The following notes were taken by Elizabeth Rye. Corrections are welcome. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Planetary Data System Standards Teleconference 18 January 2006 9-11 AM Participants: Rafael Alanis (IMG) Keith Bennett (GEO) Patty Garcia (IMG) Mitch Gordon (RINGS) Ed Guinness (GEO) Lyle Huber (ATM) Steve Hughes (EN) Chris Isbell (IMG) Ron Joyner (EN) Todd King (PPI) Elizabeth Rye (EN) Dick Simpson (RS) Susie Slavney (GEO) Betty Sword (EN) Steve Joy (PPI) Dan Scholes (GEO) (programmer) ===================================================================== PDS Standards Reference v3.7 E. Rye introduced version 3.7 of the Standards Reference for review by the nodes before formal release. She said that changes to this version of the Standards Reference were primarily in response to a number of SCRs. The change log in the document lists all of the changes. She asked whether the titles of all of the relevant SCRs should be spelled out in the change log. R. Simpson said that wouldn't be necessary. Rye then proceeded to summarize each of the relevant SCRs and the resultant changes: 3-1003 (JPEG 2000 as PDS Archive Format) - The new section describing the JPEG 2000 format was combined with the old Zip compression chapter as a new appendix I. Other compression algorithms that aren't yet documented 3-1005 (Change to REFERENCE_DESC) - Chris - should I see appendix I in current version E- yes C - not in contents - E - yes. 3-1006 (Directory Naming Conventions) - 3-1021 (PDS DICTIONARY VERSION ID) - dd-version_id keyword can now be included to indicate which version data dictionary a data set should be validated against. Small paragraph in labelling section of document 3-1023 (Disallow Alternate Time Zones) - small changes to date/time format chapter that specified changes - dropping Z at end of time formatted values and requiring use of UTC time 3-1024 (Modify the HOST/INSTRUMENT relation in the PDS data model) - used to have one to many host to instrument relation; changed to allow many-to-many and many-to-one so that instrument on earth-based hosts could be correctly modeled. Need input from nodes on whether or not this was correctly implemented since implementation instructions in SCR did not seem to accomplish the changes that the SCR mandated. We'll need to come back to this one. 3-1026 (ABSTRACT_DESC addition to DATA_SET_INFORMATION Object) - keyword added to data_set_information catalog object within data_set catalog object; adding new keyword and providing examples. 3-1028 (Add DATA_SET/MISSION relation in the PDS data model) - in PDS model there was no direct relationship between data set and mission; it was derived from other parameters; we wanted to add this relation specifically. In StdRef, added DATA_SET_MISSION object to DATA_SET catalog object; affected some appendices. 3-1037 (Spectral Qube Labels/Data Structure) - required new section in appendix A these are the changes plus a few typographical changes feel free to go through are you satisfied with changes that have been made, do they match changes specified in each SCR. any questions? Susie asked if v3.7 would constitute the revision of the Standards Reference that had been discussed at the last Management Council or whether a future revision was still being considered. Elizabeth responded that a large revision was still planned. V3.7 was meant to have been completed by the end of 2005, with the primary purpose of clearing out the Standards implementation queue. The revised version of the Standards that Susie was referring to will involve a significant re-organization of the information into a more logical format. As a first step, Elizabeth has sent a draft outline for the reference to Ed and Susie a couple of months ago, and will follow up on this after v3.7 is wrapped up. That new revision will be v3.8, with the identifier v4.0 being left for PDS 4. Dick raised a concern about not being able to find information about local data dictionaries in the old version of the Standards Reference, and noticed that the issue does not appear on Elizabeth's list of changes. Elizabeth responded that local data dictionaries are in v3.6, but the issue has been raised in the past that the sections of the Standards Reference describing them are difficult to find. Elizabeth took the action to verify that local data dictionaries will be properly indexed in v3.7. (Chapter 5, specifically, needs to be indexed.) Todd raised a concern about the TBD items in Appendix I. Elizabeth responded that she wasn't sure how better to indicate that these particular compression algorithms had been used in the past, and were theoretically approved for use in PDS archives, but time wasn't currently available to fully investigate and document them. Todd replied that text indicating just this should be added instead of the TBDs and Elizabeth agreed. Todd asks for clarification about what is expected from Nodes. Elizabeth responded that Nodes are NOT expected to read through everything in detail, but should verify that changes were properly implemented, and notify her of any gross formatting problems with the way the document was assembled. Ron asked if this was still a draft. Elizabeth replied that the text is not a draft, it should be done. The "draft" nature of the document includes making sure that the Word to PDF conversion occurred properly, that PC users don't notice any font problems, etc. Todd noted that at first glance on a PC, there didn't appear to be any font problems. A number of people expressed gratitude for the presence of bookmarks in the PDF version and Elizabeth responded that she would complete the list. Host/Instrument relationship problem: Elizabeth described the problem she had in implementing the changes described in the HOST/INSTRUMENT SCR (3-1024). The SCR specified that text permitting the instrument_host_id to have multiple values should be added to the sections of the instrument catalog object describing the instrument_information object and the instrument_reference_info object. The problem is that neither of these objects contain the instrument_host_id keyword. Elizabeth stated that her solution to the problem was to add similar text to the first paragraph of the instrument catalog object. Elizabeth asked node members to pay particular attention to this change and verify that it is consistent with the intent of the SCR. After seeking input from the nodes, Elizabeth set review period at two weeks. V3.7 of Standards Reference will be published as soon as possible after comments from the review are received. Ron asked about the status of the AGENCY_ID SCR. After some confusion as to whether this was the same as the international volume id SCR (it wasn't), Elizabeth responded that she hadn't seen the SCR, and they agreed to discuss this further offline. Ron said that it is urgent, and needs to be placed on the agenda for the next telecon. Susie asked that now that the implementation queue is mostly cleared out, that the group take time to prioritize the next issues to be addressed. Elizabeth agreed and it was decided that this would be done during the next telecon. Susie reminded us that there were already two high priority SCRs identified, the checksum SCR and the agency_id SCR. In brief review of Disposition queue, two SCRs were identified by Elizabeth, the time format standard (SCR 3-0012) and the window object (SCR 3-0004), that were recommended by the tech group a number of years ago, but never voted upon by the Management Council. Dick expressed his concern that data had been archived using the window object when that SCR had never been formally approved by the MC and asked how this happened. Elizabeth summarized her understanding of what happened, namely that the Stardust mission had needed this object in order to complete their archiving and that the PDS tech folks had discussed it, recommended it, and then dropped the ball on getting it formally approved. The mission had proceded to do their archiving assuming that it would be approved once it had passed the tech level. It was agreed that this is not the way we want things to be done and that we will try to make sure that similar things don't happen in the future; however, we need to deal with what's already happened. Timing of telecons: Elizabeth can't prepare for telecons if they are scheduled weekly. We're going to try a bi-weekly schedule for now and see if that stabilizes the notification and preparation. Steve, Ron, Ed, and Susie as working group for revising StdRef v3.8. Other major issue in queue is clean-up for Data Dictionary. Action Items: - Elizabeth to verify that local data dictionaries properly indexed. - Elizabeth to add text in Appendix I explaining the TBDs. - Elizabeth needs to send out most recent versions of SCRs 3-0004 and 3-0012. - Either telecon material or notification of cancellation goes out Friday morning. - Nodes to review implementation of SCRs and send comments to Elizabeth before next telecon.