The following notes were taken by R. Joyner. Corrections are welcome. IN PROGRESS
Planetary Data System Standards Teleconference
24 January 2007 9-11 AM
SCR 3-1019: PDS Lacks Time Standard (A.Raugh)
During the telecon, the tech group spent time reviewing this SCR and approved the SCR with a two modifications:
The vote was to RECOMMEND version 2 of the SCR be moved to Implementation stage. The SCR passed with 6 yes votes and 1 abstain. NAIF and RINGS were not present (see SCR votes for detailed information).
A.Raugh agreed to an action item to rewrite Chapter 7: Date/Time Format of the Standards Reference. R.Joyner took the action to email A.Raugh the MS Word version of Chapter 7. R.Joyner also took an action to open a new SCR that could address the rewrite. If the rewrite is finished in time, we will discuss the SCR at the next Standards telecon.
Agenda for next telecon
During the telecon, T.King requested a 2nd round of "find the no-brainers". Last time we worked thru the high and medium priority lists. How about this time we start reviewing the low priority list and work towards the medium and high...