The following notes were taken by Elizabeth Rye. Corrections are welcome.
(01/13/08 - Corrected C. Neese's name.)
Planetary Data System Standards Teleconference
9 January 2008 9-11 AM
Telecon Discussions:
1. SCR status:
- SCR 3-1118: Add ICD, SISes to Volume Documentation in StdRef
WG: E. Rye (lead), R. Joyner, S. Slavney, D. Simpson
- no update
- R. Joyner to set up meeting for working group.
- SCR 3-1119: Distinguish Required and Optional keywords vs. Projection in IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION
WG: C. Isbell (lead), E. Rye, P. Garcia, M. Cayanan
- no update
- SCR 3-1123: Correct UNIT_ID value for SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR
WG: E. Rye (lead), A. Raugh, R. Joyner
- shouldn't be on agenda
- E. Rye should send notice of approval to MC
- SCR 3-1124: PSDD Enhancement -- add Case to keywords of type CHARACTER
WG: R. Joyner (lead), T. King, R. Simpson, M. Cayanan, E. Rye, L. Huber
- R. Joyner had discussions with S. Hardman and M. Cayanan but concluded that L. Huber needed to be involved with discussions.
- R. Joyner to set up telecon.
- SCR 3-1126: Multiple occurences of the same keyword in an object - Valid or Not?
WG: A. Raugh (lead), M. Cayanan, L. Huber, S. Hughes, T. King, D. Simpson
- Discussion ongoing.
- no update
- SCR 3-1127: Pointer/Object Ambiguity in the Standards Reference
WG: A. Raugh (lead), M. Cayanan, L. Huber, S. Hughes, R. Joyner
- Discussion at an impasse until 3-1126 resolved.
- no update
- SCR 3-1129: Add .FIT and .FTS as reserved extensions in Table 10.1 of StdRef
WG: E. Rye (lead), C. Neese, B. Sword
- E. Rye to write up SCR and distribute to WG. Follow-up with e-vote.
- A. Raugh requested that she be dropped from 3-1098 and 3-1099 working groups and that C. Neese and R. Early be added in her stead.
2. Open discussion -- do we amend the Standards to permit users to specify a combined attached-detached data product (i.e., a combined data product that is both attached to the data product label and detached from the data product label) (P. Garcia and others) (
- S. Slavney has convinced Randy Kirk to not use this. Issue closed.
E. Rye reminded R. Joyner to add movie SCRs and units discussion to next agenda.
Next telecon scheduled for 2008-01-23.
S. Hughes has an MC action item to present PDS3 information model to Technical Group and get feedback. T. King would also has to present the PDS4 data model to the Tech Group. Schedule is as follows: