The following notes were taken by Elizabeth Rye. Corrections are welcome.
Planetary Data System Standards Teleconference
August 13, 2008 9-11 AM
Telecon Discussions:
1. SCR status:
- SCR3-1087: PDS Standards on Sequences
WG: E. Rye (lead), P. Garcia, M. Gordon
- no objections to vtool requiring comma delimiter (throw error for space delimiter)
- concerns raised by Dick about changing ODL standard (Does ODL standard belong to PDS or not?) Steve Hughes said essentially, yes, standard belongs to us. EOS uses it a little, but not to anywhere near the depth we do.
- SCR3-1116: Align Online PSDD with pdsdd.full
WG: E. Rye (lead), J. Ho, R. Joyner, D. Simpson
- no update
- D. Simpson sees no need to proceed with this SCR. Elizabeth feels that it just requires a few simple and sensible updates which should proceed given that StdRef is being updated anyway.
- SCR3-1126: Multiple occurences of the same keyword in an object - Valid or Not?
WG: T. King (lead), M. Cayanan, L. Huber, S. Hughes, A. Raugh, D. Simpson
- Todd absent; other WG members say no update
- SCR3-1127: Pointer/Object Ambiguity in the Standards Reference
WG: T. King (lead), M. Cayanan, L. Huber, S. Hughes, R. Joyner, A. Raugh
- absent
- SCR3-1135: PDF/A as a potential replacement for TEXT documents
WG: L. Huber (lead), P. Garcia, R. Joyner, T. King
- no update
- SCR3-1139: Add Std Vals for MGN Bistatic Radar and Cassini Orbiter
WG: R. Chen (lead), J. Diehl, E. Rye, D. Simpson
- no update
- SCR3-1140: Update StdRef to bring ADD reqs. in alignment with PAG and APG
WG: E. Rye (lead), R. Joyner, D. Simpson
- no update
- SCR3-1141: Increase DATA_QUALITY_ID to 16 characters
WG: R. Chen (lead), E. Rye
- for now, "fix" keyword by changing to CHARACTER, increasing length, put out for vote
- As PDS4 issue, address confusion among IDENTIFIER as lexical element, data type, and class word
2. Further Issues:
- Frequency of telecons?
- Once a month.
- Strategies for making progress on remaining SCRs?
- If an SCR has been stagnant for 3 months, a warning will be sent to the lead that progress must be made by next telecon or status will be changed to "PARKED". Once that is done, SCR can be re-assigned to new lead and WG. If no interest, SCR remains parked.
Next telecon scheduled for 2008-09-10.