The following notes were taken by Elizabeth Rye. Corrections are welcome.
Planetary Data System Standards Teleconference
May 27, 2009 9-11 AM
Telecon Discussions:
1. SCR status:
- SCR3-1127: Pointer/Object Ambiguity in the Standards Reference
WG: T. King (lead), M. Cayanan, L. Huber, S. Hughes, R. Joyner
- E. Rye has posted version 5 on the web site. Please discuss via blog (or if unavailable, email). E-vote tentatively scheduled to begin 6/10/09.
- SCR3-1141: Increase DATA_QUALITY_ID to 16 characters
WG: R. Chen (lead), E. Rye
- The SCR has been updated and R. Simpson has provided some feedback. As soon as PDS blog is up, E. Rye will respond to issues raised on that forum.
- SCR still needs to be updated to address issue of StdRef examples for local data dictionaries. (Who raised this? -- need to track this down) Dick Simpson on blog --EDR
- Simpson recommended that a PPI rep be added to the working group, given that they are the lead node on the Messenger mission. E. Rye has contacted S. Joy via email asking him to join working group and comment on SCR.
- Hopefully, after review by S. Joy, SCR can be posted for TG discussion.
- SCR3-1145: PSDD Filename Length Clean-Up
WG: S. Slavney (lead), M. Gordon, R. Joyner, E. Rye
- The question arose at the last telecon as to whether this is a VTool or volume validation function. E. Rye talked to Paul Ramirez about validation of filename lengths. His response was if all label files that are input to VTool have a fixed length restriction OR if we are validating the values of <nnnnn>_FILE_NAME, then the validation should be done in VTool. (He believes the latter case is already being done.) If, instead, the restriction on filename length is context dependent on a PDS volume, then a volume validator would be the appropriate tools to do this check. (As per phone conversation with Paul on 05/27/09. - EDR)
- Rye will send SCR v2 out for 2 week comment period followed by an e-vote.
- SCR3-1146: Update reference format to handle DOIs
WG: A. Raugh (lead), P. Garcia, S. Hughes, R. Joyner, R. Simpson, S. Slavney, R. Walker (consult)
- E. Rye updated database to change lead to Anne.
- Working group has submitted version 1 of SCR to TG for discussion. It's now posted on web site.
- Problem was that REFFIND (which did simple sanity checks) looked for year of publication as last field. When this was replaced by DOI, it failed. PDS has been recommending JGP 1993-1998. JGR changed format and stopped putting year at end but following author list.
- Current SCR recommends removing references to JGR format and instead using current format, adding DOI before year of publication. (enables REFFIND to keep working)
- Discussed possibility of adding a separate keyword for DOI; would require change to catalog object, including fixing all existing ones
- Also discussed go back and fixing all old references? Existing information for full references should be adequate to find literature on web.
- The possiblity of putting a tag in front of the doi, in either lower or upper case was discussed.
- Dick suggested the possibility of a full reference database but said it was probably too much work.
- SCR3-1148: Phoenix keywords
WG: E. Rye (lead), S. Slavney, B. Sword
- no update
WG: B. Sword (lead), E. Rye, S. Slavney
- E. Rye was to determine what the outcome was of the vote that was held on this SCR. Result was that six nodes voted (ATM, EN, GEO, NAIF, PPI, and RINGS); of those, all voted to approve the SCR and stated that MC review of the vote was unnecessary. E. Rye will update the status of the SCR and notify the MC of the vote.
- SCR3-1150: Change minimum value for detector_temperature
WG: R. Chen (lead), E. Rye
- Still need another working group volunteer.
- Decided last time against changing min val to -273 with default Kelvin.
- E. Rye spoke with P. Ramirez. He has two questions for this group:
- Do you want a warning issued whenever non-default units are used?
- In cases where non-default units are used, should the default min and max be ignored? (Doing unit conversions likely too big an impact under PDS3; hope to fix using PSDD under PDS4.)
- Anne suggested a different approach, such that if a value is detected which is outside the valid range specified in the PSDD AND the keyword has non-default units specified in the label, an informational message should be issued.
- Dick suggested the alternative approach of deleting the minimum value completely from the PSDD in order to avoid the problem of nuisance validation messages. This would necessarily mean no validation of the keyword values.
- The group voted on these two alternatives, as shown in the table below. ("message" = Anne's suggestion; "remove min val" = Dick's suggestion)
Node Voter message
or remove
min val?which
message?ATM L. Huber message info GEO S. Slavney message info IMG C. Isbell message info NAIF B. Semenov message info PPI T. King absent absent RINGS M. Gordon message info RS D. Simpson remove
min valabstain SBN A. Raugh message info EN E. Rye message info
- The majority of the group chose Anne's solution. We then voted on which level of message VTool should issue: informational, warning, or error. (Note that it is our understanding that when VTool detects values outside the valid range with NO non-default units, an error message should be issued.) The group chose to have VTool issue an information message in response to the situation Anne identified.
- E. Rye then proposed a quick vote to formally REJECT this SCR and to track it exclusively as a software issue (in JIRA). TG disagreed and wanted to maintain SCR in queue in order to track resolution of software issue.
- Richard and Elizabeth will re-write SCR as software change only; submit for e-vote (no further discussion necessary at this stage). Upon approval (and no-comment by MC), E. Rye will submit issue to JIRA.
- Note: After the telecon, E. Rye spoke again to P. Ramirez about proposed solution. He pointed out that a problem would be created if non-default units were used and an invalid value (but one that was inside the default range) was present. There would be no message issued at all. For example, if a keyword had default units of feet with a min/max of 0 to 3, and someone specified the units of meters and provided a value of 2. The value would be outside the valid range, but no message would be issued.
WG: R. Chen (lead), S. Joy, B. Sword, E. Rye
- Richard introduced this topic.
- D. Simpson pointed out that proposed value of "303" would violate GENERAL_DATA_TYPE of IDENTIFIER. E. Rye conceded that this would need to be changed to CHARACTER.
- E. Rye to verify proposed working group.
- R. Chen to write up SCR and distribute to working group, then TG for discussion.
2. Further Issues:
- none
Next telecon scheduled for 2009-06-24.