The following notes were taken by Elizabeth Rye. Corrections are welcome.
Planetary Data System Standards Teleconference
January 14, 2009 9-11 AM
Standards DB
- Has been repopulated with old backup but still in process of being updated.
Telecon Discussions:
1. SCR status:
- SCR3-1127: Pointer/Object Ambiguity in the Standards Reference
WG: T. King (lead), M. Cayanan, L. Huber, S. Hughes, R. Joyner
- no change - Elizabeth needs to check latest version -- determine if ready for a vote
- SCR3-1135: PDF/A as a potential replacement for TEXT documents
WG: L. Huber (lead), P. Garcia, R. Joyner, T. King
- The following statement was received by E. Rye from the PDF/A working group:
PDF/A WG Final RecommendationIt is our opinion that PDF/A is not far enough along in its standards to be considered as a reasonable alternative for PDS3. Consideration for PDS4 should proceed along with any other documentation standards.
- E. Rye recommended SCR status be updated to PARKED and moved to PDS4 queue. A vote was taken:
Node Voter Vote? ATM L. Huber park GEO S. Slavney park IMG C. Isbell park NAIF B. Semenov absent PPI T. King absent RINGS M. Gordon park RS D. Simpson park SBN A. Raugh park EN E. Rye park
- The vote is to PARK the SCR and move it to the PDS4 queue. Rye will notify the MC.
- SCR3-1141: Increase DATA_QUALITY_ID to 16 characters
WG: R. Chen (lead), E. Rye
- Version 2 distributed for review (not ready in time for telecon).
- It was agreed to postpone a vote until the group has reviewed version 2 and the blog comments.
- Standards Coordinator will determine whether to retun the SCR to the working group or to send out for vote
- Richard will look into and provide info from Patty on a possible new data set using this keyword (believes it to be MESS EDR use in addition to RDR).
- SCR3-1145: PSDD Filename Length Clean-Up
WG: S. Slavney (lead), M. Gordon, R. Joyner, E. Rye
- discussion is ongoing in working group
- SCR3-1146: Update reference format to handle DOIs
WG: E. Rye (lead), P. Garcia, S. Hughes, R. Simpson?, S. Slavney, R. Walker?
- Final determination on working group membership. Ron Joyner wants to be on the goup.
- Anne questioned the existence of this SCR given that REFERENCE_DESC has an unstructured text field for its value. Betty responded that REFFIND is having problems. We considered whether this is a software bug rather than a standards issue. However, it looks like parts of B32 of the StdRef need to be revised.
- Anne will send Elizabeth info about JGR references.
WG: S. Slavney (lead)
- Version 1 of SCR distributed for review at December telecon.
- In the description field for SOURCE_PRODUCT_STOP_TIME should be changed from start to stop.
- Question: in what way would SOURCE_PRODUCT_START/STOP_TIME differ from PRODUCT_START/STOP_TIME and why?
- Susie may need to update description to allow multiple values (at least make sure the description doesn't exclude them).
- Should SOURCE_PRODUCT_ID be required if this keyword is present? (Disagreement on this. Dick says yes.)
- Add possibility for 'yyyy-ddd...' format
- Possible need for a new SCR adding DOY format as alternative formation rule to all TIME keywords.
- SCR3-1148: Phoenix keywords
WG: E. Rye (lead), S. Slavney, B. Sword
- no update
2. Further Issues:
- New SCR from Betty on changing standard value type of INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID
- Betty or Elizabeth will submit SCR via online interface.
- SCR as summarized by Betty doesn't appear particularly controversial.
- Elizabeth will send SCR out for discussion and conduct an e-vote.
Next telecon scheduled for 2009-02-11.