The following notes were taken by R. Joyner. Corrections are welcome. IN PROGRESS
Planetary Data System Standards Teleconference
31 October 2007 9-10 AM
1. Report status on the following SCRs:
- SCR 3-1118: Add ICD, SISes to Volume Documentation in StdRef
WG: E.Rye (lead), S.Slavney, R.Joyner
- E.Rye / R.Joyner to clarify in APG / PAG -- how SIS and ICD are used in archiving process
- SCR 3-1119: Distinguish Required and Optional keywords vs Projection in IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION
WG: C.Isbell (lead), M.Cayanan, P.Garcia, E.Rye
- Chris has a/i to gather map proj info w/in ISIS
- SCR 3-1123: Correct UNIT_ID Value for SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR (A.Raugh)
WG: R.Simpson (lead), R.Joyner
- R.Joyner to clarify in APG / PAG -- how SIS and ICD are used in archiving process; miss
- SCR 3-1124: PSDD Enhancement --- add Case to keywords of type CHARACTER (R.Joyner)
WG: R.Joyner (lead), M.Cayanan (technical advisor), L.Huber, T.King, E.Rye, D.Simpson
- the concensus from the WG was to park this SCR; open a new SCR; and depending on the outcome of the new SCR either reject this SCR or re-open for discussion
- SCR 3-1126: Multiple occurences of the same keyword in an object - Valid or Not? (A.Raugh)
WG: A. Raugh (lead), M.Cayanan, L.Huber, S.Hughes, T.King, D.Simpson
- in progress
- SCR 3-1127: Pointer/Object Ambiguity in the Standards Reference (A.Raugh)
WG: A.Raugh (lead), M.Cayannan, L.Huber, S.Hughes, R.Joyner
- in progress
- SCR 3-1128.v2: Add new keyword BROWSE_USAGE_ID (E.Guinness)
WG: E.Guiness (lead), S.Adams, R.Joyner
- E.Rye to post version 2 of the SCR and request e-mail vote
2. GEO / S.Slavney is working with a dataset that is not associated with a mission -- how to proceed?
- There were no objections to GEO associating the dataset with the 'N/A' mission.
3. Next telecon
- The group agreed that the next telecon should be in two weeks (20071114).
Agenda for next telecon (20071114):
1. TBD