The following notes were taken by Ron Joyner and Elizabeth Rye. Corrections are welcome.
Planetary Data System Standards Teleconference
June 4, 2008 9-11 AM
Telecon Discussions:
1. SCR status:
- (4:07) SCR 3-1117: Bad formation rule in *_DATE keywords
WG: A. Raugh (lead), S. Hughes, E. Rye
- Elizabeth summarized contents of version 2 of SCR to now include all DATE class keywords, proposed removal of formation rules from DESCRIPTIONs and addition to FORMATION_RULE_DESC attribute, and suggestion of change to online PSDD interface.
- No major objections.
- Go ahead with an email vote.
- (12:55) SCR 3-1118: Add ICD, SISes to Volume Documentation in StdRef
WG: D. Simpson (lead), R. Joyner, T. King, S. Slavney
- Dick has added typographical and editorial changes to this SCR, which is now version 4.
- New "content" changes have been moved to 3-1137.
- Mitch has provided several additional requested changes:
- PAG: change location of RINGS node
- PAG/APG: Mission Archive Scientist vs. Mission Archive Coordinator (Change "Coordinator" to "Scientist")
- APG: Discipline Nodes DNs --> (DNs)
- APG: Planetary Data Systems --> System
- APG: 2004--5-15 --> 2004-05-15
- APG: where MER1 is the instrument host, APXS is the instrument and data set was collected at Mars (rewording and re-ordering)
- Dick and Elizabeth would like to seek re-approval of 3-1118, along with approval of 3-1137, in order to send both to the MC together.
- It was agreed that points 1 and 2 above would constitute liens against 3-1137 and points 3 through 6 would constitute liens against 3-1118.
- Vote to approve SCR 3-1118, version 4, with liens as noted above:
Node Voter Approve? Send to
MC?ATM L. Huber absent absent GEO S. Slavney yes yes IMG C. Isbell abstain yes NAIF B. Semenov yes yes PPI T. King yes yes RINGS M. Gordon yes yes RS D. Simpson yes yes SBN A. Raugh yes yes EN E. Rye yes yes
- Vote to approve SCR 3-1137, version 2, with liens as noted above:
Node Voter Approve? Send to
MC?ATM L. Huber absent absent GEO S. Slavney yes yes IMG C. Isbell yes yes NAIF B. Semenov yes yes PPI T. King yes yes RINGS M. Gordon yes yes RS D. Simpson yes yes SBN A. Raugh yes yes EN E. Rye yes yes
- Group noted we need MC to determine who has authority to make these kinds of changes to a document once the MC approves a document. (In other words, is MC approval necessary to make typographical corrections to an MC document?)
- SCR 3-1126: Multiple occurences of the same keyword in an object - Valid or Not?
WG: A. Raugh (lead), M. Cayanan, L. Huber, S. Hughes, T. King, D. Simpson
- no update
- SCR 3-1127: Pointer/Object Ambiguity in the Standards Reference
WG: A. Raugh (lead), M. Cayanan, L. Huber, S. Hughes, R. Joyner
- no update
WG: E. Rye (lead), M. Cayanan, B. Sword
- Five nodes have voted via online interface; remaining node votes recorded below.
- SCR approved. Status will be updated to "TG_APPROVED" and notice sent to MC.
Node Voter Approve? Send to
MC?ATM absent absent IMG C. Isbell yes no PPI T. King yes no SBN A. Raugh yes no
- (35:00) SCR 3-1135: PDF/A as a potential replacement for TEXT documents
WG: L. Huber (lead)
- Todd said that some WG members had done some testing with the format and had encountered some problems; they had sent Todd questions about how to generate compliant files; he hasn't had time to respond yet.
- SCR 3-1137: Correct Typos and Similar Errors in the APG and PAG
WG: D. Simpson (lead) L. Feaga, R. Joyner, T. King, S. Slavney
- See discussion on 3-1118, above.
2. Further issues
(35:41) Discussion of PDS3 Freeze vs. Clean-Up
SCR ID Title 3-1018
(37:13)PERSINFO Table Changes
Todd recommended a vote for rejection:
Node Voter Vote ATM n/a absent GEO S. Slavney reject IMG C. Isbell reject NAIF B. Semenov reject PPI T. King reject RINGS M. Gordon reject RS D. Simpson abstain SBN A. Raugh reject EN E. Rye reject ACTION: Update status to REJECTED; E. Rye send note to Steve to make sure international names are handled adequately under PDS4.
(41:56)Target Name Resolution Service
Elizabeth recommended a vote to move to PDS4; vote options are PDS3, PDS4, or reject:
Node Voter Vote ATM n/a absent GEO S. Slavney abstain IMG C. Isbell PDS4 NAIF B. Semenov abstain PPI T. King reject RINGS M. Gordon PDS4 RS D. Simpson PDS4 SBN A. Raugh PDS4 EN E. Rye PDS4 ACTION: Move to PDS4; E. Rye add problem statement to database based on Anne's summary.
(48:58)Resource Class (was PRODUCT TYPE)
Ingested as RESOURCE_INFORMATION object. ACTION: Update status to IMPLEMENTED.3-1009
(50:31)Underscored / Quoted Values
Has this already been resolved and implemented? Lack of certainty. Group decided to move it to PDS4 by unanimous consent (atm absent). ACTION: Move to PDS43-0013
(55:00)Change the value of PDS_VERSION_ID
Group decided to move it to PDS4 by unanimous consent. ACTION: Move to PDS43-0011
(57:17)Multiple Instances of Mission Alias Name
ACTION: Group decided to move it to PDS4 by unanimous consent (atm absent); Elizabeth to follow-up on what system problems exist, populate problem summary, talk to Chris regarding potential Clementine issues. Should this be sent to Dan as a requirement on PDS4?3-0010
(1:02:44)Delivery Object
Group decided to reject by unanimous consent for lack of info (atm absent). ACTION: Update to REJECTED.3-0009
(1:04:15)Coordinate Systems
Work has been going on at Imaging to handle these problems within online systems, rather than through standards changes. Chris recommended for rejection. Group decided to reject by unanimous consent for lack of info (atm absent) and based on solutions already provided by Imaging. ACTION: Update to REJECTED.3-0006
Update to implemented (remaining updates to be handled by nodes and OPS team). ACTION: Update to IMPLEMENTED.- (1:08:50) Discussion of SCR criteria
- SCR criteria re-written by Elizabeth and sent out prior to telecon; consensus was to put it off for a week for discussion.
(1:09:50) Next telecon scheduled for 2008-06-18.