The following notes were taken by Elizabeth Rye. Corrections are welcome.
Planetary Data System Standards Teleconference
July 2, 2008 9-11 AM
Telecon Discussions:
1. SCR status:
- SCR3-1082: Add atm (atmosphere) as new unit id
WG: S. Slavney (lead), M. Gordon, L. Huber, B. Sword
- Working group discussed issue and decided not to modify SCR.
- Concern about potential confusion between "atm" and "at" units; decided this should be resolved at peer review level.
- Comment that while "atm" is not technically SI, other "SI-only" organizations also recognize and accept "atm" as unit
- Move for vote:
Node Voter Approve? Send to
MC?ATM L. Huber yes no GEO S. Slavney yes no IMG P. Garcia yes no NAIF B. Semenov yes no PPI T. King absent absent RINGS M. Gordon yes no RS D. Simpson no no vote SBN A. Raugh yes yes (since it involves
a change in policy)EN E. Rye yes no
- SCR3-1126: Multiple occurences of the same keyword in an object - Valid or Not?
WG: T. King (lead), M. Cayanan, L. Huber, S. Hughes, A. Raugh, D. Simpson
- no update (Lyle reported)
- SCR3-1127: Pointer/Object Ambiguity in the Standards Reference
WG: T. King (lead), M. Cayanan, L. Huber, S. Hughes, R. Joyner, A. Raugh
- no update (Lyle reported)
- SCR3-1135: PDF/A as a potential replacement for TEXT documents
WG: L. Huber (lead), P. Garcia, R. Joyner, T. King
- no update; group is somewhat stalled due to lack of clarity about the next step (Todd and Lyle reporting)
2. Discussion:
- TOPIC: Criteria for Accepting New SCRs Under PDS3
E. Rye (lead)
- Elizabeth has added new comment to blog. This was summarized on the telecon, with the criteria near the bottom (starting with "Allowable changes:") presented for discussion.
- Todd concerned about existence of different criteria for missions and PDS, since missions work through PDS. Elizabeth responded that this is basically a way of having rules that are presented to the missions, but permitting ourselves a caveat so we don't tie our hands from making any other changes. Mitch suggested that these are essentially guidelines rather than rules.
- Todd basically likes contents of proposed guidelines. Others agreed.
- Elizabeth asked if anyone wanted any changes to the format. No responses.
- Elizabeth asked if anyone wanted any changes to the text / content. No responses.
- The following guidelines will be presented to the MC at the face-to-face next week as Elizabeth's proposed guidelines, with no objections offered by the Tech Group.
Allowable changes:
New standard values added to existing keywords in support of missions.
New keywords proposed by missions which are properly constructed and fully compliant with the standards described in section 2.2.1, "Data Element Nomenclature Standards", of the PSDD.
Disallowed changes:
Any changes to the catalog objects.
No new objects, and no required keywords added to existing objects.
No changes to the standards outside of the Planetary Science Data Dictionary.
In addition to the above criteria, anyone within the PDS has the right to advocate for a change to the standards. The Tech Group will decide on the merits of the SCR before any significant work is done on it, based on the urgency, desirability, and implementation complexity of the proposed changes.
Next telecon scheduled for 2008-07-16.