents.
# of tests performed |
# of tests passed |
# of tests failed |
# of high priority anomalies |
51 |
51 |
0 |
0 |
Build 8a confirms the closure of 2 JIRA issues reported in earlier testing: PDS-469 and PDS-496. It also confirms the closure of JIRA issues created elsewhere: PDS-495, PDS-501, PDS-505, PDS-506, PDS-511, PDS-515 Build 8a opens 6 JIRA issues, none major anomalies: PDS-518, PDS-519, PDS-520, PDS-521, PDS-522, PDS-523. PDS-521 and PDS-523 have already been closed. See the bottom of Section 4 below, Anomalies.
Section 3.2 has one sequence of four tests that represent the most likely operating scenario for PDS4 products: creation, validation, ingestion, search. Section 3.3 has one sequence of tests per software module. These tests cover level 4 and 5 requirements for completeness. The sequences:
· CTLG.* tested the catalog tool and the storage service successfully.
· GEN.* tested general functionality successfully. Testing of accessing a controlled registry was skipped, as no registries are run that way now or are availabe to test with. Test GEN.1 cleared PDS-515.
· HVT.* tested the Ingest/Harvest tool successfully. HVT.6 previously opened PDS-469, a request for improvement, which was rejected. HVT.1 tested harvest-search for the first time.
· MOD.1 tested LDDTool successfully and opened PDS-518, a request for improvement
· POR.1 tested the Portal / Data Set View interface successfully, while POR.2 tested the service registry successfully.
· PRG.1 tested the Preparation/Generate tool successfully and opened PDS-519, a request for improvement, already resolved.
· PRP.1 tested the tool extract-table successfully and cleared PDS-495.
· PRT.* tested the Preparation/Transform tool. Request for improvement PDS-343 remains open. These tests closed PDS-506, PDS-505, and PDS-511 and opened minor bug PDS-523.
· PRV.* tested the Preparation/Validation tool succesfully. PRV.1 previously opened PDS-496, a request for improvement, which was rejected. PRV.1 also opened PDS-520, a request for improvement, and PDS-521, a minor bug which has since been cleared. PRV.2 opened PDS-522, a request for improvement. PRV.7 cleared PDS-501.
· REG.* tested the Registry successfully.
· RPT.1 tested the Report service successfully.
· SCMA.1 tested the PDS4 schema (v1.8.0.0) rather than software. These tests used the Validate tool and proceeded independently from the software build 8a.
· SEC.1 tested the Security service successfully.
· SRCH.* tested the Search service successfully. Minor issues PDS-258, PDS-319, PDS-357 remain open. SRCH.3 tested search-analytics for the first time.
· TPRT.* tested the updated transport service successfully. PDS-322 remains open.
Section 4 lists all issues and their info: status, JIRA tracking number, severity, relevant test case, and description. Testing of Build 8a created 3 minor anomalies and 3 requests for improvement. Overall, 14 issues remain open: 5 minor anomalies, 9 requests for improvement.
Section 5 shows the traceability of the test cases to the level 5 requirements (and level 4 if no level 5 requirement applies). The table in this section shows that 5 test cases, each uniquely covering 1 level 5 requirement, have been skipped because appropriate PDS4 software has not yet been implemented.
The following section defines the tests and their results. All tests below have been run for build 8a (except those written for future builds) and will be run as necessary to re-test the system after software changes.
Section 3.2 below contains one sequence of tests that demonstrates how a bundle of products passes through the PDS4 software, especially the tools and services to support PDS4 data validation, registration, and search.
Section 3.3 contains tests that demonstrate the broader functionality of the PDS4 software.
The root URL for all software is
The tests in section 3.2 require the installation of the following PDS4 software:
· Harvest,
· Registry,
· Search,
· Validate,
· an XML editor, e.g. Oxygen. This can be skipped, though not recommended.
· an XML-friendly web browser, e.g. firefox
The tests in Section 3.3 require the installation of the software above as well as:
· Catalog,
· Extract-table,
· Generate,
· Model,
· Portal,
· Storage,
· Transform,
· Transport,
· curl, a command-line utility to access a URL, used here to manipulate a registry. The Registry Service Guide has more information. This is native to most versions of unix.
Please follow the installation instructions carefully. For more help, the file NOTES.txt, created during SETUP below, details one tester’s configuration experience. Note that the tests are written for Unix, but running on other platforms requires simple changes.
In the tests in the rest of this document, replace
testDir |
directory where input files are extracted |
binDir |
directory where the PDS4 software are installed |
If the registry is uncontrolled, do not replace. Else: harvest –uusername –ppassword Also add “‑k keystorePassword” depending on the registry configuration, especially if Harvest gives error “Keystore password must be specified” |
curl |
If the registry is uncontrolled, do not replace. Else: curl ‑uusername:password –k |
http://localhost:8080 |
Use the URL of the registry |
The tests in Sections 3.2 and 3.3 require this:
Test Case ID |
Description |
This is not a test. This sets up test data. |
Test Steps |
From, download PDS4test.build8a.tgz, then · mkdir testDir · cd testDir · tar xzf PDS4test.build8a.tgz |
The registry is the central service. It can reside locally or remotely, controlled or uncontrolled. If remote, it need not be installed. If local, testing is easier, but installation and configuration of it and of the required Apache Tomcat server can be difficult.
Many test sequences in this document assume a local, uncontrolled registry, which may get corrupted during testing. The following step resets the registry:
Test Case ID |
Description |
This is not a test. This wipes the database and the search indices clean. dbDir is the directory for the database, set during the initialization of Tomcat. |
Test Steps |
$CATALINA_HOME/bin/ rm binDir/search-service/../logs/* rm $CATALINA_HOME/logs/* rm -r binDir/search-service/pds/*data* rm -r binDir/search-service/pds/solr-docs/* rm -r binDir/search-service/pds/solr-docs_old/* rm -f -r dbDir/registrypds* cd binDir/registry-service java -Djava.ext.dirs=lib/ connect 'jdbc:derby:registrypds3;create=true;user=registry'; run 'conf/derby-registry-schema.ddl'; disconnect; connect 'jdbc:derby:registrypds4;create=true;user=registry'; run 'conf/derby-registry-schema.ddl'; exit; mv registrypds3 registrypds4 dbDir/ rm derby.log $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ setenv REGISTRY_SERVICE http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3 cd binDir/registry-service/bin; ./registry-config # wait for setenv REGISTRY_SERVICE http://localhost:8080/registry-pds4 cd binDir/registry-service/bin; ./registry-config |
The AAFUNCTION sequence tests the PDS4 software’s ability to process a bundle of products. All expected product types should be able to pass through the sequence.
Test Case ID |
Description |
Create a PDS4 Product Label using a design tool based on PDS’s schema. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.PRP.DE.1: The tool shall initiate a design session as follows... PASS L5.PRP.DE.2: The tool shall accept the following as input for specifying a schema file... PASS L5.PRP.DE.3: The tool shall facilitate modification of a schema file as follows... PASS L5.PRP.DE.4: The tool shall provide standard editing features as follows... PASS L5.PRP.DE.5: The tool shall indicate when a schema is not valid. PASS L5.PRP.DE.6: The tool shall generate an XML instance file from a schema. PASS L5.PRP.DE.7: The tool shall export the schema for use outside the tool. |
Success Criteria |
Design tool produces a syntactically valid PDS Product Label else indicates where the label is invalid. |
Test Steps |
In general: · Consult the Data Providers’ Handbook (DPH), Version 1.3.0, Appendix D. |
Test Results |
Creation of a label-template (xml) from the master-schema (xsd). |
Comments |
Results met success criteria |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.16 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Validate PDS4 label |
Requirements |
PASS L5.PRP.VA.1: The tool shall accept the following as input for specifying the product(s) to be validated… PASS L5.PRP.VA.2: The tool shall traverse a directory tree and validate products PASS L5.PRP.VA.3: The tool shall validate aggregate products and all products referenced by such products. PASS L5.PRP.VA.5: The tool shall verify that a product label is well-formed XML. PASS L5.PRP.VA.6: The tool shall verify that a product label conforms to its associated schema file(s). PASS L5.PRP.VA.7: The tool shall accept the following as input for specifying the associated schema file(s)… PASS L5.PRP.VA.9: The tool shall indicate the schema(s) utilized during validation. |
Success Criteria |
Validation tool validates a file or all eligible products in a directory tree, indicates the schemas utilized during the validation, and ensures that a product label is well formed XML and conforms to its schemas. Also validate for content as well as syntax. |
Test Steps |
1. cd testDir 2. validate -m 1800 -t bundle_geo_ra -e "*.xml" |
Test Results |
Oct 16, 2017 5:58:47 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Directory' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/ Oct 16, 2017 5:58:47 PM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/' Oct 16, 2017 5:59:31 PM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-17T00:58:46Z Core Schemas [PDS4_PDS_1800.xsd] Core Schematrons [PDS4_PDS_1800.sch] Model Version 1800 Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml] Force Mode off Validation Details: PASS: file: testDir/bundle_geo_ra/bundle_1.xml PASS: file: testDir/bundle_geo_ra/context/context_collection_1.xml PASS: file: testDir/bundle_geo_ra/context/PDS4_host_PHX_1.0.xml PASS: file: testDir/bundle_geo_ra/context/PDS4_inst_RA__PHX.xml ... PASS: file: testDir/bundle_geo_ra/xml_schema/collection.xml PASS: file: testDir/bundle_geo_ra/xml_schema/PDS4_PDS_1800.xml Summary: 173 of 173 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 173 of 173 file(s) passed validation End of Report |
Comments |
Results met success criteria |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.16 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Harvest PDS4 labels. Harvest provides a command-line interface, accepts a configuration file, determines candidates for registration, captures metadata, and submits metadata to the Registry Service. Registry accepts the artifacts, assigns global unique IDs to the products. Registry relates artifacts via (LID-based) association |
Requirements |
PASS L5.HVT.1: The tool shall accept a configuration file specifying policy for tool behavior. PASS L5.HVT.2: The tool shall provide a command-line interface for execution. PASS L5.HVT.4: The tool shall recursively traverse the specified directory or directories… PASS L5.HVT.5: The tool shall determine candidate products for registration through a combination of the following… PASS L5.HVT.6: The tool shall capture metadata for a candidate product specified by the product type. PASS L5.HVT.7: The tool shall submit the associated metadata for a candidate product to the [Registry]. PASS L5.HVT.8: The tool shall track each product registration. PASS L5.REG.1: The service shall accept artifact registrations. PASS L5.REG.2: The service shall provide a means for relating artifact registrations. PASS L5.REG.4: The service shall accept metadata for a registered artifact in a defined format. PASS L5.REG.6: The service shall assign a global unique identifier to a registered artifact. PASS L5.REG.8: The service shall store metadata for a registered artifact in an underlying metadata store. PASS L5.SEC.1: The service shall authenticate a user given identifying credentials for that user. |
Success Criteria |
Harvest tool, based on criteria given in a user-edited configuration file, executed from the command line, discovers all matching artifacts and for each submits metadata to the Registry service. Tools to view the registry show the metadata of the matching artifacts, with appropriate metadata, including the guid, which is assigned by the Registry. Tools to view the registry show the associations. |
Test Steps |
1. cd testDir In the following commands, specify the absolute path, which must begin with harvest-policy-master.xml’s policy/accessUrls/accessUrl/offset 2. harvest testDir/contextPDS4onlyPHX -c harvest-policy-master.xml -l h1.out -e "*.xml" 3. grep -v "SUCCESS\|INFO" h1.out | uniq 4. harvest testDir/bundle_geo_ra -c harvest-policy-master.xml -l h2.out -e "*.xml" 5. grep -v "SUCCESS\|INFO" h2.out | uniq The following set up search-core in the next test case. 6. (assuming binDir/harvest/bin/harvest points to registry.pds4, this has no data, as it defaults to registry-pds3) http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/ 7. set Registry Service(s) to registry-pds4 8. Click tab “Packages”. Select the two “Harvest-Package_*”, set Status to “Approved”, click “Update Status”. |
Step 3: Without grep, the output file is very large PDS Harvest Tool Log Version Version 1.13.0 Time Tue, Oct 17 2017 at 11:30:39 AM Target(s) [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/contextPDS4onlyPHX] File Inclusions [*.xml] Registry Location http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3 Registry Package Name Harvest-Package_20171017113039 Registration Package GUID urn:uuid:24e506b8-92d5-45e1-8012-610cec865c5a Summary: 26 of 26 file(s) processed, 0 other file(s) skipped 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) 26 of 26 products registered. 31 of 31 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 5 Product_Collection 31 Product_File_Repository 20 Product_Context 1 Product_Bundle 31 of 31 associations registered. End of Log Step 5: PDS Harvest Tool Log Version Version 1.13.0 Time Tue, Oct 17 2017 at 01:05:25 PM Target(s) [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra] File Inclusions [*.xml] Registry Location http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3 Registry Package Name Harvest-Package_20171017130525 Registration Package GUID urn:uuid:0259258b-9c18-4a41-a851-f07f2c3124f4 WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/context/PDS4_host_PHX_1.0.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.phx::1.0 WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/context/PDS4_inst_RA__PHX.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:ra.phx::1.0 WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/context/PDS4_mission_PHOENIX_1.0.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.phoenix::1.0 WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/context/PDS4_target_MARS_1.0.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:context:target:planet.mars::1.0 Summary: 173 of 173 file(s) processed, 0 other file(s) skipped 0 error(s), 4 warning(s) 169 of 173 products registered. 338 of 338 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 1 Product_XML_Schema 5 Product_Collection 120 Product_Observational 4 Product_Document 38 Product_Browse 338 Product_File_Repository 1 Product_Bundle 338 of 338 associations registered. End of Log Step 7: Step 8: |
Comments |
Results met success criteria.
The warnings in step 5 are expected, as step 3 registered the context products already. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.17 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Search for PDS4 data at the product level and the context level. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.SCH.1: The service shall provide a user interface for entering of queries and display of search results… PASS L5.SCH.5: The service shall provide the capability
to retrieve metadata associated with registered artifacts for the purpose of
generating search indexes. PASS L5.SCH.8: The service shall support narrowing of additional index results based on specifications of terms and/or values on indexes. PASS L5.SCH.10: The service shall provide results to a search as a sequence of matching URIs to resources that contain search desiderata. PASS L5.SCH.11: The service shall annotate each URI of a result with metadata describing the URI. PASS L5.SCH.12: The service shall support configuration on the kinds of indexes maintained on indexed data |
Success Criteria |
After configuration (e.g. regenerating search indices), Search returns the data harvested in the previous step. |
Test Steps
Build the search index 1. In a browser, http://localhost:8080/product-search-ui 2. Beneath “Data Search” in the middle of the page, type “phoenix” 3. In a browser, http://localhost:8080/search-ui 4. Beneath “Data Search” in the middle of the page, type “phoenix” 5. search-core -H binDir/search-service/pds -p binDir/search-core/conf/defaults/pds/pds4/ 6. Repeat step 2 7. Repeat step 4 |
Test Results |
Step 2: Step 4: Step 5: Processing config: attribute.xml Processing config: bundle.xml Processing config: class.xml Processing config: collection.xml Processing config: context.xml Processing config: document.xml Processing config: observational.xml PDS Search Core Run Log Version Version 1.11.0 Time Tue, Oct 17 2017 at 01:49:01 PM Severity Level INFO Search Home /PDS4tools/search-service/pds Search Service URL http://localhost:8080/search-service Search Core Properties /PDS4tools/search-core/conf/defaults/pds/pds4/ SUCCESS: Completed extraction: attribute.xml INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context SUCCESS: Completed extraction: bundle.xml SUCCESS: Completed extraction: class.xml INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:agency INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:target INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:system_bundle:xml_schema INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:document INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:context SUCCESS: Completed extraction: collection.xml INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:meca_wcl.phx INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:meca_tecp.phx INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:node:node.psa INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:node:node.pds-mgt INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:target:satellite.phobos INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:ra.phx INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:ssi.phx INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:meca_elec.phx INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:target:satellite.deimos INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.phoenix INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:rac.phx INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:tt.phx INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:ase.phx INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:target:planet.mars INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:lidar.phx INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:tega.phx INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:om.phx INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:met.phx INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:meca_afm.phx INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.phx SUCCESS: Completed extraction: context.xml INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:document:readme INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:document:ra_dataset INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:document:ra_instrument INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:document:activity_table_desc SUCCESS: Completed extraction: document.xml INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol127a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol146a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol128a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol011 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol143 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol045a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol140 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol019a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol147a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol072 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol058a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol099b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol134a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol095 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol025 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol051 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol087a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol133b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol117 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol033c INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol114 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol087b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol134c INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol079b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol042c INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol060 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol033b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol129 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol147b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol014 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol009 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_icy_soil_dig2 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol062 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_icy_soil_dig1 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol134d INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol146b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol098b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol130 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol032a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol148b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_trench_wall_failure_bottom INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_trench_wall_failure_tip INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol057a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol090 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol093 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol073 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol149a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol071a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol126b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol085 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol126a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol071b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol031 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol066 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol125a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol116b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol058c INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol141 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol089a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol042a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol115 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_duricrust INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol074b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol099a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol132b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol024 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol098a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol034 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol042b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol101a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol068a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol074a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol069 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol057b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol068b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol148c INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol145b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol148a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol133c INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol083 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol049 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol042e INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol045b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol064 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol075 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol101b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol132a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol125b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol133d INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol077 INFO: Completed: urnProcessing config: service.xml :nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol058b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:document:activity INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol134b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol128b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol148d INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol116a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol149b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol076 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol019b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol020a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol079a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol136 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol022b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol105b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol013 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol033a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol067 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol133a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol127b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol020b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol007 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol022a INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol088 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol110 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol032b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol042d INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol089b INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol006 INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol145a SUCCESS: Completed extraction: observational.xml SUCCESS: Completed extraction: service.xml SUCCESS: Completed extracting data from data source. INFO: Running Solr Indexer to create new solr documents for indexing ... SUCCESS: Completed transforming data into Solr Lucene index INFO: Running Solr Post to Post Data To Search Service ... INFO: Cleaning Search Service Index INFO: Posting: /PDS4tools/search-service/pds/index/solr_index.xml.0 INFO: Posting: /PDS4tools/search-service/pds/index/search-tools.xml INFO: Optimizing Search Service index. SUCCESS: Completed posting data to the Search Service Summary: ================================================== The Numbers: -- Number of Warnings: 0 -- Number of Errors: 0 -- Bad Registries: [] -- Number of Missing Associations: 0 -- Association Cache Hits: 0 -- Number of products: 156 ================================================== Processing Time: -- collection.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 4 s -- service.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 0 s -- context.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 6 s -- observational.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 53 s -- attribute.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 0 s -- class.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 0 s -- document.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 1 s -- bundle.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 3 s ================================================== Total Processing Time: 0 h, 1 m, 9 s End of Log Step 6: Step 7: |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.17 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Compare PDS3 data against other PDS3 data, both file to file and directory to directory |
Requirements |
PASS 4.2.4: PDS will provide a mechanism to upgrade products or data sets which do not meet usability requirements (e.g., data sets from old missions) |
Success Criteria |
Tool reports differences. |
Test Steps |
1. cd testDir 2. catalog -mcompare testCatalog/CORPWS_0164 testCatalog/CORPWS_0180 Compare two directories differing in only one file. 3. catalog -c testCatalog/config |
Test Results |
Step 2: PDS Catalog Ingest Tool Report Configuration: Version Version 1.14.0 Date Tue, Oct 17 2017 at 02:49:16 PM Parameters: Mode compare Target(s) Source = file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/ Target = file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/ Directory Recursion true Severity Level WARNING Compare Details: SAME: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/INSTHOST.CAT SAME: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/KEYDS.CAT SAME: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/LRFULLDS.CAT SAME: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/MISSION.CAT SAME: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/PERSON.CAT SAME: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/PROJREF.CAT SAME: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/RAWDS.CAT SAME: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/REF.CAT SAME: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/RPWSINST.CAT DIFFERENT: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/VOLDESC.CAT line 9: Element "VOLUME_NAME" has different value than source. Source: line 9 of file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/VOLDESC.CAT 10c10 < VOLUME 164: CASSINI RADIO AND PLASMA WAVE STANDARD PRODUCTS ---- > VOLUME 180: CASSINI RADIO AND PLASMA WAVE STANDARD PRODUCTS line 16: Element "DESCRIPTION" has different value than source. Source: line 16 of file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/VOLDESC.CAT 19c19 < (SCET) dates 2011-05-27 (147) through 2011-06-12 (163). ---- > (SCET) dates 2012-11-26 (331) through 2012-12-23 (358). line 23: Element "DATA_SET_ID" has different value than source. Source: line 23 of file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/VOLDESC.CAT 23c23 < CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-4-SUMM-KEY60S-V1.0 ---- > {CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-4-SUMM-KEY60S-V1.0, CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-2-REFDR-ALL-V1.0, CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-3-RDR-LRFULL-V1.0, CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-2-REFDR-WBRFULL-V1.0, CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-2-REFDR-WFRFULL-V1.0} line 11: Element "VOLUME_ID" has different value than source. Source: line 11 of file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/VOLDESC.CAT 11c11 < CORPWS_0164 ---- > CORPWS_0180 line 15: Element "PUBLICATION_DATE" has different value than source. Source: line 15 of file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/VOLDESC.CAT 15c15 < 2011-12-22 ---- > 2013-03-28 line 74: Element "DATA_SET_ID" has different value than source. Source: line 70 of file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/VOLDESC.CAT 70c74 < CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-4-SUMM-KEY60S-V1.0 ---- > {CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-4-SUMM-KEY60S-V1.0, CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-2-REFDR-ALL-V1.0, CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-3-RDR-LRFULL-V1.0, CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-2-REFDR-WBRFULL-V1.0, CO-V/E/J/S/SS-RPWS-2-REFDR-WFRFULL-V1.0} line 86: Pointer "REFERENCE_CATALOG" has different value than source. Source: line 72 of file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/VOLDESC.CAT 72c86 < {REF.CAT} ---- > {REF.CAT, PROJREF.CAT} line 80: Pointer "DATA_SET_CATALOG" has different value than source. Source: line 71 of file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/VOLDESC.CAT 71c80 < KEYDS.CAT ---- > {KEYDS.CAT, RAWDS.CAT, LRFULLDS.CAT, WBFULLDS.CAT, WFFULLDS.CAT} SAME: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/WBFULLDS.CAT SAME: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/WFFULLDS.CAT Summary: 12 of 12 validated, 0 skipped 11 of 12 passed End of Report Step 3: PDS Catalog Ingest Tool Report Configuration: Version Version 1.14.0 Date Tue, Oct 17 2017 at 02:54:07 PM Parameters: Mode compare Target(s) Source = file:testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/RAWDS.CAT Target = file:testDir/testCatalog/CORPWSrawX.CAT Directory Recursion true Severity Level WARNING Compare Details: DIFFERENT: file:testDir/testCatalog/CORPWSrawX.CAT line 56: Element "DATA_SET_DESC" has different value than source. Source: line 56 of file:testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/RAWDS.CAT 126,130c126,130 < kernels can be used with the SPICE toolkit to convert from the < spacecraft frame to virtually any frame which may be of use in < analyzing these data. However, for many purposes, the wave < amplitudes are extremely useful and may be entirely adequate with no < coordinate transformations at all. ---- > kernels EXTRAWORDHERE can be used with the SPICE toolkit to convert > from the spacecraft frame to virtually any frame which may be of > use in analyzing these data. However, for many purposes, the > wave amplitudes are extremely useful and may be entirely adequate > with no coordinate transformations at all. Summary: 1 of 1 validated, 0 skipped 0 of 1 passed End of Report |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.17 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Validate a submission of PDS3 data. |
Requirements |
PASS 4.2.4: PDS will provide a mechanism to upgrade products or data sets which do not meet usability requirements (e.g., data sets from old missions) |
Success Criteria |
Tool flags invalid language constructs. |
Test Steps |
1. catalog -mvalidate -d testCatalog/pdsdd.full -t testCatalog/LRO_diviner |
Test Results |
Step 1: PDS Catalog Ingest Tool Report Configuration: Version Version 1.14.0 Date Tue, Oct 17 2017 at 02:59:30 PM Parameters: Mode validate Target file:testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ Directory Recursion true Dictionary File(s) [testCatalog/pdsdd.full] Severity Level WARNING Aliasing Enabled false Validation Details: PASS: file:testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file:testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file:testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file:testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file:testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file:testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file:testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file:testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file:testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file:testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ FAIL: file:testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ Begin Fragment: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/REF.CAT WARNING The label fragment, "REF.CAT", should not contain a PDS_VERSION_ID. End Fragment: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/REF.CAT Begin Fragment: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/INSTHOST.CAT WARNING The label fragment, "INSTHOST.CAT", should not contain a PDS_VERSION_ID. End Fragment: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/INSTHOST.CAT Begin Fragment: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/PERSON.CAT WARNING The label fragment, "PERSON.CAT", should not contain a PDS_VERSION_ID. End Fragment: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/PERSON.CAT Begin Fragment: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/GDRDS.CAT WARNING The label fragment, "GDRDS.CAT", should not contain a PDS_VERSION_ID. End Fragment: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/GDRDS.CAT Begin Fragment: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/INST.CAT WARNING The label fragment, "INST.CAT", should not contain a PDS_VERSION_ID. End Fragment: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/INST.CAT Begin Fragment: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/MISSION.CAT WARNING The label fragment, "MISSION.CAT", should not contain a PDS_VERSION_ID. ERROR line 40: Found a reference, "SAYLOR2006A", which is not defined in a REFERENCE_KEY_ID within the label. ERROR line 40: Found a reference, "SAYLOR2006B", which is not defined in a REFERENCE_KEY_ID within the label. End Fragment: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/MISSION.CAT Referential Integrity Details: PASS: Instrument Host Parent File(s): [] Begin checking children End checking children FAIL: Reference Parent File(s): [] Begin checking children "REFERENCE_KEY_ID = SEIDELMANNETAL2002" is not found in a(n) "". "REFERENCE_KEY_ID = SNYDER1987" is not found in a(n) "". "REFERENCE_KEY_ID = SEIDELMANNETAL2002" is not found in a(n) "". "REFERENCE_KEY_ID = SNYDER1987" is not found in a(n) "". End checking children PASS: Mission Parent File(s): [] Begin checking children End checking children PASS: Data Set Parent File(s): [,,] Begin checking children End checking children PASS: Instrument Parent File(s): [] Begin checking children End checking children PASS: Personnel Parent File(s): [] Begin checking children End checking children New Standard Values: Referential Integrity Summary: 6 of 6 referential integrity check(s) made, 0 skipped 5 of 6 passed New Standard Values Summary: 0 new standard value(s) found Summary: 11 of 11 validated, 0 skipped 10 of 11 passed End of Report |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. All warnings and errors are either expected or carried over from PDS3 and do not affect meeting success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.17 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Ingest valid PDS3 files into the PDS4 registry service |
Requirements |
PASS 4.2.4: PDS will provide a mechanism to upgrade products or data sets which do not meet usability requirements (e.g., data sets from old missions) |
Success Criteria |
Catalog successfully ingests the PDS3 files into the registry else indicates where the input is invalid. Tools to view the registry show the metadata of the PDS3 files |
Test Steps |
The catalog ingest requires access to a storage service. In its own terminal window: · storage-service stop # warning message if storage-service was not running · cd binDir/storage-service · rm -r archive/ catalog/ logs/ run/ · storage-service start · storage-client --operation --ingestProduct --productName CatalogTest --productStructure Flat --productTypeName CatalogFile --metadataFile "file:///PDS4tools/storage-service/test/test.txt.met" --refs file:///PDS4tools/storage-service/test/test.txt · storage-query --sql -query "SELECT * FROM CatalogFile WHERE CAS.ProductName == 'CatalogTest'" -outputFormat '$CAS.ProductId' | storage-delete --read Also clean database as described in RESETREGISTRY in Section 3.1
Nominal case, including multiple REF.CATs: 1. catalog testCatalog/CORPWS_0180 -m ingest -s http://localhost:9000 -T http://localhost:8080/product -v 1 -r c1.out 2. In a browser: http://localhost:8080/registry-ui to see registrations. Then click on the row where Object Type is Product_Instrument_PDS3 3.
Test the product service: copy a
productID from c1.out, e.g. the one for the inst: 4. diff testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/RPWSINST.CAT 5. Test the product service’s other function: curl -X GET -o -v "http://localhost:8080/product/dataset?typeID=urn:pds:CatalogFile" 6.
Expand and compare any one of
the catalog files: 7. diff VOLDESC.CAT testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/VOLDESC.CAT When >1 voldesc lists the same catalog files (e.g., do not re-register them. 8. catalog testCatalog/CORPWS_0164 -m ingest -s http://localhost:9000 -T http://localhost:9999 -r c3.out 9. See registration of only voldesc: http://localhost:8080/registry-ui Give good error messages if file listed in voldesc is missing 10. catalog testCatalog/MPC_review -m ingest -s http://localhost:9000 -T http://localhost:8080/product Nicely ignore dsmap catalog files. 11. catalog testCatalog/LRO_diviner -m ingest -s http://localhost:9000 -T http://localhost:8080/product -r c6.out Quit and give a nice error message when the mode is not specified. 12. catalog testCatalog/CORPWS_0180 |
Test Results |
Step 1: Ignore brutal command line warnings. c1.out: PDS Catalog Ingest Tool Report Configuration: Version Version 1.14.0 Date Tue, Oct 17 2017 at 03:50:20 PM Parameters: Mode ingest Target file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/ Directory Recursion true Severity Level INFO Report File c1.out Ingest Details: PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/INSTHOST.CAT INFO: Successfully registered a product. LIDVID - INFO: Product GUID - urn:uuid:73fced91-ba28-40db-9ff1-258c9139580c INFO: Successfully delivered a catalog file to the storage service. productID - 8e085241-b38d-11e7-8432-d70942fac8dd INFO: Successfully ingested a file object. GUID - urn:uuid:94bbf21b-3c55-4b81-9854-9287d3f166ef PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/KEYDS.CAT INFO: Successfully registered a product. LIDVID - INFO: Product GUID - urn:uuid:7321deb2-7886-4fa6-9eda-383399ec0989 INFO: Successfully delivered a catalog file to the storage service. productID - 8e280f42-b38d-11e7-8432-d70942fac8dd INFO: Successfully ingested a file object. GUID - urn:uuid:57620d4f-0ac0-40f6-bac2-9c2067fdb275 PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/LRFULLDS.CAT INFO: Successfully registered a product. LIDVID - INFO: Product GUID - urn:uuid:1302233f-0a75-43a3-b94e-b74fe0f337e6 INFO: Successfully delivered a catalog file to the storage service. productID - 8e37c6b3-b38d-11e7-8432-d70942fac8dd INFO: Successfully ingested a file object. GUID - urn:uuid:37a480fd-9bc9-4318-9354-a39347c0ee85 PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/MISSION.CAT INFO: Successfully registered a product. LIDVID - urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:investigation:mission.cassini-huygens::1.0 INFO: Product GUID - urn:uuid:20e0af82-8075-4167-b337-f53937785fef INFO: Successfully delivered a catalog file to the storage service. productID - 8e4693c4-b38d-11e7-8432-d70942fac8dd INFO: Successfully ingested a file object. GUID - urn:uuid:5ae19ae3-a761-40fc-afd3-f95032d76d32 PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/PERSON.CAT WARNING: This file is not required to ingest into the registry. INFO: Successfully delivered a catalog file to the storage service. productID - 8e525395-b38d-11e7-8432-d70942fac8dd INFO: Successfully ingested a file object. GUID - urn:uuid:0d444eaf-ea1a-45f3-8b2a-6ec146254684 PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/PROJREF.CAT WARNING: This file is not required to ingest into the registry. INFO: Successfully delivered a catalog file to the storage service. productID - 8e5c65b6-b38d-11e7-8432-d70942fac8dd INFO: Successfully ingested a file object. GUID - urn:uuid:970d0759-64c2-4e10-98f7-c85dcbeb1eba PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/RAWDS.CAT INFO: Successfully registered a product. LIDVID - INFO: Product GUID - urn:uuid:a73e4659-8b25-4b7c-8b82-bf5fbdab70d8 INFO: Successfully delivered a catalog file to the storage service. productID - 8e6936f7-b38d-11e7-8432-d70942fac8dd INFO: Successfully ingested a file object. GUID - urn:uuid:769840d8-db81-4777-b288-a19d771e791d PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/REF.CAT WARNING: This file is not required to ingest into the registry. INFO: Successfully delivered a catalog file to the storage service. productID - 8e734918-b38d-11e7-8432-d70942fac8dd INFO: Successfully ingested a file object. GUID - urn:uuid:b984d5ee-65bc-43e3-a511-9a45e7051784 PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/RPWSINST.CAT INFO: Successfully registered a product. LIDVID - INFO: Product GUID - urn:uuid:035c5b67-eb09-43cc-b160-7a414ceac09d INFO: Successfully delivered a catalog file to the storage service. productID - 8e7dd069-b38d-11e7-8432-d70942fac8dd INFO: Successfully ingested a file object. GUID - urn:uuid:cada3294-d316-4835-815c-2c9ade3d022f PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/VOLDESC.CAT INFO: Successfully registered a product. LIDVID - urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:volume:volume.corpws_0180__usa_nasa_pds_corpws_0xxx::1.0 INFO: Product GUID - urn:uuid:3788072c-b914-490d-b54c-5eb99958c038 INFO: Successfully delivered a catalog file to the storage service. productID - 8e89692a-b38d-11e7-8432-d70942fac8dd INFO: Successfully ingested a file object. GUID - urn:uuid:d8a57971-ed30-4e93-a41c-2b79dd1085f8 PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/WBFULLDS.CAT INFO: Successfully registered a product. LIDVID - INFO: Product GUID - urn:uuid:1cf4a36a-c9f8-4e2f-b8df-30d8e095d775 INFO: Successfully delivered a catalog file to the storage service. productID - 8e95500b-b38d-11e7-8432-d70942fac8dd INFO: Successfully ingested a file object. GUID - urn:uuid:56539d60-6eb5-422e-bc6d-20915873318b PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testCatalog/CORPWS_0180/WFFULLDS.CAT INFO: Successfully registered a product. LIDVID - INFO: Product GUID - urn:uuid:f79298ae-eb5e-470a-9af1-74ae699c74e8 INFO: Successfully delivered a catalog file to the storage service. productID - 8ea2485c-b38d-11e7-8432-d70942fac8dd INFO: Successfully ingested a file object. GUID - urn:uuid:eca0eda8-b6ec-496a-bd52-13e8074e8f43 End of Report Step 2:
Step 3: Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, GET is already inferred. * Trying ::1... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) > GET /product/data?productID=8e7dd069-b38d-11e7-8432-d70942fac8dd HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 > Accept: */* < HTTP/1.1 200 < Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="RPWSINST.CAT" < Content-Type: application/ < Content-Length: 14202 < Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 23:04:23 GMT { [8012 bytes data] 100 14202 100 14202 0 0 81225 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 82569 * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact Step 4 shows no differences Step 5: Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, GET is already inferred. * Trying ::1... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) > GET /product/dataset?typeID=urn:pds:CatalogFile HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 > Accept: */* > < HTTP/1.1 200 < Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" < Content-Length: 101529 < Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 23:06:28 GMT < { [16245 bytes data] 100 99k 100 99k 0 0 517k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 524k * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact Step 6: Archive: inflating: Archive: inflating: VOLDESC.CAT inflating: CORPWS_0180:VOLDESC.CAT.met Step 7 shows no differences Step 8: c3.out: PDS Catalog Ingest Tool Report Configuration: Version Version 1.14.0 Date Tue, Oct 17 2017 at 04:08:49 PM Parameters: Mode ingest Target file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/ Directory Recursion true Severity Level WARNING Report File c3.out Ingest Details: PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/INSTHOST.CAT PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/KEYDS.CAT PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/LRFULLDS.CAT PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/MISSION.CAT PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/PERSON.CAT WARNING: This file is not required to ingest into the registry. PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/PROJREF.CAT WARNING: This file is not required to ingest into the registry. PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/RAWDS.CAT PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/REF.CAT WARNING: This file is not required to ingest into the registry. PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/RPWSINST.CAT PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/VOLDESC.CAT PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/WBFULLDS.CAT PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/CORPWS_0164/WFFULLDS.CAT Summary: 4 of 12 file(s) ingested, 0 skipped Number of successful file object ingestion: 4 Number of successful storage service ingestion: 4 Number of successful registry ingestion: 1 Name of the registry package: Catalog-Package_CORPWS_0164_20171017160850 End of Report Step 9: 5 extra records: the voldesc file, the CORPWS_0164 product, and the three files not required to ingest into the registry. Step 10: exit nicely upon discovering a catalog file is missing: WARNING: testDir/testCatalog/MPC_review/ is missing. WARNING: testDir/testCatalog/MPC_review/ is missing. WARNING: testDir/testCatalog/MPC_review/ is missing. Oct 17, 2017 4:11:28 PM org.apache.oodt.cas.filemgr.datatransfer.LocalDataTransferer setFileManagerUrl INFO: Remote Data Transfer to: [http://localhost:9000] enabled Error: Failed to get a product by name. productName = Error: Catalog file ( is missing in the archive volume and can't get it from the storage service. Step 11: similar to step 1’s output. Used to die upon hitting c6.out:: PDS Catalog Ingest Tool Report Configuration: Version Version 1.14.0 Date Tue, Oct 17 2017 at 04:11:41 PM Parameters: Mode ingest Target file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ Directory Recursion true Severity Level WARNING Report File c6.out Ingest Details: PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ WARNING: This file is not required to ingest into the registry. PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ WARNING: This file is not required to ingest into the registry. PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ WARNING: This file is not required to ingest into the registry. PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ WARNING: This file is not required to ingest into the registry. PASS: file: testDir/testCatalog/LRO_diviner/ Summary: 11 of 11 file(s) ingested, 0 skipped Number of successful file object ingestion: 11 Number of successful storage service ingestion: 11 Number of successful registry ingestion: 7 Name of the registry package: Catalog-Package_LRODLR_1001_20171017161141 End of Report Step 12: Exception: No mode specified. 'm' flag must be specified. |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.17 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Run components distributed over multiple machines on any PDS-supported platforms. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.GEN.1: The system shall operate in a distributed environment. PASS L5.GEN.2: Components shall run on any PDS-supported platform. |
Success Criteria |
Services produce identical results independent of machine and platform. |
Test Steps |
This is similar to PRV.1 but with a URL instead of a local file 1. validate -f |
Test Results |
Step 1: Output is similar to PRV.1’s Oct 17, 2017 4:15:47 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Label' for location Oct 17, 2017 4:15:47 PM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location '' Oct 17, 2017 4:16:00 PM execute INFO: Validation complete for location '' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-17T23:15:47Z Parameters: Targets [] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode on Validation Details: PASS: Summary: 1 of 1 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 1 of 1 file(s) passed validation End of Report |
Comments |
Results met success criteria.
This also verifies PDS-515, validatig against schemas on PDS machines |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.17 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
GEN.2 *not run for build 8a |
Description |
Authorize only authenticated users access to a controlled capacity. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.GEN.10: Components shall control access to interfaces that alter content. PASS L5.SEC.1: The service shall authenticate a user given identifying credentials for that user. PASS L5.SEC.3: The service shall authorize an authenticated user for access to a controlled capability. |
Success Criteria |
Registration fails when given invalid credentials. |
Test Steps |
1. curl -X POST -H "Content-type:application/xml" -v -d @testRegistry/test.REG.1b.xml |
Test Results |
Step 1: * About to connect() to port 80 (#0) * Trying * connected * Connected to ( port 80 (#0) > POST /services/registry-pds3 HTTP/1.1 > User-Agent: curl/7.24.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin12.0) libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8z zlib/1.2.5 > Host: > Accept: */* > Content-type:application/xml > Content-Length: 629 * upload completely sent off: 629 out of 629 bytes < HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden < Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 19:19:49 GMT < Content-Length: 224 < Connection: close < Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head> <title>403 Forbidden</title> </head><body> <h1>Forbidden</h1> <p>You don't have permission to access /services/registry-pds3 on this server.</p> </body></html> * Closing connection #0 |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
GEN.4 *not ready for build 8a. This is reserved for future testing |
Description |
Services provide an interface to enable monitoring of health. |
Requirements |
SKIP L5.GEN.8: Services shall provide an interface to enable monitoring of the service's health. |
Success Criteria |
The interface correctly reflects the services’ health. |
Test Steps |
Test Results |
Comments |
Date of Testing |
Test Personnel |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Document components’ capabilities, dependencies, interfaces, installation, operation |
Requirements |
PASS L5.GEN.11: Components shall provide documentation detailing their capabilities, dependencies, interfaces, installation and operation |
Success Criteria |
Documentation of components show capabilities, dependencies, interfaces, installation and operation. |
Test Steps |
Examine such documentation, currently accessible from |
Test Results |
Documents were available and examined. |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.17 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Provide a command-line interface, accept a configuration file, recursively traverse directories, determine candidates for registration, capture metadata, submit metadata to the Registry Service, track each artifact registration. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.HVT.1: The tool shall accept a configuration file specifying policy for tool behavior. PASS L5.HVT.2: The tool shall provide a command-line interface for execution. PASS L5.HVT.4: The tool shall recursively traverse the specified directory or directories… PASS L5.HVT.5: The tool shall determine candidate products for registration through a combination of the following… PASS L5.HVT.6: The tool shall capture metadata for a candidate product specified by the product type. PASS L5.HVT.7: The tool shall submit the associated metadata for a candidate product to the [Registry]. PASS L5.HVT.8: The tool shall track each product registration. PASS L5.GEN.7: Tools shall generate a report detailing results from a single execution of the tool. |
Success Criteria |
Harvest tool, executed from the command line, discovers all matching artifacts and for each submits metadata, based on both identifying and artifact-specific metadata, to the Registry service. A matching artifact resides in the directory tree of the target directory or is listed in a manifest file in the target directory, and it matches the criteria given in the user-edited configuration file and if previously registered, has been since modified. Tools to view the registry should show the matching artifacts, with appropriate metadata, and not show the non-matching artifacts. |
Test Steps |
The harvesting in this test is redundant to tests AAFUNCTION.*. The deleting (not a core function) is different, so if desired: 1. Clean database as described in RESETREGISTRY in Section 3.1 2. cd testDir; harvest testDir/contextPDS4onlyPHX -c harvest-policy-master.xml -l h.out -e "*.xml" 3. grep -v "SUCCESS\|INFO" h.out | uniq 4. At http://localhost:8080/registry-ui, select Registry Service registry-pds4 5. Click “Packages”, select “Harvest-Package_...”. If verification desired, click on that line, and compare the GUID with Step 2’s output. 6. harvest-search -e "*.xml" -c harvest-policy-master.xml testDir/contextPDS4onlyPHX | grep url: | wc 7. Click “Delete” 8. Click “Products” |
Test Results |
Step 3: PDS Harvest Tool Log Version Version 1.13.0 Time Tue, Oct 17 2017 at 04:19:32 PM Target(s) [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/contextPDS4onlyPHX] File Inclusions [*.xml] Registry Location http://localhost:8080/registry-pds4 Registry Package Name Harvest-Package_20171017161932 Registration Package GUID urn:uuid:a1bb8b7a-53f7-4e34-8ecc-d436bbf9250d Summary: 26 of 26 file(s) processed, 0 other file(s) skipped 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) 26 of 26 products registered. 31 of 31 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 5 Product_Collection 31 Product_File_Repository 20 Product_Context 1 Product_Bundle 31 of 31 associations registered. End of Log Step 4: Step 5: Step 5: # of access URLs that harvest-search creates == # of products + # of ancillary products that harvest registers. 57 342 12062 Step 7: “There is no data to display” |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.17 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Execute from a scheduler, accept a configuration file, recursively traverse directories, determine candidates for registration, capture metadata, submit metadata to the Registry Service. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.HVT.1: The tool shall accept a configuration file specifying policy for tool behavior. PASS L5.HVT.3: The tool shall execute from a scheduler… PASS L5.HVT.4: The tool shall recursively traverse the specified directory or directories… PASS L5.HVT.5: The tool shall determine candidate products for registration through a combination of the following… PASS L5.HVT.6: The tool shall capture metadata for a candidate product specified by the product type. PASS L5.HVT.7: The tool shall submit the associated metadata for a candidate product to the [Registry]. PASS L5.HVT.8: The tool shall track each product registration. |
Success Criteria |
Harvest tool, executed from a scheduler, discovers all matching artifacts and for each submits metadata, based on both identifying and artifact-specific metadata, to the Registry service. A matching artifact resides in the directory tree of the target directory or is listed in a manifest file in the target directory, and it matches the criteria given in the user-edited configuration file and if previously registered, has been since modified. Tools to view the registry should show the matching artifacts, with appropriate metadata, and not show the non-matching artifacts. |
Test Steps |
1. Clean database as described in RESETREGISTRY in Section 3.1 2. cd testDir/; mkdir x; mv contextPDS4onlyPHX/* x 3. harvest testDir/contextPDS4onlyPHX -c harvest-policy-master.xml -l log.txt -P 9001 -w 120 4. In browser, http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/ shows no data In a different terminal window 5. harvest-ctrl --url http://localhost:9001/xmlrpc --operation --isRunning 6. cd testDir; mv x/* contextPDS4onlyPHX; rmdir x 7. In browser, after at most 120 seconds, note changing Num Records. http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/ After Num Records stops increasing 8. harvest-ctrl --url http://localhost:9001/xmlrpc --operation --stop 9. grep "products registered" log.txt 10. On http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/#Packages, delete Harvest-Package_*; if verification desired, check GUID against Registration Package GUID in log.txt 11. Check Num Records is original value: http://localhost:8080/registry-ui |
Test Results |
Step 5: Yes Step 7: Same Num Records as in HVT.1, assuming both started with 0 records Step 8: Crawl Daemon: [http://localhost:9001/xmlrpc]: shutdown successful Step 9: 26 of 26 new products registered. 31 of 31 new ancillary products registered. Step 11: “There is no data to display” (same as HVT.1’s step 6) |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.17 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Harvest a large number of files. |
Requirements |
PASS. No specific functional requirement. This is a performance test case. |
Success Criteria |
Harvest completes in a reasonable amount of time per product. |
Test Steps |
1. Clean database as described in RESETREGISTRY in Section 3.1 2. cd testDir 3. modify binDir/harvest/bin/harvest to use registry-pds3 instead of -pds4 4. date; harvest testDir/contextPDS3 -c harvest-policy-master.xml -l h.out -e "*.xml"; date 5. Check for harvested files. http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/ This lets SRCH.3 show Archive information 6. harvest testDir/testHarv/archivePDS3 -c harvest-policy-master.xml -l h.out; grep -v "SUCCESS\|INFO" h.out |
Test Results |
Step 4: The time to harvest this bundle dropped from 214 minutes in build 5b. Tue Oct 17 23:43:15 PDT 2017 Tue Oct 17 23:52:55 PDT 2017 The bottom of h.out has (the skipped .xml file is the harvest config file): Summary: 27302 of 27302 file(s) processed, 0 other file(s) skipped 0 error(s), 8 warning(s) 27294 of 27302 products registered. 27307 of 27307 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 7161 Product_Context 2184 Product_Attribute_Definition 626 Product_Instrument_PDS3 5974 Product_Volume_PDS3 1541 Product_Subscription_PDS3 13 Product_Collection 4254 Product_Target_PDS3 199 Product_Instrument_Host_PDS3 2293 Product_Data_Set_PDS3 27307 Product_File_Repository 1 Product_Bundle 71 Product_Mission_PDS3 89 Product_Class_Definition 2888 Product_Volume_Set_PDS3 27307 of 27307 associations registered. End of Log Step 5: Step 6: PDS Harvest Tool Log
Version Version 1.13.0 Time Wed, Oct 18 2017 at 12:30:02 AM Target(s) [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/archivePDS3] File Inclusions [*.xml] Registry Location http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3 Registry Package Name Harvest-Package_20171018003002 Registration Package GUID urn:uuid:1ee279db-33bb-4e0c-a2a8-afa8f5c2fe10 Summary: 1 of 1 file(s) processed, 0 other file(s) skipped 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) 1 of 1 products registered. 1 of 1 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 1 Product_Context 1 Product_File_Repository 1 of 1 associations registered. End of Log |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.17 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Harvest skips candidate products not matching configuration file. Harvest also checks for previous registrations and skips those. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.HVT.1: The tool shall accept a configuration file specifying policy for tool behavior. PASS L5.HVT.5: The tool shall determine candidate products for registration through a combination of the following… PASS L5.HVT.8: The tool shall track each product registration. |
Success Criteria |
Tools to view the registry should show only matching products and not the others. |
Test Steps |
Run harvest with config file that does not accept Product_Document 1. Clean database as described in RESETREGISTRY in Section 3.1 2. harvest testDir/bundle_geo_ra -c harvestPolicyNoDoc.xml -l h.out -e "*.xml" 3. grep -v "SUCCESS\|INFO" h.out | uniq 4. In browser, http://localhost:8080/registry-ui, to see many products, then set “Object Type” to “Product_Document” and hit “Refresh” Repeat to show nothing more gets registered. 5. harvest testDir/bundle_geo_ra -c harvestPolicyNoDoc.xml -l h.out -e "*.xml" 6. http://localhost:8080/registry-ui Run harvest with config file that accepts Product_Document 7. harvest testDir/bundle_geo_ra –c harvest-policy-master.xml –l h.out -e "*.xml" 8. grep -v "SUCCESS\|INFO" h.out | uniq 9. http://localhost:8080/registry-ui. Set “Object Type” to “Product_Document”. Hit “Refresh” 10. Hit the “Packages” tab. Note the packages are unsorted. 11. Click column headers such as “Name” to see sorting on that field 12. Select both Harvest-*, hit “Delete” 13. Hit the “Products” tab |
Test Results |
Step 3: Note the SKIPs of Product_Document: PDS Harvest Tool Log Version Version 1.13.0 Time Wed, Oct 18 2017 at 05:55:40 PM Target(s) [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra] File Inclusions [*.xml] Registry Location http://localhost:8080/registry-pds4 Registry Package Name Harvest-Package_20170414153958 Registration Package GUID urn:uuid:578cff4e-8bb4-44f4-9503-5d1a575ddfd6 SKIP: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/document/activity_table_desc.xml] 'Product_Document' is not an object type found in the policy file. SKIP: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/document/ra_dataset.xml] 'Product_Document' is not an object type found in the policy file. SKIP: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/document/ra_instrument.xml] 'Product_Document' is not an object type found in the policy file. SKIP: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/document/readme.xml] 'Product_Document' is not an object type found in the policy file. Summary: 169 of 169 file(s) processed, 4 other file(s) skipped 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) 169 of 169 products registered. 334 of 334 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 1 Product_XML_Schema 5 Product_Collection 120 Product_Observational 38 Product_Browse 334 Product_File_Repository 4 Product_Context 1 Product_Bundle 334 of 334 associations registered. End of Log Step 4: Note that Total Records = 503 before filtering Step 6: Note that still only 503 products are registered Step 8: Many WARNINGs for “Product already exists”, and at the bottom: Summary: 173 of 173 file(s) processed, 0 other file(s) skipped 0 error(s), 169 warning(s) 4 of 173 products registered. 8 of 8 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 4 Product_Document 8 Product_File_Repository 8 of 8 associations registered. End of Log Step 9: Note that 1) 515 products are registered and 2) there are 4 Product Documents
Step 10: Step 11 shows sorting within the Packages tab. Step 12: Step 13: “There is no data to display” |
Comments |
Results met success criteria.
PDS-166, created during testing of build 3b, requests an improvement: check if secondary members match primary members. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.18 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Harvest PDS3 products, not just catalog files. |
Requirements |
PASS 4.2.4: PDS will provide a mechanism to upgrade products or data sets which do not meet usability requirements (e.g., data sets from old missions) |
Success Criteria |
The registry shows the harvested PDS3 products. |
Test Steps |
1. Clean database as described in RESETREGISTRY in Section 3.1 2. In browser, http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/ shows no data 3. cd testDir Using the version of harvest that ingests into registry-pds3, get unlabeled files. 4. harvest -c testHarv/harvestDawnNondata.xml 5. http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/ shows such files. Using that version of harvest again, harvest the 4 .LBLs and the files they point to. 6. harvest -c testHarv/harvestDawnData.xml 7. http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/ includes labelled files |
Test Results |
Step 2: Step 4: PDS Harvest Tool Log Version Version 1.13.0 Time Wed, Oct 18 2017 at 11:35:28 PM Target(s) [testDir/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B] Target Type PDS3 Files Only File Exclusions [*.cat, *.CAT] Severity Level INFO Registry Location http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3 Registry Package Name Harvest Package Example PDS3 Unlabeled Files Registration Package GUID urn:uuid:45d82aa0-9d5d-483b-abc4-ae928ffcc4b5 INFO: XML extractor set to the following default namespace: INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/AAREADME.TXT] Begin processing. SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/AAREADME.TXT] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:nondata:aareadme.txt::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/AAREADME.TXT] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:7b77c577-3d92-4caf-b73e-19d1917b4150 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/ERRATA.TXT] Begin processing. SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/ERRATA.TXT] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:nondata:errata.txt::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/ERRATA.TXT] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:d18e0bf9-a115-45f9-bf18-82abb8b9c333 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/MD5_CHECKSUM.TXT] Begin processing. SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/MD5_CHECKSUM.TXT] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:nondata:md5_checksum.txt::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/MD5_CHECKSUM.TXT] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:bb03e109-7ae0-423e-9d94-9bf3399483ef INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.TAB] Begin processing. SKIP: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.TAB] An associated label file exists '/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDXINFO.TXT] Begin processing. SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDXINFO.TXT] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:nondata:index:indxinfo.txt::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDXINFO.TXT] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:03d16a6b-a50c-4478-8c2d-84a6618241be INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/EXTRAS/EXTRINFO.TXT] Begin processing. SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/EXTRAS/EXTRINFO.TXT] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:nondata:extras:extrinfo.txt::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/EXTRAS/EXTRINFO.TXT] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:b4b3b001-ece0-4b3c-9edb-79f329ef1201 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/EXTRAS/GRaND_Acronyms_130711.pdf] Begin processing. SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/EXTRAS/GRaND_Acronyms_130711.pdf] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:nondata:extras:grand_acronyms_130711.pdf::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/EXTRAS/GRaND_Acronyms_130711.pdf] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:f2628622-76a2-421e-9be9-4a3673d0f815 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/EXTRAS/SOFTWARE/Extras_Guide_130711.pdf] Begin processing. SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/EXTRAS/SOFTWARE/Extras_Guide_130711.pdf] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:nondata:extras:software:extras_guide_130711.pdf::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/EXTRAS/SOFTWARE/Extras_Guide_130711.pdf] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:cadb8400-40a0-41f4-aa66-3c9faf635cf3 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/EXTRAS/SOFTWARE/] Begin processing. SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/EXTRAS/SOFTWARE/] Successfully registered product: INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/EXTRAS/SOFTWARE/] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:97672f57-3344-4576-8882-3bf633db0d79 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_FIG1.JPG] Begin processing. SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_FIG1.JPG] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:nondata:document:sis:dawn_grand_sis_fig1.jpg::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_FIG1.JPG] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:78d12adb-5596-46f7-8bfb-4d2adff8245e INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_FIG2.JPG] Begin processing. SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_FIG2.JPG] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:nondata:document:sis:dawn_grand_sis_fig2.jpg::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_FIG2.JPG] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:ecccb30a-b771-4e95-838a-e585a05003c9 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.HTM] Begin processing. SKIP: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.HTM] An associated label file exists '/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.PDF] Begin processing. SKIP: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.PDF] An associated label file exists '/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.TAB] Begin processing. SKIP: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.TAB] An associated label file exists '/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.TAB] Begin processing. SKIP: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.TAB] An associated label file exists '/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/CATALOG/CATINFO.TXT] Begin processing. SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/CATALOG/CATINFO.TXT] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:nondata:catalog:catinfo.txt::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/CATALOG/CATINFO.TXT] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:b4dc08f6-4b3c-406f-b6f9-85b42a774101 Summary: 11 of 11 file(s) processed, 5 other file(s) skipped 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) 0 of 0 products registered. 11 of 11 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 11 Product_File_Repository 0 of 0 associations registered. End of Log Step 5: Step 6: PDS Harvest Tool Log Version Version 1.13.0 Time Wed, Oct 18 2017 at 11:42:06 PM Target(s) [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B] Target Type PDS3 File Inclusions [*.LBL, *.lbl] Severity Level INFO Registry Location http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3 Registry Package Name Harvest Package Example PDS3 Labeled Files Registration Package GUID urn:uuid:d31309e8-33a4-41a2-aa08-fbd234251bdd INFO: XML extractor set to the following default namespace: INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Begin processing. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Creating logical identifier. WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] DATA_SET_ID not found. WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] INSTRUMENT_ID not found. WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] PRODUCT_ID not found. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Created the following logical identifier: urn:nasa:pds:data:index WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] DATA_SET_ID not found. WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] PRODUCT_ID not found. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Created title: SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:index::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:4b822483-b610-4244-b213-b307bdaafbba INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Capturing file object metadata for INDEX.LBL INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Capturing file object metadata for INDEX.TAB SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:index:INDEX.LBL::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:29b08aef-91d3-4b21-8372-0f9f27d5e07f SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:index:INDEX.TAB::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:5953eb7a-cc4c-4dcb-ad48-f1a454b7add0 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:29b08aef-91d3-4b21-8372-0f9f27d5e07f' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:30badd9c-20de-49ad-8d39-10deaae7553a SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:5953eb7a-cc4c-4dcb-ad48-f1a454b7add0' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/INDEX/INDEX.LBL] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:0996c8f6-0328-4ce6-9f10-b4933e6c2214 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Begin processing. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Creating logical identifier. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Created the following logical identifier: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-m-grand-2-edr-mars-counts-v1.0:grand:dawn_grand_sis:document:sis INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Created title: DAWN-M-GRAND-2-EDR-MARS-COUNTS-V1.0 DAWN_GRAND_SIS SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-m-grand-2-edr-mars-counts-v1.0:grand:dawn_grand_sis:document:sis::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:95a8675b-178e-44f7-a328-4bf8a754013a INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Capturing file object metadata for DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Capturing file object metadata for DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.PDF INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Capturing file object metadata for DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.HTM INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Capturing file object metadata for DAWN_GRAND_SIS_FIG1.JPG INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Capturing file object metadata for DAWN_GRAND_SIS_FIG2.JPG SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-m-grand-2-edr-mars-counts-v1.0:grand:dawn_grand_sis:document:sis:DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:4ff6d887-171b-4f0f-95c9-299667f0d71f SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-m-grand-2-edr-mars-counts-v1.0:grand:dawn_grand_sis:document:sis:DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.PDF::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:5b574eae-3312-428c-b9e2-4242f3975e1c SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-m-grand-2-edr-mars-counts-v1.0:grand:dawn_grand_sis:document:sis:DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.HTM::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:fd24b467-edb2-4d38-aabe-35aa104fff0b SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-m-grand-2-edr-mars-counts-v1.0:grand:dawn_grand_sis:document:sis:DAWN_GRAND_SIS_FIG1.JPG::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:38b05f7b-5c90-45cf-a3b6-a0ca95222621 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-m-grand-2-edr-mars-counts-v1.0:grand:dawn_grand_sis:document:sis:DAWN_GRAND_SIS_FIG2.JPG::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:3d34bfba-9294-4a96-92be-1e1160993afb SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:4ff6d887-171b-4f0f-95c9-299667f0d71f' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:2f3a6471-c8a3-4c47-bb84-87f536c5b291 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:5b574eae-3312-428c-b9e2-4242f3975e1c' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:8c278d52-f476-473f-bb4d-8cb6856afa81 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:fd24b467-edb2-4d38-aabe-35aa104fff0b' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:29aed47b-bf06-424d-9143-0473f3bf2037 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:38b05f7b-5c90-45cf-a3b6-a0ca95222621' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:178cc83c-4c54-434d-ac18-847b4ac3b417 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:3d34bfba-9294-4a96-92be-1e1160993afb' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DOCUMENT/SIS/DAWN_GRAND_SIS_R2_4.LBL] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:d30b21a0-efaf-456b-aa7a-22393514593d INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Begin processing. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Creating logical identifier. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Created the following logical identifier: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-a-grand-3-rdr-ceres-counts-v1.0:grand:grd-l1b-151023-151216_160816-ctl-bgoc:data INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Created title: DAWN-A-GRAND-3-RDR-CERES-COUNTS-V1.0 GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-a-grand-3-rdr-ceres-counts-v1.0:grand:grd-l1b-151023-151216_160816-ctl-bgoc:data::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:c0e1dbe4-d634-4c57-a685-5e70a0a0cfce INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Capturing file object metadata for GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Capturing file object metadata for GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.TAB SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-a-grand-3-rdr-ceres-counts-v1.0:grand:grd-l1b-151023-151216_160816-ctl-bgoc:data:GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:5d31e6ca-dda8-498d-afcf-782d5e55e740 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-a-grand-3-rdr-ceres-counts-v1.0:grand:grd-l1b-151023-151216_160816-ctl-bgoc:data:GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.TAB::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:538ccede-4710-4e9b-be24-46cecd52cef2 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:5d31e6ca-dda8-498d-afcf-782d5e55e740' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:1230b546-37f8-4d0e-988c-0a72597aa7d8 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:538ccede-4710-4e9b-be24-46cecd52cef2' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-CTL-BGOC.LBL] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:4cda7d79-ed46-40fd-9c0e-fa81d3bb2b9d INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Begin processing. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Creating logical identifier. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Created the following logical identifier: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-a-grand-3-rdr-ceres-counts-v1.0:grand:grd-l1b-151023-151216_160816-epg:data INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Created title: DAWN-A-GRAND-3-RDR-CERES-COUNTS-V1.0 GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-a-grand-3-rdr-ceres-counts-v1.0:grand:grd-l1b-151023-151216_160816-epg:data::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:2f4c480d-b47c-466b-951e-fb88d15de8e5 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Capturing file object metadata for GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Capturing file object metadata for GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.TAB SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-a-grand-3-rdr-ceres-counts-v1.0:grand:grd-l1b-151023-151216_160816-epg:data:GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:38cd5705-d1a1-4010-962a-e0bea4bf3d27 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:data:dawn-a-grand-3-rdr-ceres-counts-v1.0:grand:grd-l1b-151023-151216_160816-epg:data:GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.TAB::1.0 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:5987abca-033a-4e31-b9d4-79fcf3b28ad2 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:38cd5705-d1a1-4010-962a-e0bea4bf3d27' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:be57b906-dce4-472b-913e-e1e2a29186d7 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:5987abca-033a-4e31-b9d4-79fcf3b28ad2' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testHarv/DAWNGRAND1B/DATA/GRD-L1B-151023-151216_160816-EPG.LBL] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:824d7ea0-e437-4171-b0a5-41f60c8ada6c Summary: 4 of 4 file(s) processed, 0 other file(s) skipped 0 error(s), 5 warning(s) 4 of 4 products registered. 11 of 11 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 11 Product_File_Repository 4 Product_Proxy_PDS3 11 of 11 associations registered. End of Log Step 7: |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.18 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Test bug fixes to harvest. |
Requirements |
PASS No specific functional requirement. |
Success Criteria |
The registry shows the harvested products. |
Test Steps |
Test URL in harvest config file with ‘?’, LID ending in .xml, <title> with many spaces 1. Clean database as described in RESETREGISTRY in Section 3.1 2. cd testDir 3. diff harvest-policy-master.xml harvest388.xml ; echo END_DIFF_11111 ; diff bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping.xml bundle_geo_ra/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping.xml; echo END_DIFF_22222 ; diff bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic2.xml bundle_geo_ra/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic2.xml 4. harvest testDir/bundleLID/data_test/scraping -c harvest388.xml -e "*.xml" | grep -v INFO: 5. On http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/, notice the automatically generated LIDs for label files have “_xml” 6. Select any row, probably the different one, to see Access URL. 7. Another view, more slot-based: http://localhost:8080/registry-pds4/extrinsics?lid=urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic1 shows the two Product_Browse with the same LID 8. On http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/, select the two with LID urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic1 and set one to Approved and one to Deprecated. 9.
mkdir x; cp
bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic1.* x; mv
x/pit_test_scraping_pic1.xml x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml 10. harvest testDir/x -c harvest388.xml -e "*.xml" 11. On http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/, see that third entry with LID urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic1 has Status “Submitted”. 12. rm –r x/ 13. Click “Associations”, Note the few with non-null “Source LID”. Click “Packages”. Delete both “Harvest-Package_…” 14. Click “Associations”. The ones for this harvest should be gone. For removing schemes and classifications via deleting their package 15. Clean database as described in RESETREGISTRY in Section 3.1 16. cd testDir 17. On http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/, “Associations”, “Schemes”, “Packages” 18. Delete all 4 packages 19. Click “Associations” and “Schemes” again |
Test Results |
Step 3: 27c27 < <baseUrl>http://localhost:8080</baseUrl> --- > <baseUrl></baseUrl> END_DIFF_11111 10c10 < <logical_identifier>urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test.xml</logical_identifier> --- > <logical_identifier>urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping</logical_identifier> 10c10 < <logical_identifier>urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test.xml</logical_identifier> --- > <logical_identifier>urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping</logical_identifier> END_DIFF_22222 10,16c10,12 < <logical_identifier>urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic1</logical_identifier> < <version_id>1.2</version_id> < <title>add uselesss pit_test_scraping_pic2 < and arbitray < spaces < < </title> --- > <logical_identifier>urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic2</logical_identifier> > <version_id>1.0</version_id> > <title>pit_test_scraping_pic2</title> Step 4: harvest rejects LIDs ending in “.xml”. PDS Harvest Tool Log Version Version 1.13.0 Time Thu, Oct 19 2017 at 01:54:31 PM Target(s) [testDir/bundleLID/data_test/scraping] File Inclusions [*.xml] Severity Level INFO Registry Location http://localhost:8080/registry-pds4 Registry Package Name Harvest-Package_20170420223351 Registration Package GUID urn:uuid:0b3a91e0-68de-4c7b-a310-dad64a881e2f ERROR: [testDir/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping.xml] Lid cannot end in '.xml': urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test.xml SUCCESS: [testDir/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic1.xml] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic1::1.0 SUCCESS: [testDir/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic1.xml] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic1:pit_test_scraping_pic1_xml::1.0 SUCCESS: [testDir/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic1.xml] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic1:pit_test_scraping_pic1.jpg::1.0 SUCCESS: [testDir/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic1.xml] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:84a13dc2-c2ca-46dd-97e6-b8f1f231cc10' SUCCESS: [testDir/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic1.xml] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:cc1a5c28-7819-492e-b1bb-81581a331001' SUCCESS: [testDir/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic2.xml] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic1::1.2 SUCCESS: [testDir/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic2.xml] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic1:pit_test_scraping_pic2_xml::1.2 SUCCESS: [testDir/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic2.xml] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic1:pit_test_scraping_pic2.jpg::1.2 SUCCESS: [testDir/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic2.xml] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:b23fe26c-605c-4ab1-bd21-13d2688c078a' SUCCESS: [testDir/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic2.xml] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:c488e62f-1a66-4ec9-af0f-be355f67d7d4' Summary: 3 of 3 file(s) processed, 0 other file(s) skipped 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) 2 of 2 products registered. 4 of 4 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 2 Product_Browse 4 Product_File_Repository 4 of 4 associations registered. End of Log Step 5: harvest (registry?) converts automatically generated products with LIDs ending in “*.xml” to “_xml”. Field “Name” handles extra spaces.
Step 6: URLs with question marks allowed.
Step 7 shows numFound returns correctly.
Step 8: Step 10: PDS Harvest Tool Log Version Version 1.13.0 Time Thu, Oct 19 2017 at 02:25:26 PM Target(s) [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x] File Inclusions [*.xml] Severity Level INFO Registry Location http://localhost:8080/registry-pds4 Registry Package Name Harvest-Package_20171019142526 Registration Package GUID urn:uuid:0b81781c-3c64-41c2-ada1-904a97b0a18f INFO: XML extractor set to the following default namespace: INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Begin processing. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] line 26: Mapping reference type 'browse_to_data' to 'data_ref'. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Setting LID-based association, 'urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:document:RA_dataset', under slot name 'data_ref'. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Created access url: SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic1::4.4 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:be9c4b61-e87a-4f31-94d2-1028bcb2a2da INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Capturing file information for pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Capturing file object metadata for pit_test_scraping_pic1.jpg INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] line 30: Setting file type for the file object 'pit_test_scraping_pic1.jpg' to 'Browse' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Created access url: SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic1:pit_test_scraping_pic44_xml::4.4 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:f79e3f71-e889-42e4-83e6-309c0d762ad3 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Created access url: SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Successfully registered product: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test:pit_test_scraping_pic1:pit_test_scraping_pic1.jpg::4.4 INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:e7e00b22-4af7-4b5f-b57f-934203e7b763 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:f79e3f71-e889-42e4-83e6-309c0d762ad3' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:010ac4b2-fd7d-4f61-8e42-bfc33f755042 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:e7e00b22-4af7-4b5f-b57f-934203e7b763' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/pit_test_scraping_pic44.xml] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:c80ef461-2724-4b87-b94c-e5cb5a9f7b8c Summary: 1 of 1 file(s) processed, 0 other file(s) skipped 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) 1 of 1 products registered. 2 of 2 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 1 Product_Browse 2 Product_File_Repository 2 of 2 associations registered. End of Log Step 11: In early versions, the Status was not “Submitted” Step 13: Step 14 should show no associations from any harvest
Step 17: Step 19: Both Schemes and Associations should be empty.
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.19 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Test new capabilities of harvest. |
Requirements |
PASS No specific functional requirement. |
Success Criteria |
The registry shows the harvested products. |
Test Steps |
Test URL in harvest config file with ‘?’, LID ending in .xml, <title> with many spaces 1. Clean database as described in RESETREGISTRY in Section 3.1 2. cd testDir harvestAtmV1/ and …V2/ show NAIF’s versioning of a growing ATM dataset. 3. diff harvestAtmV1/checksum.bad harvestAtmV2/ 4. validate -f -M harvestAtmV1/checksum.bad -t harvestAtmV1 5. harvest testDir/harvestAtmV1 -c harvestAtmV1.xml -e "*.xml" -l h1.out 6. At http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/, select registry-pds4/, then “Object Type” to “Product_Observational”, then hit “Refresh” 7. validate -f -M harvestAtmV2/ -t harvestAtmV2 8. harvest testDir/harvestAtmV2 -c harvestAtmV2.xml -e "*.xml" -l h2.out 9. repeat step 5 |
Test Results |
Step 3: line 1 has the debateable leading \. One line has an all CAPS checksum 1c1 < a9e18e8e7bc034f69c77e7aeee114fa0 \bundle_v001.xml --- > 3d20c6cecfb18f6f2421d72a031b1e1d bundle_v002.xml 3a4,5 > 9209d2f4b6b55b9391686c2c9567f04e data_mer1\collection_v002.csv > e8d92e26de80b508be15833a1dc1f25c data_mer1\collection_v002.xml 10,13c12,17 < 7b69a8dc6136ddd98b4da378441dbc3c data_mer2\sol0013\a0013_p236402_01_01v04.qub < 194601535dca45f7b587b7786790d7eb data_mer2\sol0013\a0013_p236402_01_01v04.xml < ed1398a702ae0dae28ed13a98ceb832e data_mer2\sol1245\a1245_p276309_02_02v01.qub < 5d013088de380339795b8627b50d97b1 data_mer2\sol1245\a1245_p276309_02_02v01.xml --- > 1c095f0a7cfc33908e29d8860c6cbd7a data_mer2\collection_v002.csv > 5dea8f9e6af0adfc2d3bfcd0bdb351a9 data_mer2\collection_v002.xml > 7b69a8dc6136ddd98b4da378441dbc3c data_mer2\sol0013/a0013_p236402_01_01v04.qub > 194601535dca45f7b587b7786790d7eb data_mer2\sol0013/a0013_p236402_01_01v04.xml > ed1398a702ae0dae28ed13a98ceb832e data_mer2\sol1245/a1245_p276309_02_02v01.qub > 5d013088de380339795b8627b50d97b1 data_mer2\sol1245/a1245_p276309_02_02v01.xml Step 4: Oct 19, 2017 3:05:56 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Directory' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/ Oct 19, 2017 3:05:56 PM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/' Oct 19, 2017 3:05:59 PM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-19T22:05:56Z Core Schemas [PDS4_PDS_1800.xsd] Core Schematrons [PDS4_PDS_1800.sch] Model Version 1800 Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode off Checksum Manifest File file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/checksum.bad Manifest File Base Path file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/ Validation Details: FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/bundle_v001.xml ERROR No checksum found in the manifest for 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/bundle_v001.xml' PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/data_mer1/collection_v001.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/data_mer1/sol0011/b0011_p237201_01_01v02.xml FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/data_mer2/collection_v001.xml ERROR Generated checksum '0d0ddeeaa2036ebb69cc4aeb30e11203' does not match supplied checksum '0D0DDEEAA2036EBB69CC4AEB30E11203' in the manifest for 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/data_mer2/collection_v001.xml' PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/data_mer2/sol0013/a0013_p236402_01_01v04.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/document/collection_document_inventory.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/document/pancam_instrument_description.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/miscellaneous/collection_misc_inventory.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/miscellaneous/mer1_cube_list.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/miscellaneous/mer2_cube_list.xml Summary: 10 of 10 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 8 of 10 file(s) passed validation End of Report Step 5: The interesting parts of h1.out: PDS Harvest Tool Log Version Version 1.12.0 Time Mon, Apr 17 2017 at 03:58:11 PM Target(s) [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1] File Inclusions [*.xml] Severity Level INFO Registry Location http://localhost:8080/registry-pds4 Registry Package Name Harvest-Package_20170417155811 Registration Package GUID urn:uuid:1d9eabb5-5162-44e8-a0e9-c6335a781690 Checksum Manifest File /Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/checksum.bad Manifest File Base Path /Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1
INFO: XML extractor set to the following default namespace: INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/checksum.bad] Processing checksum manifest. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/bundle_v001.xml] Begin processing. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/bundle_v001.xml] line 54: Mapping reference type 'bundle_to_investigation' to 'investigation_ref'. [snip…] WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/data_mer2/collection_v001.xml] Generated checksum '0d0ddeeaa2036ebb69cc4aeb30e11203' does not match supplied checksum '0D0DDEEAA2036EBB69CC4AEB30E11203' in the manifest for file object '/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/data_mer2/collection_v001.xml'. [snip…] SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/data_mer1/sol0011/b0011_p237201_01_01v02.xml] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:3901be3c-891f-4591-bd81-8afd4ab31091' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV1/data_mer1/sol0011/b0011_p237201_01_01v02.xml] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:9cbfa248-8af6-4d21-ba4d-58b5cacc4c0f Summary: 10 of 10 file(s) processed, 0 other file(s) skipped 0 error(s), 3 warning(s) 10 of 10 products registered. 19 of 19 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 4 Product_Collection 1 Product_Document 2 Product_Observational 2 Product_Ancillary 19 Product_File_Repository 1 Product_Bundle 18 of 19 generated checksums matched their supplied value in the manifest, 0 value(s) not checked. 0 of 0 generated checksums matched the supplied value in their product label, 19 value(s) not checked. 19 of 19 associations registered. End of Log Step 6: (snipped from bottom: “Total Records: 29”) Step 7: very similar to the output of step 4 Step 8:The interesting parts of h2.out: PDS Harvest Tool Log Version Version 1.13.0 Time Tue, Oct 17 2017 at 02:01:03 PM Target(s) [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2] File Inclusions [*.xml] Severity Level INFO Registry Location http://localhost:8080/registry-pds4 Registry Package Name Harvest-Package_20170417161145 Registration Package GUID urn:uuid:774d1e95-3391-45cc-bc3c-6d075365b027 Checksum Manifest File /Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2/ Manifest File Base Path /Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2 INFO: XML extractor set to the following default namespace: INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2/] Processing checksum manifest. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2/bundle_v001.xml] Begin processing. [snip…] WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2/bundle_v001.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:mer_pancam_photometry::1.0 WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2/miscellaneous/collection_misc_inventory.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:mer_pancam_photometry:misc::1.0 WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2/miscellaneous/mer1_cube_list.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:mer_pancam_photometry:misc:mer1_cube_list::1.0 WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2/miscellaneous/mer2_cube_list.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:mer_pancam_photometry:misc:mer2_cube_list::1.0 WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2/document/collection_document_inventory.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:mer_pancam_photometry:document::1.0 WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2/document/pancam_instrument_description.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:mer_pancam_photometry:document:pancam_inst::1.0 WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2/data_mer2/collection_v001.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:mer_pancam_photometry:mer2::1.0 WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2/data_mer2/sol0013/a0013_p236402_01_01v04.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:mer_pancam_photometry:mer2:a0013_p236402_01_01v04::1.0 WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2/data_mer1/collection_v001.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:mer_pancam_photometry:mer1::1.0 WARNING: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/harvestAtmV2/data_mer1/sol0011/b0011_p237201_01_01v02.xml] Product already exists: urn:nasa:pds:mer_pancam_photometry:mer1:b0011_p237201_01_01v02::1.0 [snip…] Summary: 15 of 15 file(s) processed, 0 other file(s) skipped 0 error(s), 10 warning(s) 5 of 15 products registered. 9 of 9 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 2 Product_Collection 2 Product_Observational 9 Product_File_Repository 1 Product_Bundle 9 of 9 generated checksums matched their supplied value in the manifest, 0 value(s) not checked. 0 of 0 generated checksums matched the supplied value in their product label, 9 value(s) not checked. 9 of 9 associations registered. End of Log Step 9: (snipped from bottom: “Total Records: 43”)
Comments |
Results met success criteria.
Biuld 7b opens PDS-497. The first checksum manifest has file “\bundle.xml” (leading ‘\’), which validate and harvest handle differently. It also has a checksum in all caps, which both validate and harvest fail to recognize as a good value. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.19 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Use LDDTool to create local data dictionaries |
Requirements |
PASS L5.SCH.1: The service shall provide a user interface for entering of queries and display of search results
Success Criteria |
Validate uses the created local data dictionary to validate a label. |
Test Steps |
1. cd testDir/testLDD 2. validate -x ../PDS4_PDS_1800.xsd -S ../PDS4_PDS_1800.sch -t nsyt_maro.xml 3. lddtool -pl ingest_ldd.xml At line 25 of ingest_ldd_INSIGHT_0510.xsd (i.e. before <xs:complexType name="Observation_Information">), insert: <xs:element name="Observation_Information" type="insight:Observation_Information"/> 4. validate -x ../PDS4_PDS_1800.xsd ingest_ldd_INSIGHT_0510.xsd -S ../PDS4_PDS_1800.sch ingest_ldd_INSIGHT_0510.sch -t nsyt_maro.xml 5. rm ingest_ldd_INSIGHT* |
Test Results |
Step 2: Oct 18, 2017 1:23:55 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Label' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testLDD/nsyt_maro.xml Oct 18, 2017 1:23:55 PM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testLDD/nsyt_maro.xml' Oct 18, 2017 1:23:57 PM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testLDD/nsyt_maro.xml' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-18T20:23:54Z Parameters: Targets [file:testDir/testLDD/nsyt_maro.xml] User Specified Schemas [file:testDir/PDS4_PDS_1800.xsd] User Specified Schematrons [file:testDir/PDS4_PDS_1800.sch] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode off Validation Details: FAIL: file:testDir/testLDD/nsyt_maro.xml ERROR line 113, 46: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'insight:Observation_Information'. Summary: 1 of 1 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 0 of 1 file(s) passed validation End of Report Step 3: >>info - LDDTOOL Version: >>info - Date: Wed Oct 18 13:33:10 PDT 2017 >>info - JAVAHOME: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_101.jdk/Contents/Home >>info - PARENT_DIR: /PDS4tools/lddtool >>info - SCRIPT_DIR: /PDS4tools/lddtool/bin >>info - LIB_DIR: /PDS4tools/lddtool/lib >>info - Found input file: ingest_ldd.xml >>info - Found required file: /PDS4tools/lddtool/Data/MDPTNConfigClassDisp.xml >>info - Configured Steward/NameSpaceId Pairs >>info - cart - cart >>info - cart - pds >>info - geo - geom >>info - img - disp >>info - img - img >>info - img - pds >>info - msn - msn >>info - ops - pds >>info - pds - pds >>info - rings - rings finding identifier: ---->rings finding identifier: ---->cart finding identifier: ---->sbn finding identifier: ---->msn finding identifier: ---->ppi finding identifier: ---->geom finding identifier: ---->naif finding identifier: ---->disp finding identifier: ---->atm finding identifier: ---->pds ADDING master:pds >>info - Found required file: /PDS4tools/lddtool/Data/dd11179.pins >>info - Found required file: /PDS4tools/lddtool/Data/DMDocument.pins >>info - Found required file: /PDS4tools/lddtool/Data/UpperModel.pont >>info - Found required file: /PDS4tools/lddtool/Data/Glossary.pins >>info - getMasterObjectDict - Found LDDToolSingletonClass - DMDocument.LDDToolSingletonClass.title:Discipline_Area >>info - Found required file: /PDS4tools/lddtool/Data/UpperModel.pins ***error*** - missing superClass in master while trying to set subClassOf - lClass.identifier:0001_NASA_PDS_1.cart.Equirectangular - lClass.subClassOfTitle:Map_Projection_Base ***error*** - missing superClass in master while trying to set subClassOf - lClass.identifier:0001_NASA_PDS_1.cart.Lambert_Conformal_Conic - lClass.subClassOfTitle:Map_Projection_Base ***error*** - missing superClass in master while trying to set subClassOf - lClass.identifier:0001_NASA_PDS_1.cart.Oblique_Mercator - lClass.subClassOfTitle:Map_Projection_Base ***error*** - missing superClass in master while trying to set subClassOf - lClass.identifier:0001_NASA_PDS_1.cart.Polar_Stereographic - lClass.subClassOfTitle:Map_Projection_Base ***error*** - missing superClass in master while trying to set subClassOf - lClass.identifier:0001_NASA_PDS_1.cart.Polyconic - lClass.subClassOfTitle:Map_Projection_Base ***error*** - missing superClass in master while trying to set subClassOf - lClass.identifier:0001_NASA_PDS_1.cart.Sinusoidal - lClass.subClassOfTitle:Map_Projection_Base ***error*** - missing superClass in master while trying to set subClassOf - lClass.identifier:0001_NASA_PDS_1.cart.Transverse_Mercator - lClass.subClassOfTitle:Map_Projection_Base >>info - Generate Schematron Rules - Custom Rule Counts - Before generation >>info - Rule count for Arr: 59 >>info - Rule count for Map: 59 >>info - Rule count for Id Map: 59 WARNING Header: - New namespace id has been specified:insight INFO Attribute: <mission_phase_name> - This local attribute has a duplicate in the PDS4 data dictionary. INFO Attribute: <release_number> - The default minimum value provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 1 INFO Attribute: <software_name> - The default minimum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 1 INFO Attribute: <software_name> - The default maximum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 255 INFO Attribute: <software_version_id> - The default minimum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 1 INFO Attribute: <software_version_id> - The default maximum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 255 INFO Attribute: <software_version_id> - This local attribute has a duplicate in the PDS4 data dictionary. INFO Attribute: <sol_number> - The default minimum value provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 0 INFO Attribute: <spacecraft_clock_start_count> - The default minimum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 1 INFO Attribute: <spacecraft_clock_start_count> - The default maximum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 255 INFO Attribute: <spacecraft_clock_start_count> - This local attribute has a duplicate in the PDS4 data dictionary. INFO Attribute: <spacecraft_clock_stop_count> - The default minimum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 1 INFO Attribute: <spacecraft_clock_stop_count> - The default maximum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 255 INFO Attribute: <spacecraft_clock_stop_count> - This local attribute has a duplicate in the PDS4 data dictionary. INFO Attribute: <start_local_mean_solar_time> - The default minimum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 8 INFO Attribute: <start_local_mean_solar_time> - The default maximum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 255 INFO Attribute: <start_local_true_solar_time> - The default minimum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 8 INFO Attribute: <start_local_true_solar_time> - The default maximum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 255 INFO Attribute: <start_sol_number> - The default minimum value provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 0 INFO Attribute: <start_solar_longitude> - The default minimum value provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 0 INFO Attribute: <start_solar_longitude> - The default maximum value provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 360 INFO Attribute: <stop_local_mean_solar_time> - The default minimum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 8 INFO Attribute: <stop_local_mean_solar_time> - The default maximum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 255 INFO Attribute: <stop_local_true_solar_time> - The default minimum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 8 INFO Attribute: <stop_local_true_solar_time> - The default maximum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 255 INFO Attribute: <stop_sol_number> - The default minimum value provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 0 INFO Attribute: <stop_solar_longitude> - The default minimum value provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 0 INFO Attribute: <stop_solar_longitude> - The default maximum value provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 360 INFO Attribute: <instrument_clock_start_count> - The default minimum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 1 INFO Attribute: <instrument_clock_start_count> - The default maximum characters provided by the attribute's data type is being overridden with 255 >>info - Checking for attribute consistency - checkSameNameOverRide >>info - Counts >>info - Classes: 377 >>info - Attributes: 1421 >>info - Rules: 268 >>info - LDDTOOL Exit Step 4: Oct 18, 2017 3:00:00 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Label' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testLDD/nsyt_maro.xml Oct 18, 2017 3:00:00 PM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testLDD/nsyt_maro.xml' Oct 18, 2017 3:00:02 PM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testLDD/nsyt_maro.xml' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-18T21:59:59Z Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testLDD/nsyt_maro.xml] User Specified Schemas [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/PDS4_PDS_1800.xsd, file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testLDD/ingest_ldd_INSIGHT_0510.xsd] User Specified Schematrons [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/PDS4_PDS_1800.sch, file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testLDD/ingest_ldd_INSIGHT_0510.sch] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode off Validation Details: PASS: file:testDir/testLDD/nsyt_maro.xml Summary: 1 of 1 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 1 of 1 file(s) passed validation End of Report |
Comments |
Results met success criteria., created during testing of build 8a, asks for an explanation of the ***error*** output messages. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.18 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Use Data Set View (not Search) to browse products |
Requirements |
PASS L5.SCH.1: The service shall provide a user interface for entering of queries and display of search results
Success Criteria |
Access any registered, individual PDS3 data set (a context product) |
Test Steps |
The registry must have data, and Harvest must have gotten absolute paths as inputs. Test cases SRCH.3, SRCH.5, or SRCH.6 (typically run after HVT.3) leave PDS3 context products in the registry. 1.
In a browser, |
Test Results |
Step 1: |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.18 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Submit and browse tools and services. |
Requirements |
PASS 4.2.2: Develop and implement procedures for periodically monitoring the user community interests and practices and verifying the usability of the products in the archive |
Success Criteria |
Upload and download non-core tools |
Test Steps |
Use the web site for EN development 1. ssh pds-gamma 2. ls /home/pds4/staging 3. In a browser, Browse. 4. Choose tab “Submit a Tool”. Fill in various false info, e.g. “” 5. repeat step 2 6.
inspect newly created .xml file,
e.g. search for a value entered, e.g. |
Test Results |
Step 6: /home/pds4/staging/20170419-104442/testing_-_please_delete_1.0.xml- <version_id>1.0</version_id> /home/pds4/staging/20170419-104442/testing_-_please_delete_1.0.xml: <url></url> /home/pds4/staging/20170419-104442/testing_-_please_delete_1.0.xml- <release_date>2017-04-19</release_date> -- /home/pds4/staging/20170419-104442/testing_-_please_delete_1.0.xml- <category>Search</category> /home/pds4/staging/20170419-104442/testing_-_please_delete_1.0.xml: <description></description> /home/pds4/staging/20170419-104442/testing_-_please_delete_1.0.xml- </Service> |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.04.19 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Generate a PDS4 label from a PDS3 label or a PDS-specific DOM object. |
Requirements |
PASS L4.PRP.2 : The system shall provide a tool that assists users in the generation of PDS product labels. |
Success Criteria |
Generate produces a syntactically valid PDS Product Label else indicates where the input is invalid. |
Test Steps |
Some files in testDir/testHarvest/ come from PDS3 labels. Generate automatically and compare. Step 3 would be better with an xml diff. 1. cd testDir/testPrep 2. generate -p gendoc.lbl -t gendoc.vm 3. diff -w gendoc.xml gendoc.baseline.xml 4. rm gendoc.xml 5. generate -p gen_ELE_MOM1.LBL gen_ELE_MOM2.LBL gen_ELE_MOM3.LBL -t gen_data.vm 6. diff -w gen_ELE_MOM1.xml gen_ele_baseline.xml 7. diff gen_ELE_MOM[13].LBL 8. diff gen_ELE_MOM[13].xml 9. rm gen_ELE_MOM?.xml Test new functionality from build 6a 10. cd genmpf 11. generate -p i455934l.drk -t mpf_imp_raw_template_1400.xml 12. generate -p i646954r.img -t mpf_imp_raw_template_1400.xml 13. diff i455934l.xml i455934l.baseline.xml; diff i646954r.xml i646954r.baseline.xml 14. rm i455934l.xml i646954r.xml |
Test Results |
Step 2: New PDS4 Label: testDir/testPrep/gendoc.xml Step 3: Differences only in spacing Step 5: Note that generate used to (erroneously) require –d or –o New PDS4 Label: testDir/testPrep/gen_ELE_MOM1.xml New PDS4 Label: testDir/testPrep/gen_ELE_MOM2.xml New PDS4 Label: testDir/testPrep/gen_ELE_MOM3.xml Step 6: Differences only in spacing. Step 7: diff the inputs 12c12 < PRODUCT_ID = "ELE_MOM1.TAB" --- > PRODUCT_ID = "ELE_MOM3.TAB" 21c21 < ^TABLE = "ELE_MOM1.TAB" --- > ^TABLE = "ELE_MOM3.TAB" Step 8: diff the outputs 83,84c83,84 < <file_name>ELE_MOM1.TAB</file_name> < <local_identifier>ELE_MOM1.TAB</local_identifier> --- > <file_name>ELE_MOM3.TAB</file_name> > <local_identifier>ELE_MOM3.TAB</local_identifier> Step 11 New PDS4 Label: testDir/testPrep/genmpf/i455934l.xml Step 12: New PDS4 Label: testDir/testPrep/genmpf/i646954r.xml Step 13: Differences only in spacing except for modification_date (for each pair). 42c28 < <modification_date>2017-10-19</modification_date> --- > <modification_date>2015-10-22</modification_date> |
Comments |
Generate converts most constructs in a PDS3 label into a PDS4 label.
Results met success criteria.
PDS-113, created during testing of build 2c, requests handling carets in PDS3 labels used for detached labels. PDS-398, created during testing of build 6a, requests that `generate -o .` write output to a different directory. PDS-519, created during testing of build 8a, requests documentation for handling the WARNings of step 2. Already resolved. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.19 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Extract tabular data from a PDS4 product. |
Requirements |
PASS L4?.???.? |
Success Criteria |
Produce equivalent data in fixed width or csv. |
Test Steps |
1. cd testDir/testPrep 2. java -version 3. extract-table extr_hp3.xml 4.
Operate on label pointing to
multiple data files: 5. extract-table -t^ maven_events_20140801.xml 6. extract-table |
Test Results |
Step 2: java version "1.8.0_101" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_101-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.101-b13, mixed mode) Step 3: Spacecraft Clock Time Tilt X Tilt Y Tilt A Tilt B Sol Number 527817604.00000 90823 -215633 372377 1118264 0029 527817614.00000 90210 -215075 372241 1118067 0029 527817624.00000 91265 -215667 373688 1118125 0029 … Step 4: file: extr3.TAB table 1: fixed-width character table field 1: SOL (ASCII_Integer) field 2: LTST (ASCII_Real) field 3: LMST (ASCII_Real) field 4: V (ASCII_Real) field 5: DV+ (ASCII_Real) field 6: DV- (ASCII_Real) field 7: DIR (ASCII_Real) field 8: DDIR (ASCII_Real) field 9: EXPOSURE TIME (ASCII_Real) field 10: FILE NAME (ASCII_File_Name)
file: extr3.csv table 1: delimited table field 1: CHANNEL_NUMBER (ASCII_Integer) field 2: SPECTRA_01 (ASCII_Integer) field 3: SPECTRA_02 (ASCII_Integer) field 4: SPECTRA_03 (ASCII_Integer) field 5: SPECTRA_04 (ASCII_Integer) field 6: SPECTRA_05 (ASCII_Integer) field 7: SPECTRA_06 (ASCII_Integer) field 8: SPECTRA_07 (ASCII_Integer) field 9: SPECTRA_08 (ASCII_Integer) field 10: SPECTRA_09 (ASCII_Integer) field 11: SPECTRA_10 (ASCII_Integer) field 12: SPECTRA_11 (ASCII_Integer) field 13: SPECTRA_12 (ASCII_Integer)
file: extr3.dat table 1: fixed-width binary table field 1: SCLK_SECONDS (UnsignedMSB4) field 2: SCLK_SUBSECONDS (UnsignedMSB2) field 3: SPARE (UnsignedMSB2) field 4: ROTATION_MOTOR_POSITION (IEEE754MSBDouble) field 5: ROTATION_MOTOR_CURRENT_SENSOR (IEEE754MSBDouble) field 6: REVOLUTION_MOTOR_POSITION (IEEE754MSBDouble) field 7: REVOLUTION_MOTOR_CURRENT_SENSOR (IEEE754MSBDouble) field 8: Z_MOTOR_POSITION (IEEE754MSBDouble) field 9: Z_MOTOR_CURRENT_SENSOR (IEEE754MSBDouble) field 10: TEMPERATURE_SENSOR (IEEE754MSBDouble) field 11: BUTTERFLY_SWITCH_1 (UnsignedMSB4) field 12: BUTTERFLY_SWITCH_2 (UnsignedMSB4) field 13: RAT_OVER_CURRENT_ALARM (UnsignedMSB4) field 14: Z_AXIS_MOTOR_CONTROLLER_STATUS (UnsignedByte) field 15: REVOLVE_MOTOR_CONTROLLER_STATUS (UnsignedByte) field 16: GRIND_MOTOR_CONTROLLER_STATUS (UnsignedByte) field 17: SPARE (UnsignedByte) field 18: ROVER_BUS_VOLTAGE (IEEE754MSBDouble) field 19: ALGORITHM_STATE (UnsignedMSB4) field 20: ANOMALY_FLAG (UnsignedMSB4) Step 5: Event ID^event_type_id^start_time^end_time^source^description^discussion^modified_time^mission_event_id 13642^ 122^2014-11-23T18:15:39-07:00^2014-11-23T18:15:39-07:00^Integrated Report^Start of outbound side orbit segment.^['VM_10', 'VM_GV_SET_STR', 'vm_gv=GV_ORBIT_SEGMENT', '(152),vm_string=OB_SIDE'] FILENAME:report_integrated.MVN.txt^2014-12-19T11:31:41.566628^ 140997 13646^ 121^2014-11-18T04:26:15-07:00^2014-11-18T04:26:15-07:00^Integrated Report^Start of periapse orbit segment.^['VM_10', 'VM_GV_SET_STR', 'vm_gv=GV_ORBIT_SEGMENT', '(152),vm_string=PERIAPSE'] FILENAME:report_integrated.MVN.txt^2014-12-19T11:31:41.597141^ 122415 [snip…] 24062^ 131^2015-02-14T21:34:37-07:00^2015-02-14T21:34:37-07:00^SPICE ^Spacecraft entered eclipse^Generated using mvn_spk_2015_050_20_00_02.bsp^2015-02-22T02:30:13.515326^ 594473 24063^ 130^2015-02-14T17:27:26-07:00^2015-02-14T17:27:26-07:00^SPICE ^Spacecraft exited eclipse^Generated using mvn_spk_2015_050_20_00_02.bsp^2015-02-22T02:30:13.916244^ 594472 Step 6: demonstrate URL support AST_NUMBER AST_NAME PROV_DESIG REF_ID TYPE FLAG PERIOD1 AMP1 PERIOD2 AMP2 PORB DS_DP_RATIO A_DP_RATIO 22 Kalliope - summary - - 4.1483 0.53 -999.99999999 -.99 -999.99999999 -.99 -9.999 22 Kalliope - Descamps 2008a B A -99999.99999999 -.99 -999.99999999 -.99 -999.99999999 -.99 -9.999 [snip ...] 0 - 2016 BU13 summary - - 39.5 0.24 -999.99999999 -.99 -999.99999999 -.99 -9.999 0 - 2016 BU13 Warner 2016m ? A 39.5 0.24 2.4499 0.11 -999.99999999 -.99 -9.999 |
Comments |
Results met success criteria.
Step 6 verifies |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.19 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Transform PDS4 images into other formats. Transform is built upon a Java API. |
Requirements |
PASS L4.PRP.4: The system shall provide a tool for transforming PDS products as follows… PASS L5.GEN.4: Tools shall have an application programming interface. |
Success Criteria |
Input and output images look the same. |
Test Steps |
1. cd testDir/ 2. transform testPrep/i943630r.xml -o ./ -f jpg 3. transform testPrep/tfm_FF01.LBL -o ./ -f jp2 4. transform testPrep/tfm_ELE_MOM.LBL -f pds4-label 5. grep -H NAME testPrep/tfm_ELE_MOM.LBL | grep , ; grep -H name testPrep/tfm_ELE_MOM.xml | grep , 6. diff -w tfm_ele_mom.xml testPrep/tfm_ELE_MOM.xml 7. transform testPrep/tfm_414.xml -f jpg 8. transform testPrep/tfm_grand1A.lbl -f csv 9. Edit output file tfm_grand1A.csv to replace all commas with spaces 10. diff -w tfm_grand1A.csv testPrep/ Also check that the generated .xml file is good, and that transform to pds3 works 11. transform tfm_grand1a.xml -f pds3-label 12. ln -s testPrep/ . 13. Run NASAView to show TFM_GRAND1A.LBL == testPrep/tfmgrand1A.lbl 14. transform -f csv |
Test Results |
Step 2: PDS Transform Tool Log Version Version 1.6.0 Time Thu, Oct 19 2017 at 10:37:06 PM Target [testDir/testPrep/i943630r.xml] Output Directory . Index 1 Format Type jpg INFO: [testDir/testPrep/i943630r.xml] Transforming image '1' of file 'i943630r.raw' INFO: [TwoDImageExporter:setImageStatistics] No display settings found for identifier 'MPFL-M-IMP_IMG_GRAYSCALE'. INFO: [testDir/testPrep/i943630r.xml] Successfully transformed image '1' of file 'i943630r.raw' to the following output: ./i943630r.jpg i943630r.jpg:
Step 3: transform VICAR IO Image write Done JConvertIIO 0) INP = testPrep/tfm_FF01.LBL 1) OUT = ../TFM_FF01.bmp 2) FORMAT = bmp 3) RI = true 4) OFORM = BYTE PDS Transform Tool Log Version Version 1.6.0 Time Thu, Oct 19 2017 at 10:39:18 PM Target [testDir/testPrep/tfm_FF01.LBL] Output Directory .. Index 1 Format Type jp2 INFO: [testPrep/tfm_FF01.LBL] Transforming image file: testPrep/TFM_FF01.IMG INFO: [testPrep/tfm_FF01.LBL] Successfully transformed image file 'testPrep/TFM_FF01.IMG' to the following output: ../TFM_FF01.jp2 TFM_FF01.jp2: Step 4: PDS Transform Tool Log Version Version 1.6.0 Time Thu, Oct 19 2017 at 10:42:56 PM Target [testDir/testPrep/tfm_ELE_MOM.LBL] Output Directory testDir Index 1 Format Type pds4-label INFO: [testPrep/tfm_ELE_MOM.LBL] Transforming label file: testPrep/tfm_ELE_MOM.LBL INFO: [testPrep/tfm_ELE_MOM.LBL] Successfully transformed PDS3 label 'testPrep/tfm_ELE_MOM.LBL' to a PDS4 label ' testDir/tfm_ele_mom.xml' Step 5 shows proper handling of commas in column name. testPrep/tfm_ELE_MOM.LBL: NAME = "ELE_TEMP,OK,COMMA" testPrep/tfm_ELE_MOM.xml: <name>ele_temp,ok,comma</name> Step 6: Differences not related to spacing: 1,9c1,2 < <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> < < <?xml-model href="" < schematypens=""?> < < <Product_Observational xmlns="" < xmlns:pds="" < xmlns:xsi="" < xsi:schemaLocation=""> --- > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> > <Product_Observational xmlns="" xmlns:pds="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> 14c7 < <information_model_version></information_model_version> --- > <information_model_version></information_model_version> 18c11 < <modification_date>2017-10-24</modification_date> --- > <modification_date>2014-04-07</modification_date> Step 7:
Step 8: New PDS4 Label: /Users/rchen/Desktop/test/tfm_grand1a.xml outputs = [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/tfm_grand1A.csv] PDS Transform Tool Log Version Version 1.6.0 Time Sun, Oct 22 2017 at 12:25:15 AM Target [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/tfm_grand1A.lbl] Output Directory /Users/rchen/Desktop/test Index 1 Format Type csv INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/tfm_grand1A.lbl] Transforming label file: /Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/tfm_grand1A.lbl INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/tfm_grand1A.lbl] Finished transforming PDS3 label '/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/tfm_grand1A.lbl' to a PDS4 label '/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/tfm_grand1a.xml' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/tfm_grand1a.xml] Transforming table '1' of file: /Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/ INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/tfm_grand1a.xml] Successfully transformed table '1' to the following output: /Users/rchen/Desktop/test/tfm_grand1A.csv Step 10: 1d0 < scet_utc state_index delta_sclk sclk telreadout telsoh mode hvps1_set hvps1 hvps2_set hvps2 hvps3_set hvps3 hvps4_set hvps4 hvps5_set hvps5 hvps6_set hvps6 pm5_lvps p12_lvps czt_pm5_lvps czt_enables nemg_tot_evts nemg_czt_evts nemn_tot_evts l_bgo_cw h_bgo_cw l_bgo_roi h_bgo_roi l_blp_my_cw h_blp_my_cw l_blp_my_roi h_blp_my_roi l_blp_py_cw h_blp_py_cw l_blp_py_roi h_blp_py_roi l_blp_mz_cw h_blp_mz_cw l_blp_mz_roi h_blp_mz_roi l_blp_pz_cw h_blp_pz_cw l_blp_pz_roi h_blp_pz_roi Step 11: outputs = [/PDS/PDS4test.build8a/TFM_GRAND1A.LBL] PDS Transform Tool Log
Version Version 1.7.0-dev Time Tue, Oct 24 2017 at 10:04:17 PM Target [file:/PDS/PDS4test.build8a/tfm_grand1a.xml] Output Directory /PDS/PDS4test.build8a Index 1 Format Type pds3-label
INFO: [/PDS/PDS4test.build8a/tfm_grand1a.xml] Transforming label file: /PDS/PDS4test.build8a/tfm_grand1a.xml INFO: [/PDS/PDS4test.build8a/tfm_grand1a.xml] Successfully transformed target label to a PDS3 label: /PDS/PDS4test.build8a/TFM_GRAND1A.LBL Step 14: URL as input. Then inspect output file lc_binary.csv outputs = [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/lc_binary.csv] PDS Transform Tool Log
Version Version 1.6.0 Time Sun, Oct 22 2017 at 06:20:19 PM Target [] Output Directory /Users/rchen/Desktop/test Index 1 Format Type csv
FINEST: [HttpURLConnection:plainConnect0] ProxySelector Request for FINEST: [HttpsClient:New] Looking for HttpClient for URL and proxy value of DIRECT FINEST: [HttpsClient:<init>] Creating new HttpsClient with url: and proxy:DIRECT with connect timeout:-1 FINEST: [HttpURLConnection:plainConnect0] Proxy used: DIRECT FINE: [HttpURLConnection:writeRequests] pairs: {GET /archive/bundles/ast_lightcurve_derived/data/lc_binary.xml HTTP/1.1: null}{User-Agent: Java/1.8.0_101}{Host:}{Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2}{Connection: keep-alive} FINEST: [HttpClient:logFinest] KeepAlive stream used: FINE: [HttpURLConnection:getInputStream0] pairs: {null: HTTP/1.1 200 OK}{Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2017 01:20:11 GMT}{Server: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips}{Last-Modified: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 16:55:29 GMT}{ETag: "2c1c-559799c22e240"}{Accept-Ranges: bytes}{Content-Length: 11292}{Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100}{Connection: Keep-Alive}{Content-Type: text/xml} INFO: [/archive/bundles/ast_lightcurve_derived/data/lc_binary.xml] Transforming table '1' of file: /archive/bundles/ast_lightcurve_derived/data/lc_binary.xml/ FINEST: [HttpURLConnection:plainConnect0] ProxySelector Request for FINEST: [HttpsClient:New] Looking for HttpClient for URL and proxy value of DIRECT FINEST: [HttpsClient:<init>] Creating new HttpsClient with url: and proxy:DIRECT with connect timeout:-1 FINEST: [HttpURLConnection:plainConnect0] Proxy used: DIRECT FINE: [HttpURLConnection:writeRequests] pairs: {GET /archive/bundles/ast_lightcurve_derived/data/ HTTP/1.1: null}{User-Agent: Java/1.8.0_101}{Host:}{Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2}{Connection: keep-alive} FINEST: [HttpClient:logFinest] KeepAlive stream used: FINE: [HttpURLConnection:getInputStream0] pairs: {null: HTTP/1.1 200 OK}{Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2017 01:20:24 GMT}{Server: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips}{Last-Modified: Fri, 01 Sep 2017 15:59:02 GMT}{ETag: "1f99e-55822d6f3fd80"}{Accept-Ranges: bytes}{Content-Length: 129438}{Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100}{Connection: Keep-Alive} INFO: [/archive/bundles/ast_lightcurve_derived/data/lc_binary.xml] Successfully transformed table '1' to the following output: /Users/rchen/Desktop/test/lc_binary.csv
Comments |
Results met success criteria. (formerly PDS-349), created during testing of build 5b, requests friendlier warning messages
Steps 8-10 verify, PDS3 to csv, and, output .xml with latest (1900) model. Step 13 verifies, input from URL., created and resolved during testing of build 8a, step 12, notes transform’s inability to create a pds3 label. Now fixed, this verifies |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.19 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Transform PDS4 Array_3D products into other formats. |
Requirements |
PASS L4.PRP.4: The system shall provide a tool for transforming PDS products as follows… PASS L5.GEN.4: Tools shall have an application programming interface. |
Success Criteria |
If browse product exists, compare output against it. |
Test Steps |
1. cd testDir/testPrep Files tfm_d00.* were d000m5240t494053574edr_f0000_0501m1.* from an Insight review 2. transform tfm_d00.xml -f jpg 3. rm tfm_d00.jpg Transform an unsignedLSB2 and a signedLSB2. 4. transform tfm_434u.xml -f png 5. transform tfm_434s.xml -f gif 6. rm tfm_434.png tfm_434.gif |
Test Results |
Step 2: PDS Transform Tool Log Version Version 1.6.0 Time Thu, Oct 19 2017 at 11:28:29 PM Target [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/tfm_d00.xml] Output Directory testDir/testPrep Index 1 Format Type jpg INFO: [tfm_d00.xml] Transforming image '1' of file 'tfm_d00.vic' INFO: [ThreeDImageExporter:setImageStatistics] No display settings found for identifier 'IMAGE DATA'. INFO: [tfm_d00.xml] Successfully transformed image '1' of file 'tfm_d00.vic' to the following output: testDir/testPrep/tfm_d00.jpg Output looks good and matches browse product tfm_d00.png Step 4: Step 5: |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.19 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Test various capabilities described in release documents: · Transform PDS4 Array_3D_Spectrum into other formats. · Use scaling_factor, value_offset, and orientation values. · Transform label with multiple images |
Requirements |
PASS L4.PRP.4: The system shall provide a tool for transforming PDS products as follows… |
Success Criteria |
Visually inspect output product |
Test Steps |
1. cd testDir/testPrep A. Transform PDS4 Array_3D_Spectrum into other formats. Note, tfm_spec.xml is tfm_d00.xml with “…_Spectrum” replacing “…_Image” 2. transform tfm_spec.xml -f jpg 3. rm tfm_d00.jpg B. Use scaling_factor, value_offset, and orientation values. Note, the input files tfm_433*.xml, are all variations of tfm_d00.xml 4. diff tfm_433a.xml tfm_433b.xml 5. diff tfm_433a.xml tfm_433c.xml 6. transform tfm_433a.xml -f gif 7. transform tfm_433b.xml -f jpg 8. transform tfm_433c.xml -f png 9. rm tfm_433.gif tfm_433.jpg tfm_433.png C. File pancam.qub has many images and uses <disp:*display_direction> 10. mkdir xA ; transform pancamA.xml -f jpg -a -o xA 11. mkdir xB ; transform pancamB.xml -f jpg -a -o xB 12. ls -l xA 13. diff pancamA.xml pancamB.xml 14. diff -r xA xB 15. view the two first files (and any other so desired) 16. rm -r xA xB 17. transform -O pancamA.xml |
Test Results |
Step 2: PDS Transform Tool Log Version Version 1.6.0 Time Thu, Oct 19 2017 at 11:31:00 PM Target [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/tfm_spec.xml] Output Directory testDir/testPrep Index 1 Format Type jpg INFO: [tfm_spec.xml] Transforming image '1' of file 'tfm_d00.vic' INFO: [ThreeDSpectrumExporter:setImageStatistics] No display settings found for identifier 'IMAGE DATA'. INFO: [tfm_spec.xml] Successfully transformed image '1' of file 'tfm_d00.vic' to the following output: testDir/testPrep/tfm_d00.jpg
Step 4: 118,119c118,119 < <line_display_direction>Down</line_display_direction> < <sample_display_direction>Right</sample_display_direction> --- > <line_display_direction>Up</line_display_direction> > <sample_display_direction>Left</sample_display_direction> Step 5: 105c105 < <scaling_factor>1</scaling_factor> --- > <scaling_factor>0</scaling_factor> Steps 6,7,8 (images have been shrunk to fit 3-wide on this page)
Step 10 (Step 11 is very similar): PDS Transform Tool Log Version Version 1.6.0 Time Thu, Oct 19 2017 at 11:35:05 PM Target [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/pancamA.xml] Output Directory xA Transform All true Format Type jpg INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/pancamA.xml] Transforming image '1' of file 'pancam.qub' INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/pancamA.xml] Successfully transformed image '1' of file 'pancam.qub' to the following output: xA/pancam_1.jpg INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/pancamA.xml] Transforming image '2' of file 'pancam.qub' [snip...] INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/pancamA.xml] Transforming image '20' of file 'pancam.qub' INFO: [TwoDImageExporter:setImageStatistics] No display settings found. Missing local_identifier element in the Array_2D_Image area. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/pancamA.xml] Successfully transformed image '20' of file 'pancam.qub' to the following output: xA/pancam_20.jpg Step 12: total 2928 -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 96617 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_1.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 38511 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_10.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 51693 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_11.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 63297 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_12.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 72366 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_13.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 98680 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_14.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 73826 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_15.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 115606 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_16.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 113894 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_17.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 68505 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_18.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 80052 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_19.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 89209 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_2.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 64422 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_20.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 76261 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_3.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 71655 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_4.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 68849 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_5.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 71295 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_6.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 63583 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_7.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 29191 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_8.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 rchen 703763885 52468 Oct 19 23:35 pancam_9.jpg Step 13: 71c71 < <disp:horizontal_display_direction>Left to Right</disp:horizontal_display_direction> --- > <disp:horizontal_display_direction>Right to Left</disp:horizontal_display_direction> 73c73 < <disp:vertical_display_direction>Top to Bottom</disp:vertical_display_direction> --- > <disp:vertical_display_direction>Bottom to Top</disp:vertical_display_direction> Step 14: The two images with <local_identifier>Spectral_Qube_Object</…> differ: Binary files xA/pancam_1.jpg and xB/pancam_1.jpg differ Binary files xA/pancam_3.jpg and xB/pancam_3.jpg differ Step 15: (images have been shrunk to fit 2-wide on this page)
Step 17: Supported Images: Data file: pancam.qub index = 1 object type = Array_3D_Spectrum name = null local identifier = Spectral_Qube_Object data type = SignedMSB2 lines = 1024 samples = 1024 index = 2 object type = Array_2D_Image name = iof_r2 local identifier = null data type = SignedMSB2 lines = 1024 samples = 1024 [snip…] index = 20 object type = Array_2D_Image name = approx_phase_angle local identifier = null data type = SignedMSB2 lines = 1024 samples = 1024 Supported Tables: None Found |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.19 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Accept a file or a directory name for product(s) to be validated. If directory, be able to traverse the tree to find products. Indicate the schemas utilized during validation. Validate is built upon a Java API. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.PRP.VA.1: The tool shall accept the following as input for specifying the product(s) to be validated… PASS L5.PRP.VA.2: The tool shall traverse a directory tree and validate products discovered within that tree. PASS L5.PRP.VA.5: The tool shall verify that a product label is well-formed XML. PASS L5.PRP.VA.6: The tool shall verify that a product label conforms to its associated schema file(s). PASS L5.PRP.VA.9: The tool shall indicate the schema(s) utilized during validation. PASS L5.GEN.4: Tools shall have an application programming interface. PASS L5.GEN.7: Tools shall generate a report detailing results from a single execution of the tool. |
Success Criteria |
Validation tool validates a file or all eligible products in a directory tree. When validating a product, a label, or a schema, indicates which schemas it utilized during the validation. Ensures that a product label is well-formed XML and conforms to its schemas. |
Test Steps |
1. cd testDir/bundle_psi 2. validate -e "*xml" -x xml_schema/*xsd -S xml_schema/*sch -R pds4.bundle -t . Some files need local data dictionary img. Note they must follow PDS4_PDS* on the command line in step 4, hence the name ZZ.* 3. cd xml_schema; ln -s PDS4_IMG_1100.xsd.later ZZ.xsd; ln -s PDS4_IMG_1100.sch.later ZZ.sch; cd .. 4. repeat step 2 5. rm xml_schema/ZZ* |
Test Results |
Step 2: Oct 20, 2017 2:36:59 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Directory' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/ Oct 20, 2017 2:36:59 PM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/' Oct 20, 2017 2:37:01 PM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-20T21:36:59Z Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/] User Specified Schemas [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/xml_schema/PDS4_PDS_1600.xsd] User Specified Schematrons [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/xml_schema/PDS4_PDS_1600.sch] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*xml] Force Mode off Validation Details: PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/bundle_mars_spectra_reddy.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/collection_mars_spectra_reddy_data.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/science_index.xml FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/2001/1916_boreas.xml ERROR line 69, 42: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'img:Imaging_Instrument_Parameters'. FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/2008/163000_2001sw169.xml ERROR line 69, 42: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'img:Imaging_Instrument_Parameters'. FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/2008/2008rw24.xml ERROR line 69, 42: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'img:Imaging_Instrument_Parameters'. FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/2008/39572_1993dq1.xml ERROR line 69, 42: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'img:Imaging_Instrument_Parameters'. FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/2008/446791_1998sj70.xml ERROR line 69, 42: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'img:Imaging_Instrument_Parameters'. PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/AA_Document_Index.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/allspectra.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/bundle_description.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/collection_mars_spectra_reddy_document.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/host_OBS376T3_description.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/instrument_I0046_description.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/ref.xml Summary: 15 of 15 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 10 of 15 file(s) passed validation End of Report Step 4: Oct 20, 2017 4:14:27 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Bundle' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/ Oct 20, 2017 4:14:27 PM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/' Oct 20, 2017 4:14:29 PM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-20T23:14:26Z Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/] Rule Type pds4.bundle User Specified Schemas [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/xml_schema/PDS4_PDS_1600.xsd, file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/xml_schema/ZZ.xsd] User Specified Schematrons [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/xml_schema/PDS4_PDS_1600.sch, file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/xml_schema/ZZ.sch] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml] Force Mode off Validation Details: FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/.DS_Store ERROR File is not valid in bundle root directory ERROR File name uses invalid character ERROR File is not referenced by any label PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/bundle_mars_spectra_reddy.xml FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/.DS_Store ERROR File name uses invalid character ERROR File is not referenced by any label PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/collection_mars_spectra_reddy_data.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/science_index.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/2001/1916_boreas.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/2008/163000_2001sw169.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/2008/2008rw24.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/2008/39572_1993dq1.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/2008/446791_1998sj70.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/AA_Document_Index.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/allspectra.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/bundle_description.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/collection_mars_spectra_reddy_document.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/host_OBS376T3_description.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/instrument_I0046_description.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/document/ref.xml FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/xml_schema/PDS4_IMG_1100.sch.later ERROR File is not referenced by any label FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/xml_schema/PDS4_IMG_1100.xsd.later ERROR File is not referenced by any label FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/xml_schema/PDS4_PDS_1600.sch ERROR File is not referenced by any label FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/xml_schema/PDS4_PDS_1600.xsd ERROR File is not referenced by any label FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/xml_schema/ZZ.sch ERROR File is not referenced by any label FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/xml_schema/ZZ.xsd ERROR File is not referenced by any label Summary: 23 of 23 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 15 of 23 file(s) passed validation End of Report |
Comments |
Results met success criteria.
Steps 4 and 5 reopened PDS-486, for validate put out an odd error message possibly related to the -e option. Build 8a opens PDS-520, where validate does not catch a ‘+’ in a text field format. Build 8a opens PDS-521, where option -R pds4.bundle negates -e "*.xml". This has already been closed as being expected behavior, simply undocumented at the time. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.20 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Verify that a referenced file exists. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.PRP.VA.10: The tool shall verify that a file exists when referenced from a product label. |
Success Criteria |
Validation tool succeeds if referenced file exists, throws an error if not |
Test Steps |
1. mv bundle_psi/data/ . 2. validate -f bundle_psi/data/science_index.xml 3. mv bundle_psi/data/ 4. repeat step 2 References also consider <directory_path_name>, which can be absolute, relative, and with or without a trailing ‘/’. 5. diff testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_bad.xml testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_good.xml 6. validate -t testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_bad.xml -f 7. validate -t testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_good.xml -f |
Test Results |
Step 2: the referenced file was removed in step 1 Oct 20, 2017 5:47:46 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Label' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/science_index.xml Oct 20, 2017 5:47:46 PM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/science_index.xml' Oct 20, 2017 5:47:48 PM gov.nasa.pds.objectAccess.ByteWiseFileAccessor <init> SEVERE: I/O error. /Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/ (No such file or directory) at Method) at at<init>( at<init>( at at at gov.nasa.pds.objectAccess.utility.Utility.openConnection( at gov.nasa.pds.objectAccess.ByteWiseFileAccessor.<init>( at gov.nasa.pds.objectAccess.TableReader.<init>( at<init>( at at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at at org.apache.commons.chain.impl.ChainBase.execute( at at at at gov.nasa.pds.validate.ValidateLauncher.doValidation( at gov.nasa.pds.validate.ValidateLauncher.processMain( at gov.nasa.pds.validate.ValidateLauncher.main( Oct 20, 2017 5:47:48 PM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/science_index.xml' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-21T00:47:45Z Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/science_index.xml] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode on Validation Details: FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/science_index.xml ERROR URI reference does not exist: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/ Begin Content Validation: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/ ERROR table 1: Error occurred while trying to read table: /Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/ (No such file or directory) End Content Validation: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/ Summary: 1 of 1 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 0 of 1 file(s) passed validation End of Report Step 4: the referenced file was restored in step 3 Oct 20, 2017 5:53:22 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Label' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/science_index.xml Oct 20, 2017 5:53:22 PM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/science_index.xml' Oct 20, 2017 5:53:24 PM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/science_index.xml' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-21T00:53:22Z Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/science_index.xml] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode on Validation Details: PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_psi/data/science_index.xml Summary: 1 of 1 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 1 of 1 file(s) passed validation End of Report Step 5: the first difference (trailing /) doesn’t matter. The second does. 94c94 < <directory_path_name>meca_rdr_sis_files/</directory_path_name> --- > <directory_path_name>meca_rdr_sis_files</directory_path_name> 103c103 < <directory_path_name>/replaceWithFullPath</directory_path_name> --- > <directory_path_name> testDir/testPrep/product_document/meca_rdr_sis_files</directory_path_name> Step 6: _bad.xml should fail because of a non-existent path. Oct 20, 2017 5:57:18 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Label' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_bad.xml Oct 20, 2017 5:57:18 PM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_bad.xml' Oct 20, 2017 5:57:20 PM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_bad.xml' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-21T00:57:17Z Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_bad.xml] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode on Validation Details: FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_bad.xml ERROR URI reference does not exist: file:/replaceWithFullPath/image002.gif Summary: 1 of 1 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 0 of 1 file(s) passed validation End of Report Step 7: non-existent path has been replaced by a real path Oct 20, 2017 5:58:16 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Label' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_good.xml Oct 20, 2017 5:58:16 PM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_good.xml' Oct 20, 2017 5:58:18 PM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_good.xml' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-21T00:58:16Z Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_good.xml] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode on Validation Details: PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_good.xml Summary: 1 of 1 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 1 of 1 file(s) passed validation End of Report |
Comments |
Results met success criteria.
Build 8a opened PDS-522, which requests a less brutal error message in step 2 |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.20 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Validate aggregate products’ integrity of LID references. This differs from validating a directory by 1) hierarchically validating based on bundle.xml’s lid_reference and/or’s inventory, and 2) validating only the references, not other syntax. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.PRP.VA.3: The tool shall validate aggregate products and all products referenced by such products.
Success Criteria |
Find no bugs in bundle_geo_ra/. Find some bugs in bundleLID/. |
Test Steps |
1. cd testDir/ 2. validate -R pds4.bundle -t bundle_geo_ra -f 3.
validate -R pds4.bundle -t
bundleLID -f a) data_test/data_test_collection_1.xml has another collection’s logical_identifier b) context/context_collection_1.xml has a typo in its logical_identifier c) data_derived/sol149b.xml has another product’s LIDVID d) data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic[12].xml have the same LID but different VIDs, which should not be flagged. e) data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping.xml’s LID changed to “<xxx>.xml” f) data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping.xml’s <title> added various spaces 4.
validate -R pds4.bundle -t
bundle_geo_ra/bundle_1.xml |
Test Results |
Step 2: Oct 20, 2017 9:21:09 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Label' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_good.xml Oct 20, 2017 9:21:09 PM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_good.xml' Oct 20, 2017 9:21:11 PM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_good.xml' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-21T04:21:08Z Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/] Rule Type pds4.bundle Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode off Validation Details: PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/bundle_1.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/context/context_collection_1.xml [snip…] PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/xml_schema/collection.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/xml_schema/PDS4_PDS_1800.xml Summary: 173 of 173 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 173 of 173 file(s) passed validation End of Report Step 3: flagging duplicate u:n:p:phx_ra:data_derived:sol149a::1.0 and not flagging pit_test_scraping_pic[23].xml are correct. Oct 20, 2017 11:47:31 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Bundle' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/ Oct 20, 2017 11:47:31 PM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/' Oct 20, 2017 11:47:37 PM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/' PDS Validate Tool Report
Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-21T06:47:31Z Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/] Rule Type pds4.bundle Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode off Validation Details: PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/bundle_1.xml WARNING The member 'urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_test' could not be found in any product within the given target. WARNING The member 'urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:context' could not be found in any product within the given target. PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/context/context_collection_1.xml WARNING Identifier 'urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:context_typo::1.0' is not a member of any collection within the given target PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/context/PDS4_host_PHX_1.0.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/context/PDS4_inst_RA__PHX.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/context/PDS4_mission_PHOENIX_1.0.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/context/PDS4_target_MARS_1.0.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/data_derived/data_derived_collection_1.xml WARNING The member 'urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol149b::1.0' could not be found in any product within the given target. PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/data_derived/sol006.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/data_derived/sol149a.xml FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/data_derived/sol149b.xml ERROR Identifier urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol149a::1.0 already defined (old location: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/data_derived/sol149a.xml) FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/data_test/data_test_collection_1.xml ERROR Identifier urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived::1.0 already defined (old location: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/data_derived/data_derived_collection_1.xml) PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/data_test/duricrust/pit_test_duricrust.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/data_test/duricrust/pit_test_duricrust_dig1_pic1.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/data_test/duricrust/pit_test_duricrust_dig2_pic13.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic1.xml PASS: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundleLID/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping_pic2.xml Summary: 17 of 17 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 15 of 17 file(s) passed validation End of Report Step 4: Oct 20, 2017 11:49:47 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Bundle' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/bundle_1.xml Oct 20, 2017 11:49:47 PM validate SEVERE: 'PDS4 Bundle' validation style is not applicable for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/bundle_1.xml PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-21T06:49:47Z Core Schemas [PDS4_PDS_1900.xsd] Core Schematrons [PDS4_PDS_1900.sch] Model Version 1900 Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/bundle_1.xml] Rule Type pds4.bundle Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode off Validation Details: Summary: 0 of 0 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 0 of 0 file(s) passed validation End of Report |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.20 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Merge label fragments |
Requirements |
PASS L5.PRP.VA.4: The tool shall merge the contents of label fragments referenced by include elements with the contents of the parent label when validating a product. |
Success Criteria |
As of build 7b, this functionality (merging via xinculde) is gone, i.e. this should fail. The requirement above no longer applies, for PDS-488, removes support for xinclude. |
Test Steps |
1. cd testDir/testPrep/product_document 2. validate -t Product_Doc_part1.xml -f |
Test Results |
Step 2: Oct 21, 2017 12:01:45 AM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Label' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_part1.xml Oct 21, 2017 12:01:45 AM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_part1.xml' Oct 21, 2017 12:01:47 AM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_part1.xml' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-21T07:01:44Z Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_part1.xml] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode on Validation Details: FAIL: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/Product_Doc_part1.xml ERROR line 96, 56: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'xi:include'. One of '{"":comment, "":directory_path_name, "":document_standard_id}' is expected. ERROR URI reference does not exist: file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/product_document/image001.gif Summary: 1 of 1 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 0 of 1 file(s) passed validation End of Report |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.21 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Validate schemas |
Requirements |
PASS L5.PRP.VA.8: The tool shall verify that a schema file is valid. |
Success Criteria |
Validation tool verifies whether a schema is well formed. |
Test Steps |
The validate tool does not accept a schema as its target, i.e. this does not work: validate PDS4_PDS_1800.xsd However, validate, when validating a label file, does complain when the schema is bad 1. validate bundle_geo_ra/bundle_1.xml -x PDS4_PDS_1800.xsd -S PDS4_PDS_1800.sch 2. diff PDS4_PDS_1800.xsd testPrep/PDS4_PDS_1800.bad.xsd 3. validate bundle_geo_ra/bundle_1.xml -x testPrep/PDS4_PDS_1800.bad.xsd -S PDS4_PDS_1800.sch Validate also threw a null pointer exception when given a non-existent schema 4. validate bundle_geo_ra/bundle_1.xml -x xxx.xsd -S PDS4_PDS_1700.sch |
Test Results |
Step 1: a normal validation with a schema specified on the command line PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-21T07:09:42Z Parameters: Targets [file:testDir/bundle_geo_ra/bundle_1.xml] User Specified Schemas [file:testDir/PDS4_PDS_1800.xsd] User Specified Schematrons [file:testDir/PDS4_PDS_1800.sch] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode off Validation Details: PASS: file:testDir/bundle_geo_ra/bundle_1.xml Summary: 1 of 1 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 1 of 1 file(s) passed validation End of Report Step 2: the first schema is good; the second has an important line commented out 15c15 < </xs:annotation> --- > <!--/xs:annotation--> Step 3: validate fails because of the schema’s syntactic problems Error while getting targetNamespace of schema 'file: testDir/testPrep/PDS4_PDS_1700.bad.xsd': org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file: testDir/testPrep/PDS4_PDS_1700.bad.xsd; lineNumber: 7887; columnNumber: 3; The element type "xs:annotation" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</xs:annotation>". Step 4: validate throws a normal java exception. Weird copy/paste below into Word. /Users/rchen/Desktop/test/xxx.xsd (No such file or directory) ................................................................................................... at Method) ..................................................................................... at ................................................................................... at<init>( ..................................................................................... at<init>( .................................. at .................. at .......................................................................... at ......................................................................................................................................................................................... at .............................. at gov.nasa.pds.validate.ValidateLauncher.validateSchemas( ..................................... at gov.nasa.pds.validate.ValidateLauncher.processMain( ................................................... at gov.nasa.pds.validate.ValidateLauncher.main( null |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.21 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Accept schema file specified by file or directory |
Requirements |
PASS L5.PRP.VA.7: The tool shall accept the following as input for specifying the associated schema file(s)… |
Success Criteria |
Label file validates against the schema specified. |
Test Steps |
Besides PRV.1 and PRV.5: 1. cd testDir/testPrep 2. validate 376i750800r.xml -x 376PDS4_PDS_0300a.xsd 376imaging_dictionary.xsd 376mpf_dictionary.xsd |
Test Results |
Step 2: PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-21T07:13:56Z Core Schematrons [PDS4_PDS_1900.sch] Model Version 1900 Parameters: Targets [file: testDir/testPrep/376i750800r.xml] User Specified Schemas [file: testDir/testPrep/376PDS4_PDS_0300a.xsd, file: testDir/testPrep/376imaging_dictionary.xsd, file: testDir/testPrep/376mpf_dictionary.xsd] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode off Validation Details: PASS: file: testDir/testPrep/376i750800r.xml Summary: 1 of 1 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 1 of 1 file(s) passed validation End of Report |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.21 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Test various capabilities described in release documents: · Validate multiple files via a checksum manifest. · Do not duplicate warning messages. · -R pds4.collection and pds4.bundle give appropriate error messages |
Requirements |
PASS L5.PRP.VA.3: The tool shall validate aggregate products and all products referenced by such products.
Success Criteria |
Besides validating w.r.t. the schema, catch the 1 bad checksum |
Test Steps |
1. cd testDir/testPrep Validate multiple files via a checksum manifest 2. validate -m1400 -t cara_data -M cara_data/ 3. cp cara_data/ /tmp 4. validate -m1400 -t cara_data -M /tmp/ Do not duplicate warning messages. 5. validate -f -t vld_415 -R pds4.bundle and pds4.collection 6. validate -m1400 -t cara_data -R pds4.collection 7. validate -m1400 -t cara_data/cara_documents -R pds4.bundle |
Test Results |
Step 2: The one error is deliberate to demonstrate that the rest are working Oct 21, 2017 1:02:07 AM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Directory' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/cara_data/ Oct 21, 2017 1:02:07 AM execute INFO: Starting validation task for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/cara_data/' Oct 21, 2017 1:02:10 AM execute INFO: Validation complete for location 'file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/cara_data/' PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-21T08:02:07Z Core Schemas [PDS4_PDS_1400.xsd] Core Schematrons [PDS4_PDS_1400.sch] Model Version 1400 Parameters: Targets [file:/PDS/PDS4test.build6b/testPrep/cara_data/] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode off Checksum Manifest File file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/cara_data/ Manifest File Base Path file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/cara_data/ Validation Details: PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/cara_data/bundle.xml PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/cara_data/cara_data/collection.xml PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/cara_data/cara_data/data/116P.xml PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/cara_data/cara_data/data/174P.xml PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/cara_data/cara_data/data/29P.xml PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/cara_data/cara_data/data/67P.xml PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/cara_data/cara_data/data/C2004Q2.xml PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/cara_data/cara_data/data/C2013A1.xml FAIL: file:testDir/testPrep/cara_data/cara_documents/cara_observer_code.xml ERROR Generated checksum '4cba3db065570c5c85fa0907574e6f04' does not match supplied checksum '00000000000000000000000000000000' in the manifest for 'file:testDir/testPrep/cara_data/cara_documents/cara_observer_code.xml'. PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/cara_data/cara_documents/collection.xml Summary: 10 of 10 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 9 of 10 file(s) passed validation End of Report Step 4: This failed before 6b. Works now, i.e. same output as step 2. Step 5: At one time, the 2nd warning would have 2 lines; the 3rd, three. PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-21T08:51:02Z Parameters: Targets [file: testDir/testPrep/vld_415/] Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode on Referential Integrity Check off Validation Details: PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/vld_415/bundle.xml PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/vld_415/cara_data/collection.xml PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/vld_415/cara_data/data/116P.xml WARNING File reference'/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/vld_415/cara_data/data/' exists but the case doesn't match PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/vld_415/cara_data/data/174P.xml WARNING File reference'testDir/testPrep/vld_415/cara_data/data/' exists but the case doesn't match. PASS: file:testDir/testPrep/vld_415/cara_data/data/C2004Q2.xml WARNING File reference'testDir/testPrep/vld_415/cara_data/data/' exists but the case doesn't match. Summary: 5 of 5 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 5 of 5 file(s) passed validation End of Report Step 6: can’t use -R pds4.bundle on a collection Oct 22, 2017 11:08:33 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Bundle' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/cara_data/cara_documents/ Oct 22, 2017 11:08:33 PM validate SEVERE: 'PDS4 Bundle' validation style is not applicable for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/cara_data/cara_documents/ PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-23T06:08:33Z Core Schemas [PDS4_PDS_1400.xsd] Core Schematrons [PDS4_PDS_1400.sch] Model Version 1400 Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/cara_data/cara_documents/] Rule Type pds4.bundle Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode off Validation Details: Summary: 0 of 0 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 0 of 0 file(s) passed validation End of Report Step 7: can’t use -R pds4.collection on a bundle Oct 22, 2017 11:08:08 PM validate INFO: Using validation style 'PDS4 Collection' for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/cara_data/ Oct 22, 2017 11:08:08 PM validate SEVERE: 'PDS4 Collection' validation style is not applicable for location file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/cara_data/ PDS Validate Tool Report Configuration: Version 1.12.0 Date 2017-10-23T06:08:08Z Core Schemas [PDS4_PDS_1400.xsd] Core Schematrons [PDS4_PDS_1400.sch] Model Version 1400 Parameters: Targets [file:/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/testPrep/cara_data/] Rule Type pds4.collection Severity Level WARNING Recurse Directories true File Filters Used [*.xml, *.XML] Force Mode off Validation Details: Summary: 0 of 0 file(s) processed, 0 skipped 0 of 0 file(s) passed validation End of Report |
Comments |
Results met success criteria.
Steps 6 and 7 clear |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.20 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Validate and accept metadata to register an artifact or modify an artifact’s registration, query for a registered artifact, delete a registered artifact. Use the REST-based API. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.REG.1: The service shall accept artifact registrations. PASS L5.REG.4: The service shall accept metadata for a registered artifact in a defined format. PASS L5.REG.5: The service shall validate metadata for a registered artifact. PASS L5.REG.13: The service shall allow deletion of registered artifacts. PASS L5.REG.14: The service shall allow queries for registered artifacts. PASS L5.GEN.3: The system shall generate metrics regarding performance and activity. |
Success Criteria |
Registry service validates and accepts metadata for an artifact in a defined format, consistent with the appropriate schema for the artifact. Registering an Inventory artifact should allow locating and auditing the artifact. Registering a Dictionary artifact should be reflected in the Information Model. Registering a Document artifact, e.g. a schema, should store the file and make the document available. Registering a Service artifact should document and promote the service. Query and delete artifacts or provide error messages for unrecognized artifacts. |
Test Steps |
Clean database as described in RESETREGISTRY in Section 3.1 1. cd testDir 2. http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/extrinsics/logicals/testing.REG.1 in a browser shows no current product has lid “testing.REG.1”, which input files test.REG.1[abc].xml have. 3. curl -X POST -H "Content-type:application/xml" -v -d @testRegistry/test.REG.1a.xml http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/extrinsics attempts to register the bad input file 4. Repeat step 2 to ensure lid still does not exist. registers a good input file 6. Repeat step 2 to see the lid 7. At http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/, select “Product 1234 v1”, Delete, OK 8. Repeat step 2 to ensure lid no longer exists |
Test Results |
Step 2: The error message should be (if lid does exist, run step 7): Step 3: Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred. * Trying ::1... * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) > POST /registry-pds3/extrinsics HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 > Accept: */* > Content-type:application/xml > Content-Length: 653 * upload completely sent off: 653 out of 653 bytes < HTTP/1.1 400 < Content-Length: 0 < Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 16:18:51 GMT < Connection: close * Closing connection 0 Step 4: Same as step 2 Step 5: Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred. * Trying ::1... * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) > POST /registry-pds3/extrinsics HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 > Accept: */* > Content-type:application/xml > Content-Length: 629 * upload completely sent off: 629 out of 629 bytes < HTTP/1.1 201 < Location: http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/extrinsics/testing.REG.1.v1.0 < Content-Type: application/xml < Transfer-Encoding: chunked < Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 16:19:30 GMT testing.REG.1.v1.0 Step 6: Upon success, the registry service returns good xml. In firefox: Step 7: Step 8: Same as step 2 |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.17 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Relate artifact registrations. Query and delete such associations. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.REG.2: The service shall provide a means for relating artifact registrations. PASS L5.REG.13: The service shall allow deletion of
registered artifacts. |
Success Criteria |
Registry service relates together multiple artifacts during their registrations, whether as a batch or as individual registrations. The associations are removed from the registry after deletion. |
Test Steps
1. http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/associations/linkREG.1toREG.2a shows no such associations 2. curl -X POST -H "Content-type:application/xml" -v -d @testRegistry/test.REG.2.xml http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/associations adds 1 association (from a nonexistent sourceLid) to desired targetLid 3. Repeat step 1 to see the association. 4. curl -X DELETE -v http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/associations/linkREG.1toREG.2a 5. Repeat step 1 to see no association |
Test Results |
Step 1: The error should look like If not (i.e. if output looks like step 3’s below), delete as is Test Step 4. Step 2: Benign output messages without “ERROR” Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred. * Trying ::1... * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) > POST /registry-pds3/associations HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 > Accept: */* > Content-type:application/xml > Content-Length: 225 * upload completely sent off: 225 out of 225 bytes < HTTP/1.1 201 < Location: http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/associations/linkREG.1toREG.2a < Content-Type: text/plain < Transfer-Encoding: chunked < Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 17:51:51 GMT * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact linkREG.1toREG.2a Step 3: Step 4: * Trying ::1... * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) > DELETE /registry-pds3/associations/linkREG.1toREG.2a HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 > Accept: */* < HTTP/1.1 200 < Content-Length: 0 < Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 17:53:02 GMT * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact Step 5: same as step 1 |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.17 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Maintain policies for classes of artifacts, i.e. all classes of artifacts capture a base set of metadata, in the form of XML attributes: objectType, guid as well as metadata specific to each artifact class. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.REG.3: The system shall register products of a data delivery into an instance of the registry. |
Success Criteria |
Registry service defines separate policies for each class of artifact. Changes to the policies of a class can reflect in the validation of a registered artifact in that class. |
Test Steps |
In a browser, 1. http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/extrinsics (e.g. REG.1’s step 5) 2. http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/associations (e.g. REG.2’s step 2) 3. http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/services 4. http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/schemes 5. http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/events 6. http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/packages 7. http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/docs/ From a command line (to show the registry version), 8. curl -X GET -H "Accept:application/xml" -v http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/report |
Test Results |
Specific results will differ, but every item in every class has XML attributes objectType, guid. Each class may have others attributes such as lid, name, home.
Step 7 shows correct output formatting Step 8: Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, GET is already inferred. * Trying ::1... * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) > GET /registry-pds3/report HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 > Accept:application/xml < HTTP/1.1 200 < Content-Type: application/xml < Content-Length: 314 < Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2017 18:16:52 GMT * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ns2:report xmlns:ns2="" status="OK" serverStarted="2017-10-17T09:06:20.399-07:00" associations="71" extrinsics="0" services="0" classificationSchemes="2" classificationNodes="69" packages="4" events="79" registryVersion="1.12.0"/> |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.17 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Assign a global unique identifier to a registered artifact with no global unique identifier, query for the registered artifact, delete the registered artifact. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.REG.6: The service shall assign a global unique identifier to a registered artifact. PASS L5.REG.13: The service shall allow deletion of registered artifacts. PASS L5.REG.14: The service shall allow queries for registered artifacts. |
Success Criteria |
Registry service assigns each registered artifact, including multiple versions of an artifact, a global unique identifier. |
Test Steps |
1. curl -X POST -H "Content-type:application/xml" -v -d @testRegistry/test.REG.4.xml http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/extrinsics From the output, copy the GUID (assigned by the registry) from the last line 2. http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/extrinsics/guid 3. To be nice, delete via http://localhost:8080/registry-ui |
Test Results |
Step 1: Note the value (an assigned LID) of “Location:” in the positive message: Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred. * Trying ::1... * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) > POST /registry-pds3/extrinsics HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 > Accept: */* > Content-type:application/xml > Content-Length: 668 * upload completely sent off: 668 out of 668 bytes < HTTP/1.1 201 < Location: http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/extrinsics/urn:uuid:8f26bc46-9149-4dec-a0a4-f8c9af570a78 < Content-Type: application/xml < Transfer-Encoding: chunked < Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2017 08:57:24 GMT * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact urn:uuid:8f26bc46-9149-4dec-a0a4-f8c9af570a78 Step 2: |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.21 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Assign a version to a registered artifact based on its unique identifier |
Requirements |
PASS L5.REG.7: The service shall assign a version to a registered artifact based on its logical identifier. |
Success Criteria |
Registry service assigns each registered artifact, especially multiple versions of an artifact, a version identifier, derivable from its logical identifier. |
Test Steps |
1. http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/extrinsics/logicals/testing.REG.2b shows no current product with lid “testing.REG.2b” 2.
Register a product with no
versionId attribute 3. Repeat step 1. Note that versionName is 1.0 Note versionName is independent of extrinsicObject’s versionId, name, guid. |
Test Results |
Step 1: Step 2: Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred. * Trying ::1... * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) > POST /registry-pds3/extrinsics HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 > Accept: */* > Content-type:application/xml > Content-Length: 641 * upload completely sent off: 641 out of 641 bytes < HTTP/1.1 201 < Location: http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/extrinsics/urn:uuid:6a773b96-1b73-48bd-88a3-515367fb3607 < Content-Type: application/xml < Transfer-Encoding: chunked < Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2017 09:07:23 GMT * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact urn:uuid:6a773b96-1b73-48bd-88a3-515367fb3607 Step 3: Note that versionName=1.0 even though input file had no versionId attribute
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.21 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Allow replacement, approval, deprecation, undeprecation, and verification of registered artifacts. The Tomcat server access log lists the search. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.REG.9: The service shall allow updates to registered artifacts. PASS L5.REG.10: The service shall allow approval of registered artifacts. PASS L5.REG.11: The service shall allow deprecation of registered artifacts. PASS L5.REG.12: The service shall allow undeprecation of registered artifacts. PASS L5.GEN.6: Applications shall generate metrics in a format suitable for ingestion by the Report Service. |
Success Criteria |
Registry service provides these standard functions with expected results. Initial registration results in an artifact being in an unapproved state. Also, the Tomcat server access log lists the actions. |
Test Steps |
Show that no current product has
LID “testing.REG.2a”: 2. curl -X POST -H "Content-type:application/xml" -v -d @testRegistry/test.REG.6a.xml http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/extrinsics 3. Repeat step 1 to see the lid An alternative to the steps below is to modify via GUID curl -X POST -H "Content-type:application/xml" -v http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/extrinsics/testing.REG.2a.v1.0/{approve,deprecate,undeprecate} 4. In a browser, http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/ Under “LID”, enter “testing.REG.2a”. Click “Refresh” 5. Select row, set “Status” to “Approved”, hit “Update Status” 6. Select row, set “Status” to “Deprecated”, hit “Update Status” 7. Select row, set “Status” to “Submitted”, hit “Update Status” The above actions get into the Tomcat server log, which the report service can process. 8. grep testing.REG.2a $CATALINA_HOME/logs/localhost_access_log.yyyy-mm-dd.txt |
Test Results |
Step 1: If browser isn’t as below, delete using http://localhost:8080/registry-ui
Step 2: Benign output messages without “ERROR” Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, POST is already inferred. * Trying ::1... * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) > POST /registry-pds3/extrinsics HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 > Accept: */* > Content-type:application/xml > Content-Length: 645 * upload completely sent off: 645 out of 645 bytes < HTTP/1.1 201 < Location: http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3/extrinsics/testing.REG.2a.v1.0 < Content-Type: application/xml < Transfer-Encoding: chunked < Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2017 09:27:52 GMT * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step 7: same as Step 4 Step 8: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - - [21/Oct/2017:02:27:37 -0700] "GET /registry-pds3/extrinsics/logicals/testing.REG.2a HTTP/1.1" 404 68 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - - [21/Oct/2017:02:27:55 -0700] "GET /registry-pds3/extrinsics/logicals/testing.REG.2a HTTP/1.1" 200 776 - - [21/Oct/2017:02:30:22 -0700] "GET /registry-pds3/extrinsics/testing.REG.2a.v1.0 HTTP/1.1" 200 720 - - [21/Oct/2017:02:30:22 -0700] "POST /registry-pds3/extrinsics/testing.REG.2a.v1.0 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Oct/2017:02:30:36 -0700] "GET /registry-pds3/extrinsics/testing.REG.2a.v1.0 HTTP/1.1" 200 719 - - [21/Oct/2017:02:30:36 -0700] "POST /registry-pds3/extrinsics/testing.REG.2a.v1.0 HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Oct/2017:02:31:04 -0700] "GET /registry-pds3/extrinsics/testing.REG.2a.v1.0 HTTP/1.1" 200 721 - - [21/Oct/2017:02:31:04 -0700] "POST /registry-pds3/extrinsics/testing.REG.2a.v1.0 HTTP/1.1" 200 - |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.21 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
REG.7 *not ready for build 8a. This is reserved for future testing |
Description |
Enable replication of registry contents. |
Requirements |
SKIP L5.REG.15: The service shall enable replication of registry contents with another instance of the service. |
Success Criteria |
Contents of the registry are duplicated on a separate machine. |
Test Steps |
Test Results |
Comments |
Date of Testing |
Test Personnel |
Test Case ID |
REG.8 *not ready for build 5a. This is reserved for future testing |
Description |
Verify registry contents. |
Requirements |
SKIP L5.REG.16: The service shall enable verification of registry contents. |
Success Criteria |
Contents and checksums of the registry artifacts match what have been ingested. |
Test Steps |
Test Results |
Comments |
Date of Testing |
Test Personnel |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Test scalability of registry. |
Requirements |
PASS No specific functional requirement. This is a performance test case. |
Success Criteria |
Performance of registry in ingesting and viewing artifacts remains acceptable under logarithmic increases in volume. |
Test Steps |
This requires python to be installed on the local machine and possible editing of to change the location of the python executable. Step 3 is configurable. 5M registrations for build 6a took 16 hours. 1. cd testDir/bin 2. ./ 3. ./ -v -n500000 > ../out.txt 4. grep Time ../out.txt |
Test Results |
Step 2: stressTesting.T000000.v1.0 stressTesting.T000001.v1.0 stressTesting.T000002.v1.0 REGSTR 3 good. Time(sec): avg=0.011 median=0.008 stdDev=0.00571 sum=0.0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ns2:extrinsicObject xmlns:ns2="" lid="stressTesting.T000000" name="Stress The Registry " objectType="Product" status="Submitted" description="Stolen from http://pdscm/2010/registry/registry-service/operate/index.html with attribute lid above changed for uniqueness" versionName="1.0" guid="stressTesting.T000000.v1.0" home="http://localhost:8080/registry"><ns2:slot id="147" name="last-name"><ns2:value>Doe</ns2:value></ns2:slot><ns2:slot id="148" name="cannotPossibleBeAnExistingSlot"><ns2:value>cannot possibly be an existing value</ns2:value></ns2:slot><ns2:slot id="149" name="phone"><ns2:value>(818)777-7777</ns2:value><ns2:value>(818)888-8888</ns2:value></ns2:slot><ns2:slot id="150" name="first-name"><ns2:value>John</ns2:value></ns2:slot></ns2:extrinsicObject> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ns2:extrinsicObject xmlns:ns2="" lid="stressTesting.T000001" name="Stress The Registry " objectType="Product" status="Submitted" description="Stolen from http://pdscm/2010/registry/registry-service/operate/index.html with attribute lid above changed for uniqueness" versionName="1.0" guid="stressTesting.T000001.v1.0" home="http://localhost:8080/registry"><ns2:slot id="152" name="last-name"><ns2:value>Doe</ns2:value></ns2:slot><ns2:slot id="153" name="cannotPossibleBeAnExistingSlot"><ns2:value>cannot possibly be an existing value</ns2:value></ns2:slot><ns2:slot id="154" name="phone"><ns2:value>(818)777-7777</ns2:value><ns2:value>(818)888-8888</ns2:value></ns2:slot><ns2:slot id="155" name="first-name"><ns2:value>John</ns2:value></ns2:slot></ns2:extrinsicObject> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ns2:extrinsicObject xmlns:ns2="" lid="stressTesting.T000002" name="Stress The Registry " objectType="Product" status="Submitted" description="Stolen from http://pdscm/2010/registry/registry-service/operate/index.html with attribute lid above changed for uniqueness" versionName="1.0" guid="stressTesting.T000002.v1.0" home="http://localhost:8080/registry"><ns2:slot id="157" name="last-name"><ns2:value>Doe</ns2:value></ns2:slot><ns2:slot id="158" name="cannotPossibleBeAnExistingSlot"><ns2:value>cannot possibly be an existing value</ns2:value></ns2:slot><ns2:slot id="159" name="phone"><ns2:value>(818)777-7777</ns2:value><ns2:value>(818)888-8888</ns2:value></ns2:slot><ns2:slot id="160" name="first-name"><ns2:value>John</ns2:value></ns2:slot></ns2:extrinsicObject> VIEW 3 good. Time(sec): avg=0.006 median=0.006 stdDev=0.00015 sum=0.0 stressTesting.T000000.v1.0 deleted stressTesting.T000001.v1.0 deleted stressTesting.T000002.v1.0 deleted DELETE 3 good. Time(sec): avg=0.008 median=0.007 stdDev=0.00138 sum=0.0 Step 4: In 5b, the sums for 500,000 were 2348.7, 10706.9, 2476.9. REGSTR 500000 good. Time(sec): avg=0.006 median=0.005 stdDev=0.00679 sum=2774.9 VIEW 500000 good. Time(sec): avg=0.005 median=0.004 stdDev=0.00895 sum=2297.7 DELETE 500000 good. Time(sec): avg=0.005 median=0.005 stdDev=0.00670 sum=2740.1 |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.21 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Access registry via the registry client API (pds.registry) |
Requirements |
PASS L5.GEN.3: Services shall have an application programming interface. PASS L5.REG.14: The service shall allow queries for registered artifacts. |
Success Criteria |
Contents and checksums of the registry artifacts match what have been ingested. |
Test Steps |
To setup the registry client, which only needs to be done once, cd <wherever the .tar.gz file was expanded> sudo python install Clean the database as described in RESETREGISTRY in Section 3.1. Then harvest two files and see their associations listed via the registry client 1. cd testDir 2. bin/ http://localhost:8080/registry-pds4 3. harvest testDir/bundle_geo_ra/data_test/scraping -c harvest-policy-master.xml -e "*.xml" -l h.out 4. bin/ http://localhost:8080/registry-pds4 5. grep <GUIDs from previous step> h.out 6. bin/ http://localhost:8080/registry-pds4 | grep Harvest 7. grep <GUID from previous step> h.out 8. bin/ http://localhost:8080/registry-pds4 |
Test Results |
Step 2 shows nothing, correctly Step 4: Association Type: file_ref, Target: urn:uuid:1a39429d-e093-4e1d-b109-b38359c7ec35 Association Type: file_ref, Target: urn:uuid: urn:uuid:d647ce17-fae6-49a2-a9cf-cc48d1e754fa Step 5: % grep urn:uuid:1a39429d-e093-4e1d-b109-b38359c7ec35 h.out INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping.xml] Product has the following GUID: urn:uuid:1a39429d-e093-4e1d-b109-b38359c7ec35 SUCCESS: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/bundle_geo_ra/data_test/scraping/pit_test_scraping.xml] Successfully registered association to 'urn:uuid:1a39429d-e093-4e1d-b109-b38359c7ec35' Step 6: urn:uuid:adb65d49-b371-47b9-bb4e-d55a7e3240f4 http://localhost:8080/registry set([]) Harvest-Package_20171023011137 urn:uuid:e51afe4c-f2d1-4652-9c19-e28d95a7d4c8 http://localhost:8080/registry set([]) Harvest-Package_20171023013016 Step 7: % grep urn:uuid:1dbdf222-83de-4d6c-8cd0-9bfdf25868b4 h.out Registration Package GUID urn:uuid:e51afe4c-f2d1-4652-9c19-e28d95a7d4c8 Step 8: urn:uuid:ef021136-4862-429c-a1b6-c09dea5ad20a urn:uuid:e50888c5-7c79-4801-9302-90a766ba83e2 urn:uuid:adb65d49-b371-47b9-bb4e-d55a7e3240f4 urn:uuid:a4b3fb0f-3ae6-4ee6-9f25-6395e31263fb urn:uuid:adb65d49-b371-47b9-bb4e-d55a7e3240f4 urn:uuid:1ffac21c-ac0d-4566-95f2-ec8613934fa3 urn:uuid:7bccdeb0-985f-45bd-b4d7-65ed42968c02 urn:nasa:pds:profile:regrep:AssociationType:Product_Bundle.bundle_has_calibration_collection urn:uuid:7bccdeb0-985f-45bd-b4d7-65ed42968c02 urn:nasa:pds:profile:regrep:AssociationType:Product_Class_Definition.component_of urn:uuid:e51afe4c-f2d1-4652-9c19-e28d95a7d4c8 urn:uuid:1a39429d-e093-4e1d-b109-b38359c7ec35 urn:uuid:7ca0b5d0-dc99-4683-b307-108c22183c77 urn:uuid:a8958c6a-72d3-4583-9c07-496b6fb2fdde urn:uuid:adb65d49-b371-47b9-bb4e-d55a7e3240f4 urn:uuid:59c37ebc-bbcb-402a-b50e-69b64b11f6d1 urn:uuid:adb65d49-b371-47b9-bb4e-d55a7e3240f4 urn:uuid:86df0db5-7572-423c-9827-3b94dd86e48f urn:uuid:adb65d49-b371-47b9-bb4e-d55a7e3240f4 urn:uuid:bb07826a-2b2d-487c-ab78-ff718a632adc urn:uuid:1bc1d772-d3c0-428e-a6a2-d4f0051ced1e urn:nasa:pds:profile:regrep:ObjectType:Product_File_Text urn:uuid:7bccdeb0-985f-45bd-b4d7-65ed42968c02 urn:nasa:pds:profile:regrep:AssociationType:Product_Bundle.bundle_has_spice_kernel_collection urn:uuid:adb65d49-b371-47b9-bb4e-d55a7e3240f4 urn:uuid:7ca0b5d0-dc99-4683-b307-108c22183c77 urn:uuid:086c3ed1-7dac-4717-9dfb-63b95cdc1380 urn:registry:classificationScheme:ObjectType urn:uuid:a4b3fb0f-3ae6-4ee6-9f25-6395e31263fb urn:uuid:1fa013c3-395c-4948-980f-13ce691dde5b urn:uuid:7a6cba04-1d15-47c0-8236-d3792473077f urn:uuid:cff5962f-119d-4570-891f-df9a35d82c41 urn:uuid:58b0779a-75bc-421f-85fc-318f01fdf5ae urn:uuid:1a39429d-e093-4e1d-b109-b38359c7ec35 urn:uuid:1bc1d772-d3c0-428e-a6a2-d4f0051ced1e urn:nasa:pds:profile:regrep:ObjectType:Product_Zipped urn:uuid:adb65d49-b371-47b9-bb4e-d55a7e3240f4 urn:uuid:791e194a-ddf6-48a9-8327-ac6f370ffdb8 urn:uuid:31c16d34-7e55-4f33-827a-3859e0745ea4 urn:uuid:01367582-68eb-4c7c-b703-1d9e7b55298e |
Comments |
Results met success criteria |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.21 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Various requirements regarding reporting |
Requirements |
PASS L5.RPT.1: The service shall support periodic submission of metrics. PASS L5.RPT.2: The service shall allow the submission of metrics in the form of a log file. PASS L5.RPT.3: The service shall utilize a secure transfer protocol for transferring log files across the Internet. PASS L5.RPT.4: The service shall support log files from the following sources… PASS L5.RPT.5: The service shall discover product-related information by querying the Registry service. PASS L5.RPT.6: The service shall aggregate and store the metrics in a repository. PASS L5.RPT.7: The service shall control access to the user interface and metrics repository. PASS L5.RPT.8: The service shall allow users to tailor reports and report templates as follows... PASS L5.RPT.9: The service shall allow users to save report templates for reuse. PASS L5.RPT.10: The service shall allow periodic generation of reports from saved templates. PASS L5.RPT.11: The service shall export reports in the following formats... |
Success Criteria |
Following operator configuration of content, representation, filter, and scope of reports and report templates, Report Service receives metrics periodically in log files generated by web and FTP servers, PDS4 services, and node-specific services. Tools can view the repository to compare against log. Report Service queries Registry Service for metrics regarding products instead of transfers or views. Tools can view the repository to compare against the registry. Report Service authenticates for proper access, and reports unsuccessful attempts. Generated reports, even when generated from saved templates, should match configuration and meet the export format specified. |
Test Steps |
Commercial applications, in particular Sawmill, provide the functionality required. Verification of installation suffices. |
Test Results |
Report Service was installed |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.21 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Verify various change requests made to the Information Model schema and schemarons. |
Requirements |
PASS 1.3.3: PDS will provide criteria for validating archival products |
Success Criteria |
Validate tool accepts (or rejects) constructs deemed as valid (or invalid), primarily through software change requests. |
Test Steps |
Document testScma.docx describes the testing of the PDS4 schema and schematron. |
Test Results |
Document testScma.docx includes the test results of testing the PDS4 schema and schematron. |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.03 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Various requirements regarding security |
Requirements |
PASS L5.SEC.1: The service shall authenticate a user given identifying credentials for that user. PASS L5.SEC.2: The service shall encrypt the transmission of identifying credentials across the network. PASS L5.SEC.3: The service shall authorize an authenticated user for access to a controlled capability. PASS L5.SEC.4: The service shall allow an operator of the system to create, update or delete a user identity. PASS L5.SEC.5: The service shall capture identifying information associated with a user identity. PASS L5.SEC.6: The service shall allow an operator of the system to create, update or delete a group identity. PASS L5.SEC.7: The service shall allow an operator of the system to add or remove a user from a group. |
Success Criteria |
Security service provides standard functions. Tools to view identities verify each activity. Security service allows an operator of the system to add or remove a user from a group. The user should subsequently be able or unable to access capabilities specific to the group. Security service captures identifying information. Tools to view identities show the information. Captured network packets show encryption, or trust that security service’s protocol encrypts. Security service authorizes valid users, denies invalid users. |
Test Steps |
(From The Security Service provides the authentication and authorization functions for the PDS4 system. The intent of this service is to control access to interfaces and services that require authentication and authorization (e.g., Monitor, Report, Registry interfaces, etc.). |
Test Results |
The functionality for this service is satisfied by the open source software package OpenDS, which is a directory service supporting the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.21 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
SRCH.1 *not ready for build 5a. This is reserved for future testing |
Description |
Degrade gracefully on archaic browsers. |
Requirements |
SKIP L5.SCH.2: The service shall degrade gracefully on browsers that lack modern features and not depend on them for operation. |
Success Criteria |
Using an archaic browser to search does not freeze the browser. |
Test Steps |
Test Results |
Comments |
Date of Testing |
Test Personnel |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Comply with Section 508 and adhere to WCAG level A |
Requirements |
PASS L5.SCH.3: The service's browser-based user interface shall be Section 508 compliant and adhere to WCAG … PASS L5.GEN.9: Applications shall meet Section 508 compliance guidelines. |
Success Criteria |
PDS home page successfully passes through JPL website release process. |
Test Steps |
Submit PDS portal to JPL document review office to get approval for release |
Test Results |
JPL approved the release result PDS portal made available to general public |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10 |
Test Personnel |
Paul Zimdars |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Provide HTTP-based API to enter queries and return results. The browser utilizes the REST-based API. The Tomcat server access log lists the search. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.SCH.4: The service shall provide a programmatic interface for entering of queries and return of search results that communicates over HTTP for use by client applications developed by PDS, PDS nodes, and others. PASS L5.GEN.3: Services shall have an application programming interface. PASS L5.GEN.5: Services shall generate metrics in a format suitable for ingestion by the Report Service. |
Success Criteria |
Receives correct search results after using HTTP-based API. |
Test Steps |
This test is best run on an operational machine or after harvesting a large number of files including context products, e.g. after HVT.3 (assume database is registry-pds3): 1. http://localhost:8080/registry-ui/ 2. set Registry Service(s) to registry-pds3 3. Click tab “Packages”. Select one of the “Harvest-Package_*”, set Status to “Approved”, click “Update Status”. 4. date; search-core -H binDir/search-service/pds -p binDir/search-core/conf/defaults/pds/pds3/; date The search-core above may take an hour. 5. http://localhost:8080/search-service/pds/search?q=cassini cda 6. In the center of http://localhost:8080/search-ui, type “cassini cda” (without quotes) and hit the “Search” button The search-ui gets into the Tomcat server log, which the report service can process. 7. grep cassini $CATALINA_HOME/logs/localhost_access_log.yyyy-mm-dd.txt 8. http://localhost:8080/search-analytics |
Test Results |
Step 3: this took ~30 minutes Step 4: Wed Oct 18 06:15:06 PDT 2017 Processing config: archiveinfo.xml Processing config: attribute.xml PDS Search Core Run Log Version Version 1.11.0 Time Wed, Oct 18 2017 at 06:15:06 AM Severity Level INFO Search Home /PDS4tools/search-service/pds Search Service URL http://localhost:8080/search-service Search Core Properties /PDS4tools/search-core/conf/defaults/pds/pds3/ INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:resource:resource.cassini_archive_information SUCCESS: Completed extraction: archiveinfo.xmlINFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:attribute:attribute.dawn__fsa_shoot_enable_flag INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:attribute:attribute.focal_plane_temperature … INFO: Posting: /PDS4tools/search-service/pds/index/solr_index.xml.9 INFO: Posting: /PDS4tools/search-service/pds/index/search-tools.xml INFO: Optimizing Search Service index. SUCCESS: Completed posting data to the Search Service Summary: ================================================== The Numbers: -- Number of Warnings: 10 -- Number of Errors: 0 -- Bad Registries: [] -- Number of Missing Associations: 0 -- Association Cache Hits: 0 -- Number of products: 16879 ================================================== Processing Time: -- service.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 0 s -- instrument.xml: 0 h, 1 m, 6 s -- context.xml: 0 h, 40 m, 32 s -- target.xml: 0 h, 6 m, 39 s -- archiveinfo.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 6 s -- instrumenthost.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 18 s -- attribute.xml: 0 h, 3 m, 52 s -- class.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 9 s -- dataset.xml: 0 h, 13 m, 41 s -- investigation.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 7 s ================================================== Total Processing Time: 1 h, 6 m, 35 s End of Log Wed Oct 18 07:22:35 PDT 2017 Step 5: Step 6: Note that 1) search-ui filters deprecated data sets, e.g. HRD < 16.0, and 2) Archive Information is there thanks to harvest of such information.
Step 7: - - [18/Oct/2017:07:13:25 -0700] "GET /registry-pds3/extrinsics?queryOp=AND&lid=urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:investigation:mission.cassini-huygens&start=1&sort=guid&rows=100 HTTP/1.1" 200 128901 - - [18/Oct/2017:07:14:56 -0700] "GET /registry-pds3/extrinsics/logicals/urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:investigation:mission.cassini-huygens/latest HTTP/1.1" 200 128864 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - - [18/Oct/2017:09:48:53 -0700] "GET /search-ui/search.jsp?q=cassini+cda HTTP/1.1" 200 6809 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - - [18/Oct/2017:09:48:53 -0700] "GET /search-service/pds/archive-filter?q=cassini+cda& HTTP/1.1" 200 38544 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - - [18/Oct/2017:09:49:03 -0700] "GET /search-service/pds/search?q=cassini%20cda HTTP/1.1" 200 32665 Step 8: Since this was almost the last test run, I cheated and harvested only contextPDS4onlyPHX instead of HVT.3. Next time this will have better info:
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.18 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Search based on a sequence of open text keywords. Do so in a browser. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.SCH.1: The service shall provide a user interface for entering of queries and display of search results PASS L5.SCH.6: The service shall support searching by accepting criteria as a sequence of open text keywords. |
Success Criteria |
Receives reasonable results based on text such as “Cassini”. Also, the Tomcat server access log lists the searched da ta. |
Test Steps |
This test is best run on an operational machine or after harvesting a large number of files including context products, e.g. HVT.3. If running after HVT.3, first: search-core -H binDir/search-service/pds -p binDir/search-core/conf/pds/pds3/ The search-core above may take an hour.
In http://localhost:8080/search-ui, type 1. mro spice 2. voyager plasma wave 3. (continued) In Refine Your Search, click “Comet SL9/Jupiter Collision (88)” 4. mars digital elevation maps The “More” and “Hide” link failed for a while on firefox and chrome, so test that on various platforms for Neptune 5. Neptune 6. jupiter images 7. corona 8. NEAR-A-SPICE-6-V1.0 (a specific data set ID) |
Test Results |
Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step 7: Step 8:
Comments |
Results met success criteria., created during testing of build 4b, suggests merging 2 related facets into 1 |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.18 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Search based on constraints on specific indexes, and narrow results based on more constraints. Support ordering of results based on specified criteria. Results returned as clickable URIs with metadata describing each URI. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.SCH.7: The service shall accept criteria as a series of values for constraints on specified indexes. PASS L5.SCH.8: The service shall support narrowing of additional index results… PASS L5.SCH.9: The service shall support the ordering of results based on specified criteria... PASS L5.SCH.10: The service shall provide results to a search as a sequence of matching URIs… PASS L5.SCH.11: The service shall annotate each URI of a result with metadata describing the URI. |
Success Criteria |
Results match constraint criteria and consist of clickable links with text describing each link. |
Test Steps |
Also best run after HVT.3. In http://localhost:8080/search-ui: 1. mission: mars global surveyor 2. target:mercury 3. target: mercury |
Test Results |
Step 1:
Step 2: Step 3: inserting a space bfore “mercury” gives significantly different results
Comments |
Results met success criteria., created during build 5a, notes differences in search results between “target:mercury” and “target: mercury” |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.18 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
SRCH.7 *not ready for build 8a. This is reserved for future testing |
Description |
Capture metrics on search index usage and contents |
Requirements |
SKIP L5.SCH .13: The service shall capture metrics pertaining to its search indexes usage and contents. |
Success Criteria |
A log shows metrics pertaining to usage of search indexes. |
Test Steps |
Test Results |
Comments |
Date of Testing |
Test Personnel |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Query for the data dictionary’s PDS3 elements and objects and PDS4 attributes and classes. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.SCH.1: The service shall provide a user interface for entering of queries and display of search results…
Success Criteria |
Results match parameters and consist of clickable links with text describing each link. |
Test Steps |
Find PDS3 values from pdsdd.full at 1. pdsdd.full’s *_OBJECT_DEFINITION vs. dd-search’s Class,PDS3 2. pdsdd.full’s ELEMENT_DEFINITION vs. dd-search’s Attribute,PDS3 3. pdsdd.full’s APERTURE_TYPE element vs. dd-search’s attribute aperture_type Find PDS4 values from PDS4_PDS_1800.xsd in dd-search, which is most useful in presenting elements in a format 4. dd-search’s “Observation_Area” vs `grep -A19 '<xs:complexType name="Observation_Area">' PDS4_PDS_1800.xsd` |
Test Results |
Step 1: dd-search and pdsdd.full have the same 89 results, e.g. ALIAS, ARRAY, … Step 2: dd-search has 2184 results; pdsdd.full, 2192. All diffs were recently added to the pds3 data dictionary. They are: GEO:BAUD GEO:CENTROID_LOCATION GEO:CODE_LENGTH GEO:DELAY_OFFSET GEO:MODE GEO:PARALLACTIC_ANGLE_CORRECTION GEO:POINTING GEO:TRANSFORM_LENGTH Step 3: pdsdd.full: OBJECT = ELEMENT_DEFINITION NAME = APERTURE_TYPE STATUS_TYPE = APPROVED GENERAL_DATA_TYPE = IDENTIFIER UNIT_ID = NONE STANDARD_VALUE_TYPE = DYNAMIC MAXIMUM_LENGTH = 6 DESCRIPTION = " The APERTURE_TYPE element describes a short string of free-format text which provides a distinguishing name or abbreviation for one (or more) of a set of apertures used during data collection. Note: For the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) spacecraft, the spectrographs have small and large apertures, and can operate with either or both open." STANDARD_VALUE_SET = { "BOTH", "LARGE", "SMALL"} END_OBJECT = ELEMENT_DEFINITION END dd-search covers all those pairs Step 4: <xs:complexType name="Observation_Area"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>The observation area consists of attributes that provide information about the circumstances under which the data were collected.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexContent> <xs:restriction base="pds:Context_Area"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="comment" type="pds:comment" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Time_Coordinates" type="pds:Time_Coordinates" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Primary_Result_Summary" type="pds:Primary_Result_Summary" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Investigation_Area" type="pds:Investigation_Area" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Observing_System" type="pds:Observing_System" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Target_Identification" type="pds:Target_Identification" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Mission_Area" type="pds:Mission_Area" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> </xs:element> <xs:element name="Discipline_Area" type="pds:Discipline_Area" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:restriction> </xs:complexContent> |
Comments |
Results met success criteria.
PDS-357, created during testing of 5b, handles the questions raised below.
Maybe it would help the user to see what schemas and versions of schemas are used.
Is it ok for ddsearch to lack: Steps 1 and 2: is it all right for ddsearch not to have the equivalent attributes listed in the output? It may be because EN did not produce the corresponding Product_Class_Definition or _Attribute_. There are very likely more missing Product_Class_Attribute, but full lists (especially for dd-search) are hard to create.
Step 4: Does dd-search’s list correspond to the .xsd’s complexType + simpleType="[A-Z]*" but not simpleType="[a-z]*"? Where did dd-search’s Unsigned* classes come from? There are probably more mismatches, but full lists are hard to create. Do the PDS4 attributes come from all (including node) released schemas? That would explain "along_track_timing_offset". "abstract_flag" is listed twice because dd search shows one attribute per Class x Attribute? Where do "alias" and "alias_list" come from? dd-search:"Class" has a capitalized version of each. Where does character_constraint come from? |
Date of Testing |
2017.04.21 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Test various capabilities described in release documents: A. View datasets despite duplicate identifiers. |
Requirements |
PASS L5.SCH.1: The service shall provide a user interface for entering of queries and display of search results…
Success Criteria |
All datasets with the same IDs but different registries (namely –pds3 and psa) are clickable |
Test Steps |
View datasets despite duplicate identifiers 1. cd testDir/; mkdir x 2. ln -s testDir/contextPDS3/*/Product/*VEX-E-V-SPICE*.xml x/ Using the version of harvest that writest to registry-pds3 3. harvest -c harvest-policy-master.xml testDir/x -e "*.xml" 4. http://localhost:8080/registry-ui >> Packages >> Approved >> Update Status 5.
search-core -H binDir/search-service/pds
-p binDir/search-core/conf/defaults/psa/pds3/ binDir/search-core/conf/defaults/pds/pds3/ 6. http://localhost:8080/search-ui >> vex spice 7. Click the two separate Data Sets; one from PSA, one from PDS |
Test Results |
Step 3: PDS Harvest Tool Log Version Version 1.13.0 Time Sat, Oct 21 2017 at 10:32:54 AM Target(s) [testDir/x] File Inclusions [*.xml] Severity Level INFO Registry Location http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3 Registry Package Name Harvest-Package_20171021103254 Registration Package GUID urn:uuid:e7210407-5e6f-476f-b2b7-56544c572e7f INFO: XML extractor set to the following default namespace: INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/data_set_VEX-E-V-SPICE-6-V1.0_1.0.xml] Begin processing. INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/data_set_VEX-E-V-SPICE-6-V1.0_1.0.xml] line 28: Mapping reference type 'has_mission' to 'investigation_ref'. [snip…] INFO: [/Users/rchen/Desktop/test/x/resource_VEX-E-V-SPICE-6-V1.0__BROWSERP_VEX-E-V-SPICE-6-V1.0_1.0.xml] Association has the following GUID: urn:uuid:c12f2f1f-aa25-4a86-99c8-86397aa836a0 Summary: 5 of 5 file(s) processed, 0 other file(s) skipped 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) 5 of 5 products registered. 5 of 5 ancillary products registered. Product Types Registered: 1 Product_Data_Set_PDS3 5 Product_File_Repository 4 Product_Context 5 of 5 associations registered. End of Log Step 5: Processing config: archiveinfo.xml Processing config: attribute.xml Processing config: class.xml Processing config: context.xml Processing config: dataset.xml Processing config: instrument.xml Processing config: instrumenthost.xml Processing config: investigation.xml Processing config: service.xml Processing config: target.xml Processing config: archiveinfo.xml Processing config: attribute.xml Processing config: class.xml Processing config: context.xml Processing config: dataset.xml Processing config: instrument.xml Processing config: instrumenthost.xml Processing config: investigation.xml Processing config: service.xml Processing config: target.xml PDS Search Core Run Log Version Version 1.11.0 Time Sat, Oct 21 2017 at 10:38:41 AM Severity Level INFO Search Home /PDS4tools/search-service/pds Search Service URL http://localhost:8080/search-service Search Core Properties /PDS4tools/search-core/conf/defaults/psa/pds3/ Search Core Properties /PDS4tools/search-core/conf/defaults/pds/pds3/ INFO: Completed: [snip…] SUCCESS: Completed extraction: context.xml INFO: Completed: urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:data_set:data_set.vex-e-v-spice-6-v1.0 SUCCESS: Completed extraction: dataset.xml SUCCESS: Completed extraction: instrument.xml SUCCESS: Completed extraction: instrumenthost.xml SUCCESS: Completed extraction: investigation.xml SUCCESS: Completed extraction: target.xml SUCCESS: Completed extracting data from data source. INFO: Running Solr Indexer to create new solr documents for indexing ... SUCCESS: Completed transforming data into Solr Lucene index INFO: Running Solr Post to Post Data To Search Service ... INFO: Cleaning Search Service Index INFO: Posting: /PDS4tools/search-service/pds/index/solr_index.xml.0 INFO: Posting: /PDS4tools/search-service/pds/index/solr_index.xml.1 INFO: Posting: /PDS4tools/search-service/pds/index/solr_index.xml.2 INFO: Posting: /PDS4tools/search-service/pds/index/solr_index.xml.3 INFO: Posting: /PDS4tools/search-service/pds/index/solr_index.xml.4 INFO: Posting: /PDS4tools/search-service/pds/index/search-tools.xml INFO: Optimizing Search Service index. SUCCESS: Completed posting data to the Search Service Summary: ================================================== The Numbers: -- Number of Warnings: 0 -- Number of Errors: 0 -- Bad Registries: [] -- Number of Missing Associations: 0 -- Association Cache Hits: 0 -- Number of products: 4111 ================================================== Processing Time: -- instrument.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 0 s -- context.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 2 s -- target.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 0 s -- archiveinfo.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 0 s -- instrumenthost.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 0 s -- attribute.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 0 s -- class.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 0 s -- dataset.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 0 s -- investigation.xml: 0 h, 0 m, 0 s ================================================== Total Processing Time: 0 h, 0 m, 5 s End of Log Step 6: Step 7:
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.04.21 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Request data from transport-registry by specifying a LID |
Requirements |
PASS L5.TRS.1: The service shall accept requests for download of PDS products. PASS L5.TRS.2: The service shall accept requests for download of an individual file. PASS L5.TRS.4: The service shall package the requested product(s) or file into the specified format. PASS L5.TRS.5: The service shall include a checksum manifest … along with their associated MD5 checksums. PASS L5.TRS.6: The service shall transfer the result of a request via HTTP to the calling application. PASS L5.GEN.3: Services shall have an application programming interface. PASS L5.GEN.5: Services shall generate metrics in a format suitable for ingestion by the Report Service. |
Success Criteria |
The transport service returns the requested data. Also, the Tomcat server access log lists the transport. |
Test Steps |
Harvest must have run (e.g. HVT.3) and gotten absolute paths as inputs. Get some of the harvested LIDs; see http://localhost:8080/registry-ui if needed. This test uses · urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:target:satellite.titan · urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:investigation:mission.cassini-huygens · Ensure CATALINA_HOME/webapps/transport-registry/WEB-INF/config.xml
has transport.RegistryProductHandler.registryUrl = http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3 1. curl -X GET -o -v "http://localhost:8080/transport-registry/prod?" 2. curl -X GET -o x2.tgz -v "http://localhost:8080/transport-registry/prod?" 3. curl -X GET -o "http://localhost:8080/transport-registry/prod?identifier=urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:investigation:mission.cassini-huygens&identifier=urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:target:satellite.titan&" 4.
Same thing but in a browser, http://localhost:8080/transport-registry/prod?identifier=urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:investigation:mission.cassini-huygens&identifier=urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:target:satellite.titan& 5. Extract the four into their own directories. 6. diff -r x1 x2 7. diff -r x1 x3 8. diff -r x1 pds-package-<yyyymmddhhmmss> 9. diff x1/data_set_CO-SSA-RSS-1-TIGR19-V1.0_1.0.xml testDir/contextPDS3/dataset/Product/data_set_CO-SSA-RSS-1-TIGR19-V1.0_1.0.xml 10. diff x1/mission_CASSINI-HUYGENS_1.0.xml testDir/contextPDS3/investigation/Product/mission_CASSINI-HUYGENS_1.0.xml 11. diff x1/target_TITAN_1.0.xml testDir/contextPDS3/target/Product/target_TITAN_1.0.xml 12. Does x1/md5_checksum.txt have correct checksums for
all 3 files? On a mac: To get size, replace step 4’s package=TGZ with package=TGZ_SIZE. In a browser: 13. http://localhost:8080/transport-registry/prod?identifier=urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:investigation:mission.cassini-huygens&identifier=urn:nasa:pds:context_pds3:target:satellite.titan& 14. date; ls –l pds-package-20160420233723 |awk '{ total += $5 }; END { print total }' |
Test Results |
Step 1 (Steps 2 and 3 are very similar): Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, GET is already inferred. * Trying ::1... % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) > GET /transport-registry/prod? HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 > Accept: */* > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0< HTTP/1.1 200 < Content-disposition: attachment; filename="" < Content-Type: application/zip < Content-Length: 49109 < Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 17:14:12 GMT < { [7995 bytes data] 100 49109 100 49109 0 0 44189 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 44282 * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact Step 4: Steps 6-11 show no differences Step 12: Compare the values below with those in x1/md5_checksum.txt MD5(x1/data_set_CO-SSA-RSS-1-TIGR19-V1.0_1.0.xml)= 1f95f35a45f736ce04f9af4df4095c5b MD5(x1/mission_CASSINI-HUYGENS_1.0.xml)= 722ad7f09b6e61573ee1b1083183384e MD5(x1/target_TITAN_1.0.xml)= cd366b9be257359b7c6d6cc53c23b6a6 Step 13: Step 14: Wed Oct 18 10:47:43 PDT 2017 170041 |
Comments |
Results met success criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.10.18 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Request data from transport-ofsn by specifying a path. Transport-ofsn can also transform the requested product. |
Requirements |
L5.TRS.3: The service shall transform the requested product(s) or file into the specified format. |
Success Criteria |
The original and the transformed products have the same data. |
Test Steps |
Besides $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/transport-ofsn/WEB-INF/config.xml, modify $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/transport-ofsn/WEB-INF/ofsn-ps.xml so that productRoot=testDir To activate that change:; Test every Return Type listed in the middle of First, some ls information: 1. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/&RT=DIRFILELIST" 2. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/&RT=DIRFILELIST1" 3. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/&RT=DIRLIST" 4. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/&RT=DIRLIST1" 5. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/" 6. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/" A get, then some ls information about that file 7. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/" > x.xml 8. diff x.xml testDir/testTprt/ 9. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/" 10. ls -ol testDir/testTprt/ 11. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/" 12. openssl md5 testdir/testTprt/ Some image transformations (get and transform) 13. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testPrep/i943630r.xml&RT=PDS_TO_JPG" > x.jpg 14. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testPrep/i943630r.xml&RT=PDS_TO_JP2" > x.jp2 15. nothing; PDS_TO_BMP is no longer supported. 16. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testPrep/i943630r.xml&RT=PDS_TO_GIF" > x.gif 17. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testPrep/i943630r.xml&RT=PDS_TO_PNG" > x.png 18. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testPrep/i943630r.xml&RT=PDS_TO_TIFF" > x.tiff 19. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testPrep/i943630r.xml&RT=PDS_TO_TIF" > x.tif 20. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testPrep/i943630r.xml&RT=PDS_TO_PNM" > x.pnm Some label transformations 21. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/ladee_ldex.xml&RT=PDS4_TO_PVL" > x.pvl 22. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/ladee_ldex.xml&RT=PDS4_TO_HTML" > x.html 23. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/ladee_ldex.xml&RT=PDS4_TO_HTML_STRUCTURE_ONLY" > xSO.html 24. Using editor or browser, visually compare x.* with testDir/testTprt/ladee_ldex.xml Data transformation 25. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/ladee_ldex.xml&RT=PDS4_TO_CSV" 26. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/msl_chemcam.lbl&RT=PDS3_TO_PDS4_LABEL" 27. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/msl_chemcam.lbl&RT=PDS_LABEL" More “Return Type”s 28. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/msl_chemcam.lbl&RT=PDS_ZIP" > 29. unzip 30. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/msl_chemcam.lbl&RT=PDS_ZIP_SIZE" 31. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt&RT=PDS_ZIPD" > 32. unzip 33. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt&RT=PDS_ZIPD_SIZE" Currently unsupported capabilities: FITS file, CDF file 34. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/mvn_lpw.xml&RT=PDS_TO_JPG" 35. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/mvn_iuv.xml&RT=PDS_TO_JPG" Check proper handling of inaccessible directories 36. chmod 000 testTprt/dirLevel1a/dirLevel2 37. curl "http://localhost:8080/transport-ofsn/prod?OFSN=/testTprt/dirLevel1a/&RT=DIRFILELIST" 38. cp testTprt/dirLevel1a/fileLevel2b.txt testTprt/dirLevel1a/.ignoreME 39. chmod 777 testTprt/dirLevel1a/dirLevel2 40. repeat step 37 41. rm testTprt/dirLevel1a/.ignoreME |
Test Results |
Step 1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dirResult xmlns=""> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/a0013.qub</OFSN> <fileSize>50339840</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/a0013.xml</OFSN> <fileSize>22618</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/</OFSN> <fileSize>500</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/ladee_ldex.xml</OFSN> <fileSize>7031</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/msl_chemcam.csv</OFSN> <fileSize>2241087</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/msl_chemcam.lbl</OFSN> <fileSize>28086</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/mvn_iuv.fits</OFSN> <fileSize>449280</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/mvn_iuv.xml</OFSN> <fileSize>75445</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/mvn_lpw.cdf</OFSN> <fileSize>230296</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/mvn_lpw.xml</OFSN> <fileSize>8423</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1b/tcshrc</OFSN> <fileSize>29</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1a/fileLevel2a.txt</OFSN> <fileSize>72</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1a/fileLevel2b.txt</OFSN> <fileSize>307</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1a/dirLevel2/fileLevel3.txt</OFSN> <fileSize>1550</fileSize> </dirEntry> </dirResult> Step 2: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dirResult xmlns=""> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/a0013.qub</OFSN> <fileSize>50339840</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/a0013.xml</OFSN> <fileSize>22618</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/</OFSN> <fileSize>500</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/ladee_ldex.xml</OFSN> <fileSize>7031</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/msl_chemcam.csv</OFSN> <fileSize>2241087</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/msl_chemcam.lbl</OFSN> <fileSize>28086</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/mvn_iuv.fits</OFSN> <fileSize>449280</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/mvn_iuv.xml</OFSN> <fileSize>75445</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/mvn_lpw.cdf</OFSN> <fileSize>230296</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/mvn_lpw.xml</OFSN> <fileSize>8423</fileSize> </dirEntry> </dirResult> Step 3: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dirResult xmlns=""> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1a</OFSN> <fileSize>1929</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1b</OFSN> <fileSize>29</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1a/dirLevel2</OFSN> <fileSize>1550</fileSize> </dirEntry> </dirResult> Step 4: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dirResult xmlns=""> <dirEntry> <OFSN>testTprt/dirLevel1a</OFSN> <fileSize>379</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry> <OFSN>testTprt/dirLevel1b</OFSN> <fileSize>29</fileSize> </dirEntry> </dirResult> Step 5: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dirResult xmlns=""> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/</OFSN> <fileSize>500</fileSize> </dirEntry> </dirResult> Step 6: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dirResult xmlns=""> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN></OFSN> <fileSize>295</fileSize> </dirEntry> </dirResult> Step 7: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 500 100 500 0 0 2610 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2645 Step 8 shows no difference Step 9: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dirResult xmlns=""> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <fileSize>500</fileSize> </dirEntry> Step 10: Result from this step matches previous step -rw-r--r-- 1 rchen 500 Oct 25 13:41 testDir/testTprt/ Step 11: 1c95600a27bf27ddaddaa9bdedaff44d Step 12: Result from this step matches previous step MD5(testTprt/ 1c95600a27bf27ddaddaa9bdedaff44d Steps 13-20: the file sizes differ, but the images are always:
Step 21: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 6019 100 6019 0 0 15360 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 15433 Step 22: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 29172 100 29172 0 0 508k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 527k Step 23: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 10799 100 10799 0 0 426k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 479k Step 24: Step 25-33: as expected Steps 34,35: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Apache Tomcat/8.5.5 - Error report</title><style type="text/css">H1 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:22px;} H2 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:16px;} H3 {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;font-size:14px;} BODY {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:black;background-color:white;} B {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525D76;} P {font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;background:white;color:black;font-size:12px;}A {color : black;} {color : black;}.line {height: 1px; background-color: #525D76; border: none;}</style> </head><body><h1>HTTP Status 500 - </h1><div class="line"></div><p><b>type</b> Exception report</p><p><b>message</b> <u></u></p><p><b>description</b> <u>The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.</u></p><p><b>exception</b></p><pre>java.lang.NullPointerException gov.nasa.pds.transport.AbstractPdsGetHandler.sizeOf( gov.nasa.pds.transport.OFSNFileHandler.query( org.apache.oodt.grid.ProductQueryServlet.handleQuery( org.apache.oodt.grid.QueryServlet.doPost( org.apache.oodt.grid.QueryServlet.doGet( javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter( </pre><p><b>note</b> <u>The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/8.5.5 logs.</u></p><hr class="line"><h3>Apache Tomcat/8.5.5</h3></body></html> Step 37: inaccessible directory ignored <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dirResult xmlns=""> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1a/fileLevel2a.txt</OFSN> <fileSize>72</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1a/fileLevel2b.txt</OFSN> <fileSize>307</fileSize> </dirEntry> Step 40: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dirResult xmlns=""> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1a/fileLevel2a.txt</OFSN> <fileSize>72</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1a/fileLevel2b.txt</OFSN> <fileSize>307</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1a/dirLevel2/fileLevel3.txt</OFSN> <fileSize>1550</fileSize> </dirEntry> </dirResult>
Comments |
Results met test criteria, created during build 5a, requests: 1) (from Step 27) PDS3_TO_PDS4_LABEL translate PDS3’s SPREADSHEET/FIELD/DESCRIPTION to PDS4’s Field_Delimited/description 2) (from Step 29) PDS_LABEL correctly carry over PDS3 constructs GROUP, namespaces, post-value units, and pointers to documentation |
Date of Testing |
2017.04.21 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Request data using the Transport Proxy, a proxy layer for PDS3 product servers |
Requirements |
PASS L5.TRS.1: The service shall accept requests for download of PDS products.
Success Criteria |
The transport service returns the requested data. |
Test Steps |
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/prod/WEB-INF/classes/ determines where the aliased request, so append line possibly done in installation): urn\:eda\:rmi\:PDS.testme=http\://localhost\:8080/transport-ofsn/prod and and Then 1. curl -X GET -v "http://localhost:8080/prod/?object=PDS.testme&keywordQuery=OFSN+EQ+/testTprt+AND+RT+EQ+DIRFILELIST" |
Test Results |
Step 1: the heart of the output matches step 1 of TRPT.1 Note: Unnecessary use of -X or --request, GET is already inferred. * Trying ::1... * Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0) > GET /prod/?object=PDS.testme&keywordQuery=OFSN+EQ+/testTprt+AND+RT+EQ+DIRFILELIST HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:8080 > User-Agent: curl/7.48.0 > Accept: */* < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Content-Type: text/xml < Content-Length: 1756 < Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2017 07:08:49 GMT <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dirResult xmlns=""> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/a0013.qub</OFSN> <fileSize>50339840</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/a0013.xml</OFSN> <fileSize>22618</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/</OFSN> <fileSize>500</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/ladee_ldex.xml</OFSN> <fileSize>7031</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/msl_chemcam.csv</OFSN> <fileSize>2241087</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/msl_chemcam.lbl</OFSN> <fileSize>28086</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/mvn_iuv.fits</OFSN> <fileSize>449280</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/mvn_iuv.xml</OFSN> <fileSize>75445</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/mvn_lpw.cdf</OFSN> <fileSize>230296</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/mvn_lpw.xml</OFSN> <fileSize>8423</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1b/tcshrc</OFSN> <fileSize>29</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1a/fileLevel2a.txt</OFSN> <fileSize>72</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1a/fileLevel2b.txt</OFSN> <fileSize>307</fileSize> </dirEntry> <dirEntry xmlns=""> <OFSN>/testTprt/dirLevel1a/dirLevel2/fileLevel3.txt</OFSN> <fileSize>1550</fileSize> Tprt/dirLevel1a/dirLevel2/fileLevel3.txt</OFSN> <fileSize>1550</fileSize> </dirEntry> * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact </dirResult> |
Comments |
Results met test criteria |
Date of Testing |
2017.04.22 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
Test Case ID |
Description |
Request multiple files from transport-registry by specifying multiple LIDs |
Requirements |
PASS L5.TRS.1: The service shall accept requests for download of PDS products.
Success Criteria |
The transport service returns the requested data. |
Test Steps |
Since this feature uses the search registry instead of the normal registry, first run AAFUNCTION.3, then remove from $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/transport-registry/WEB-INF/config.xml <server className="gov.nasa.pds.transport.RegistryProductHandler" type="product"/> <property key="gov.nasa.pds.transport.RegistryProductHandler.tmpDir">/tmp</property> <property key="gov.nasa.pds.transport.RegistryProductHandler.registryUrl">http://localhost:8080/registry-pds3,http://localhost:8080/registry-pds4</property> (and possibly; Then run AAFUNCTION.4, then: 1. cd testDir; mkdir x; cd x 2. grep logical_identifier ../bundle_geo_ra/data_derived/*xml | sed 's/.*<.*>\(.*\)<\/.*>/\1/' > lids.txt 3. cat lids.txt 4. curl -X GET -o -v "http://localhost:8080/transport-registry/prod?identifier-list=file:///testDir/x/lids.txt" 5. unzip; cd .. 6. diff -r x bundle_geo_ra/data_derived 7. rm -r x |
Test Results |
Step 3: urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol006 urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol007 … urn:nasa:pds:phx_ra:data_derived:sol149b Step 6: Only in x: Only in x: lids.txt Only in x: md5_checksums.txt |
Comments |
Results met test criteria. |
Date of Testing |
2017.04.22 |
Test Personnel |
Richard Chen |
PDS uses the JIRA tracking system ( to capture issues such as those found during testing. The full list of issues, including those raised by sources other than testing, is located at:
In the tables below:
· Column 1: the issue’s status. Issues below are closed (i.e. resolved) unless marked “open”.
Column 2: the JIRA issue number. To see the full issue, go to<n>
· Column 3: the issue’s severity: major anomaly, minor anomaly, request for improvement
· Column 4: test case that demonstrates the issue and its resolution, if closed
· Column 5: brief description of the issue
Testing of build 1b found 1 major anomaly, 0 minor, 0 improvements
closed |
major |
REG.1 |
Registry: >1 copy of associations if reregistration of a deleted product |
Testing of build 1c found 0 major anomalies, 1 minor, 1 improvement
closed |
improve |
n/a – expected behavior |
Registry: association to obsoleted product not automatically updated |
closed |
minor |
n/a – expected behavior |
Validate: -x fails unexpectedly |
Testing of build 1d found 1 major anomaly, 2 minor, 2 improvements
closed |
improve |
REG.9 |
Registry: curl –X DELETE …/registry/packages/<guid>/members fails |
closed |
minor |
REG.4 |
Validate: -x fails unexpectedly |
closed |
minor |
REG.6 |
Registry: product’s initial status is “Unknown” |
closed |
improve |
n/a – expected behavior |
Validate: files within bundle.xml are not validated |
closed |
major |
HVT.2 |
Harvest: HarvestController does not start |
Testing of build 2a found 0 major anomalies, 0 minor, 0 improvements
Testing of build 2b found 3 major anomalies, 2 minor, 3 improvements
closed |
major |
CTLG.3 |
Catalog: -m ingest does not handle multiple *_CATALOG in voldesc |
closed |
major |
n/a – expected behavior |
Catalog: -m ingest quits without |
closed |
improve |
CTLG.3 |
Catalog: -m ingest gives uninformative error message for dsmap file |
closed |
improve |
moved to PDS-113 and -114 |
Generate: can’t handle some constructs |
closed |
major |
SCH.5 |
Search: if >10 results, only the first 10 are accessible |
closed |
minor |
SCH.3 |
Search: superseded datasets returned |
closed |
improve |
PRG.1 |
Generate: bad error message when neither –d nor –o is given |
closed |
minor |
HVT.6 |
Harvest: crashes on one specific file |
Testing of build 2c found 0 major anomalies, 1 minor, 4 improvements
closed |
improve |
PRV.1 |
Validate: should use schema and schematron specified in labels |
closed |
improve |
n/a – expected behavior |
Search: after searching and refining, new search unintentionally refines |
closed |
minor |
CTLG.1 |
Catalog: -cconfig fails |
closed |
improve |
CTLG.3 |
Catalog: bad output message when voldesc points to a missing file |
closed |
improve |
CTLG.3 |
Catalog: -m ingest gives too long an error message for a bad password |
Testing of build 3a found 0 major anomalies, 2 minor, 3 improvements
open |
improve |
PRG.1 |
Generate: handle detached files in labels |
closed |
improve |
PRG.1 |
Generate: update tool scenario documentation |
closed |
improve |
CTLG.3 |
Catalog: poor error message if no config file or command-line params |
closed |
minor |
SCH.3, SCH.5 |
Search: superseded data sets appear, and search tools don’t |
closed |
minor |
SCH.5 |
Search: incorrectly handles slashes in dataset ID |
Testing of build 3b found 0 major anomalies, 1 minor, 5 improvements
closed |
improve |
CTLG.1 |
Catalog: -m compare should compare token by token, not line by line |
closed |
improve |
n/a – expected behavior |
Catalog: -m ingest does nothing with |
closed |
improve |
CTLG.3 |
Catalog: -m ingest reregisters files if listed in multiple voldescs |
closed |
minor |
n/a – expected behavior |
Search: search-ui returns differently than search-service |
closed |
improve |
SRCH.5 |
Search: for targets, show PRIMARY_BODY_NAME when not N/A. |
open |
improve |
HVT.5 |
Harvest: check if secondary members match primary members |
Testing of build 4a found 1 major anomaly, 0 minor, 3 improvements
closed |
major |
PRV.2 |
Validate: the tool is not finding document files correctly |
closed |
improve |
Search: many resultant resource products clutter output |
closed |
improve |
Validate: treat role="warning" differently than default (role="error") |
closed |
improve |
CTLG.3 |
Catalog: Re-ingesting a file skipped during ingest (e.g. re-registers it |
Testing of build 4b found 0 major anomalies, 2 minor, 1 improvement
closed |
minor |
PRV.2 |
Transform tool does nothing with TABLEs and COLUMNs for PDS3->PDS4 |
open |
improve |
SCH.5 |
In search-ui’s results, merge 2 related facets into 1 |
closed |
minor |
SCH.5 |
Generate balks at a getRecords() call that previously worked |
Testing of build 5a found 0 major anomalies, 4 minor, 7 improvements
closed |
improve |
http://localhost:8080/registry-ui needs one unexpected click |
closed |
minor |
PRT.1 |
transform transforms only the first column of a table |
closed |
minor |
PRV.1 |
validate dirX passes, but validate 1fileInDirX fails |
closed |
minor |
PRV.2 |
validate misses invalid directory_path_name |
closed |
improve |
PRV.3 |
clarify and check for proper usage of referential integrity feature |
closed |
improve |
SRCH.3 |
registry-ui takes FOREVER to approve a large package |
open |
improve |
SRCH.6 |
search-ui returns different results for “target:mercury” and “target: mercury” |
closed |
minor |
TPRT.1 |
transport TGZ_SIZE, ZIPD_SIZE oddly return the sum of size of raw files |
open |
improve |
TPRT.3 |
transport with various RTs could handle some PDS3 features better |
closed |
improve |
TPRT.3 |
transport PDS4_TO_CSV chokes on data_type ASCII_Date_Time |
closed |
improve |
TPRT.3 |
transport doesn’t transform FITS or CDF files |
Testing of build 5b found 0 major anomalies, 5 minor, 3 improvements
closed |
minor |
HVT.5 |
Cannot delete two packages at one time. |
open |
minor |
PRT.1 |
Was PDS-349. Ugly warning message from transform |
closed |
improve |
POR.1 |
Remove extra carriage-return in long output value |
closed |
minor |
PRV.1 |
Validate with multiple schemas fails |
closed |
improve |
PRV.3 |
Reduce ugliness of error message |
closed |
minor |
TPRT.3 |
Disambiguate transport-ofsn’s output |
closed |
minor |
SRCH.8 |
dd-search incorrectly orders PDS3 Attribute |
open |
improve |
SRCH.8 |
Questions about why some Attributes and Classes are missing. |
Testing of build 6a found 0 major anomalies, 3 minor, 2 improvements
closed |
minor |
HVT.2 |
harvest –P –w finds no files in persistent mode |
open |
improve |
PRG.1 |
generate -o behaves unexpectedly |
closed |
improve |
PRT.1 |
Was PDS-399. works under java 1.6 but not 1.8 |
closed |
minor |
PRV.3 |
warn when bundle has LID references not in the bundle |
closed |
minor |
HVT.7 |
associations persist after package deleted |
Testing of build 6b found 1 major anomaly, 1 minor, 2 improvements
closed |
major |
Harvest doesn’t handle collection.xml files conforming to schematron 1600 |
closed |
improve |
CTLG.3 |
catalog –mingest has long warnings and incorrect documentation |
closed |
improve |
PRT.2 |
Ugly warning message when transforming an Array_3D_Image |
closed |
minor |
TPRT.5 |
transport-registry/prod?identifier-list doesn’t work |
Testing of build 7a found 0 major anomalies, 1 minor, 1 improvement
closed |
minor |
HVT.6 |
Harvest of non-data picks up hidden files |
closed |
minor |
PRG.1 |
Generate filters instead of passing through elements with nil values |
Testing of build 7b found 0 major anomalies, 2 minor, 1 improvement
open |
minor |
PRV.1 |
Spurious errors possibly related to validate’s -e option |
closed |
improve |
PRV.3 |
Validate picks up hidden files. Rejected. |
open |
minor |
HVT.8 |
Handle filename beginning with / and checksum in all caps |
Testing of build 8a found 0 major anomalies, 3 minor, 3 improvements
open |
improve |
MOD.1 |
Unexpected error messages |
closed |
improve |
PRG.1 |
Unexpected warning messages |
open |
minor |
PRV.1 |
Handle “+” in format |
closed |
minor |
PRV.1 |
Option -R pds4.bundle negates -e "*.xml" |
open |
improve |
PRV.2 |
Less brutal error message for missing file |
closed |
minor |
PRT.1 |
Transform fails on table_character to pds3-label |
This test traceability matrix lists the requirement ID, the system component of the requirement, the ID of the test case in Section 3 that tests the requirement, and the status of the test.
Requirement # |
System Component |
Test case ID |
Test Status |
L5.GEN.1 |
General System |
GEN.1 |
pass |
L5.GEN.2 |
General System |
GEN.1 |
pass |
L5.GEN.3 |
General System |
REG.1, REG.10,SRCH.3, TPRT.1 |
pass |
L5.GEN.4 |
General System |
PRV.1, PRT.1 |
pass |
L5.GEN.5 |
General System |
SRCH.3, TPRT.1 |
pass |
L5.GEN.6 |
General System |
SRCH.5, REG.6 |
pass |
L5.GEN.7 |
General System |
HVT.1, PRV.1 |
pass |
L5.GEN.8 |
General System |
GEN.4 |
skip |
L5.GEN.9 |
General System |
SRCH.2 |
pass |
L5.GEN.10 |
General System |
GEN.2 |
skip |
L5.GEN.11 |
General System |
GEN.7 |
pass |
L5.HVT.1 |
Harvest Tool |
pass |
L5.HVT.2 |
Harvest Tool |
pass |
L5.HVT.3 |
Harvest Tool |
HVT.2 |
pass |
L5.HVT.4 |
Harvest Tool |
pass |
L5.HVT.5 |
Harvest Tool |
pass |
L5.HVT.6 |
Harvest Tool |
pass |
L5.HVT.7 |
Harvest Tool |
pass |
L5.HVT.8 |
Harvest Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.DE.1 |
Prep: Design Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.DE.2 |
Prep: Design Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.DE.3 |
Prep: Design Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.DE.4 |
Prep: Design Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.DE.5 |
Prep: Design Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.DE.6 |
Prep: Design Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.DE.7 |
Prep: Design Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.VA.1 |
Prep: Validation Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.VA.2 |
Prep: Validation Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.VA.3 |
Prep: Validation Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.VA.4 |
Prep: Validation Tool |
PRV.4 |
pass |
L5.PRP.VA.5 |
Prep: Validation Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.VA.6 |
Prep: Validation Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.VA.7 |
Prep: Validation Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.VA.8 |
Prep: Validation Tool |
PRV.5 |
pass |
L5.PRP.VA.9 |
Prep: Validation Tool |
pass |
L5.PRP.VA.10 |
Prep: Validation Tool |
PRV.2 |
pass |
L5.REG.1 |
Registry Service |
pass |
L5.REG.2 |
Registry Service |
pass |
L5.REG.3 |
Registry Service |
REG.3 |
pass |
L5.REG.4 |
Registry Service |
pass |
L5.REG.5 |
Registry Service |
REG.1 |
pass |
L5.REG.6 |
Registry Service |
pass |
L5.REG.7 |
Registry Service |
REG.5 |
pass |
L5.REG.8 |
Registry Service |
pass |
L5.REG.9 |
Registry Service |
REG.6 |
pass |
L5.REG.10 |
Registry Service |
REG.6 |
pass |
L5.REG.11 |
Registry Service |
REG.6 |
pass |
L5.REG.12 |
Registry Service |
REG.6 |
pass |
L5.REG.13 |
Registry Service |
REG.1, REG.2, REG.4 |
pass |
L5.REG.14 |
Registry Service |
REG.1, REG.2, REG.4, REG.10 |
pass |
L5.REG.15 |
Report Service |
REG.7 |
skip |
L5.REG.16 |
Report Service |
REG.8 |
skip |
L5.RPT.1 |
Report Service |
RPT.1 |
pass |
L5.RPT.2 |
Report Service |
RPT.1 |
pass |
L5.RPT.3 |
Report Service |
RPT.1 |
pass |
L5.RPT.4 |
Report Service |
RPT.1 |
pass |
L5.RPT.5 |
Report Service |
RPT.1 |
pass |
L5.RPT.6 |
Report Service |
RPT.1 |
pass |
L5.RPT.7 |
Report Service |
RPT.1 |
pass |
L5.RPT.8 |
Report Service |
RPT.1 |
pass |
L5.RPT.9 |
Report Service |
RPT.1 |
pass |
L5.RPT.10 |
Report Service |
RPT.1 |
pass |
L5.RPT.11 |
Report Service |
RPT.1 |
pass |
L5.SCH.1 |
Search Service |
pass |
L5.SCH.2 |
Search Service |
SRCH.1 |
skip |
L5.SCH.3 |
Search Service |
SRCH.2 |
pass |
L5.SCH.4 |
Search Service |
SRCH.3 |
pass |
L5.SCH.5 |
Search Service |
pass |
L5.SCH.6 |
Search Service |
pass |
L5.SCH.7 |
Search Service |
SRCH.6 |
pass |
L5.SCH.8 |
Search Service |
pass |
L5.SCH.9 |
Search Service |
pass |
L5.SCH.10 |
Search Service |
pass |
L5.SCH.11 |
Search Service |
pass |
L5.SCH.12 |
Search Service |
pass |
L5.SCH.13 |
Search Service |
SRCH.7 |
skip |
L5.SEC.1 |
Security Service |
GEN.2, SEC.1 |
pass |
L5.SEC.2 |
Security Service |
pass |
L5.SEC.3 |
Security Service |
GEN.2, SEC.1 |
pass |
L5.SEC.4 |
Security Service |
SEC.1 |
pass |
L5.SEC.5 |
Security Service |
SEC.1 |
pass |
L5.SEC.6 |
Security Service |
SEC.1 |
pass |
L5.SEC.7 |
Security Service |
SEC.1 |
pass |
L5.TRS.1 |
Transport Service |
TPRT.1, TPRT.3, TPRT.4 |
pass |
L5.TRS.2 |
Transport Service |
TPRT.1 |
pass |
L5.TRS.3 |
Transport Service |
TPRT.3 |
pass |
L5.TRS.4 |
Transport Service |
TPRT.1 |
pass |
L5.TRS.5 |
Transport Service |
TPRT.1 |
pass |
L5.TRS.6 |
Transport Service |
TPRT.1 |
pass |
4.2.4 |
Catalog Tool |
CTLG.1 |
pass |
4.2.4 |
Catalog Tool |
CTLG.2 |
pass |
4.2.4 |
Catalog Tool |
CTLG.3 |
pass |
4.2.4 |
Harvest Tool |
HVT.6 |
pass |
4.2.2 |
Portal |
POR.2 |
pass |
L4.PRP.2 |
Prep: Generate Tool |
PRG.1 |
pass |
L4.PRP.4 |
Prep: Transform Tool |
PRT.1 |
pass |
Prep: PDS4 Tools |
PRP.1 |
pass |
1.3.3 |
PDS Requirements |
SCMA.1 |
pass |
Model: LDDTool |
MOD.1 |
pass |
Test Status: “skip” signifies requirements not implemented nor tested in build 8a. Those test cases are included for future builds only.
Of the 97 requirements listed above, 91 were tested during Build 8a integration and test. has this document as well as test data PDS4test.build8a.tgz.
Build 8a integration and test environment encompasses the following:
Hostname |
OS |
Memory |
Software |
local host (mac) |
Mac OS X 10.11.6 |
16GB RAM |
Catalog, Harvest, Model, Portal, Preparation (Generate, Extract, Transform, Validate), Registry, Search, Storage, Transport |
pds-gamma |
Linux |
24GB |
Security |
pdsops |
Linux |
12GB |
Report |
The PDS Configuration Management (CM) process will uniquely identify the build 8a and other releases. It will be followed and maintained by the Operations Team, which will act as the configuration management process engineer.
CM – Configuration Management
DN – PDS Discipline or Data Node
EN – PDS Engineering Node
I&T – Integration and Test
NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
OS – Operating System
PDS – Planetary Data System
PDS3 – Version 3.8 of the PDS Data Standards
PDS4 – Version 4.0 of the PDS Data Standards
PDS MC – PDS Management Council
SDD – Software Design Document
SRD – Software Requirements Document
UI – User Interface