The following notes were taken by Elizabeth Rye. Corrections are welcome.
Planetary Data System Standards Teleconference
28 November 2007 9-11 AM
Telecon Discussions:
1. SCR status:
- (3:28) SCR 3-1118: Add ICD, SISes to Volume Documentation in StdRef
WG: E. Rye (lead), R. Joyner, S. Slavney
- Will add Dick Simpson to working group.
- Ron will send out a telecon notice.
- (7:23) SCR 3-1119: Distinguish Required and Optional keywords vs. Projection in IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION
WG: C. Isbell (lead), E. Rye, P. Garcia, M. Cayanan
- C. Isbell has recently contacted WG with initial information.
- (7:45) SCR 3-1123: Correct UNIT_ID value for SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR
WG: E. Rye (lead), A. Raugh, R. Joyner
- Shouldn't be on agenda (has left tech group)
- (8:53) SCR 3-1124: PSDD Enhancement -- add Case to keywords of type CHARACTER
WG: R. Joyner (lead), T. King, R. Simpson, M. Cayanan
- Ron will contact Sean and Mike to discuss implementation options and report back to working group.
- (14:30) SCR 3-1126: Multiple occurences of the same keyword in an object - Valid or Not?
WG: A. Raugh (lead), M. Cayanan, L. Huber, S. Hughes, T. King, D. Simpson
- no update
- (14:35) SCR 3-1127: Pointer/Object Ambiguity in the Standards Reference
WG: A. Raugh (lead), M. Cayanan, L. Huber, S. Hughes, R. Joyner
- no update
- (14:44) E. Rye requested adding movie SCRs to agenda. E. Rye to send R. Joyner email reminder.
(15:00) 2. Open discussion -- do we amend the Standards to permit users to specify a combined attached-detached data product (i.e., a combined data product that is both attached to the data product label and detached from the data product label) (P. Garcia and others)
- P. Garcia discussed how Randy Kirk put forward this proposal for mini-RF (LRO) and Chandrayaan. Randy has since conceded that he will do what we require him to do, but Patty thought the issue was worth discussing further. The specific proposal was to have a two part product consisting of a table (.TAB extension) and an image (.IMG extension) where the label for both was attached to the table. The table contains software coefficients that were used in the processing the image. Currently, software would have no way to find the image product. D. Simpson pointed out one could find the files by starting with the index table, but most people don't do that. S. Slavney and P. Garcia believe Randy's problem could be solved by placing the table content into the label (and Randy is also moving in that direction). L. Huber said that Chap. 5 of StdRef should be sufficient documentation to justify not permitting these labels.
- S. Slavney raised a follow-on question about whether multi-valued keywords can contain values with differing data types. E. Rye responded that this would depend on the data type of the keyword. It would be okay for CONTEXT DEPENDENT keywords, but not others. S. Slavney may consult with E. Rye on format of keywords in PARAMETERS group. (These keywords, if nothing appropriate already exists, will be in the Local Data Dictionary.) D. Simpson requested that he be kept in the loop.
(28:45) S. Slavney requested that units discussion that has been ongoing between her, T. King, and R. Joyner, be added to agenda for next meeting. R. Joyner agreed.
(29:15) Next telecon scheduled for 2008-01-09.
Units discussion group will have a telecon on 12/19/07. R. Joyner will send meeting notice. S. Slavney will send backup material. P. Garcia and D. Simpson are also interested in participating. M. Gordon suggested S. Slavney send material to everyone.
Telecon ended at 33:56.