The following notes were taken by R. Joyner. Corrections are welcome. IN PROGRESS

Planetary Data System Standards Teleconference
07 February 2007 9-11 AM

Steve Adams (EN)
Keith Bennett (GEO)
Rose Early (SBN)
Patty Garcia (IMG)
Mitch Gordon (RINGS)
Lyle Huber (ATM)
Steve Hughes (EN)
Ron Joyner (EN)
Todd King (PPI)
Carol Niese (SBN)
Anne Raugh (SBN)
Susie Slavney (GEO)
Betty Sword (EN)



SCR 3-1103: Chapter 7: Date Time Format (A.Raugh / T.King)

During the telecon, the tech group spent time reviewing the two versions of this SCR and in real time edited portions.

A/I: R.Joyner to edit the document accordingly and email the updated version to A.Raugh (who will review the changes and report if anything is missing.

The question came up as what is the current version of the Standards Reference -- Version 3.7 (Feb 1, 2006) or Version 3.8.

A/I: R.Joyner to email the group and confirm which version of the Standards is the current version.

The question of precision arose where the data producers for MRO/HIRISE might submit data to milliseond precision. The current length of START_TIME and STOP_TIME is 24 characters which will prohit precision to that degree.

A/I: R.Joyner to write an SCR that will lengthen these two keywords to accommodate data in millisecond precision.

Use of slash character in VOLUME_ID & VOLUME_SET_ID (S.Slavney)

The question of whether or not it is appropriate to embed the slash "/" character in either the VOLUME_ID or VOLUME_SET_ID keywords. A.Raugh pointed out that the VOLUME_ID and possibly the VOLUME_SET_ID metadata are physically stored on the media (when it is burned). The ISO standard may prevent the use of the slash in the metadata.

A/I: A.Raugh will review the ISO standard and let us know if there is a conflict.

Movie SCR (working-group)

Add L.Huber and S.Adams as members of the group

No-Brainer Process (all)

As there were questions as to the approach that was used in the last round of "no brainer" SCRs, the group attacked the issue. But, as R.Simpson was not present, the group decided to postpone a decision until R.Simpson was at the meeting.

A/I: M.Gordon will research the MC process / voting rules and present at the next Standards telecon.

Agenda for next telecon

(1) Review the rewrite of SCR 3:1103: Chapter 7: Date Time Format
(2) Review the Standards approval process; M.Gordon to present MC voting rules / process
(3) 2nd round of "find the no-brainers"