======================================================================================= Objective: MC approval to accept JPEG 2000 as a PDS archive format for Imaging Products Date: 08/20/2003 Author: Steve Hughes Background ========== The MRO HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) team is currently predicting the production of 12,100 Gb (Giga bits) of EDR products and 92,500 Gb of RDR products. The maximim sizes of the EDR and RDR products are expected to be about 262MB and 5,120MB respectively. This large volume of data and the large size of the individual products raises several data management issues involving data storage and the distribution of products over the internet. The MRO HiRISE team is suggesting that the JPEG 2000 compression scheme be used to compress the HiRISE products for use in both online data repositories and for the PDS archive. The JPEG 2000 compression scheme provides a good compression ratio (~1.7:1 lossless) and uses wavelet encoding scheme to allow easy viewing of extremely large images. The use of the JPEG 2000 compression scheme will (in the words of the team) result in lower data volume requirements, smaller storage needs, lower media costs, more easily managed datasets, lower per-unit count of hard media, and faster transfer times. It will also preclude the need for product tiling. Current Urgency --------------- The MRO HiRISE team as well as the PDS are currently developing plans that include hardware and software procurement, operations center design, product distribution mechanisms, and archive media production. The volume of data and the size of the individual products are the design variables with the most impact at this time. The possible use of JPEG 2000 directly effects these two variables. Since JPEG 2000 will most likely be used in the online repository in any case the decision on whether or not the PDS will allow JPEG 2000 in the archive impacts the proposed interface and must be made as soon as possible, hopefully by Dec '03. Recommendations =============== The data engineering and technical group recommend the following actions: 1. The JPEG 2000 compression scheme be studied to ensure that it meets the PDS archive requirements. 2. The JPEG 2000 compression scheme be recommended to the PDS MC for acceptance as suitable for products in the PDS archive. 3. That documented references to PDS accepted compression schemes/data formats be modified to include the JPEG 2000 compression scheme. Note that JPEG 200 should be considered both a compression scheme as well as a data format. 4. The modifications to CN software listed in the impact statement should be implementated as outlined. 5. This SCR be reviewed by a working group consisting of representatives from all PDS nodes interested in imaging data products; that the SCR be recommended to the MC for vote; and that the voting be completed by Dec '03. General Affect ============== 1) The JPEG 2000 de-compression algorithm will have to be added to the Object Access Library (OAL). 2) The JPEG 2000 de-compression source code will have to be included in the PDS archive. ====================================================================== PDS Standard and Data Dictionary Changes Requested ====================================================================== TBD review. ========================================================================== Additional Areas Impacted by the Creation of the DATA_SET/MISSION relation ========================================================================== 1. OAL - Add JPEG 2000 de-compression algorithm. 2. LABLIB3 - No impact 3. NASAView - Rebuild with updated OAL 4. Ingestion tools - No impact 5. OODT product servers - Rebuild affected query handlers with updated OAL.