Minutes of Time format Telecon (2/26/2003)
Provided by Anne Raugh

  o  In Appendix A of the Standards Reference, p. 100 (TABLE object
     definition), modify the DESCRIPTION field in the example to 
     remove reference to GMT, and delete the 'Z' from the end of 
     the time in the text.

  o  Remove 'Z' from the end of all START_TIME and STOP_TIME fields in
     all examples in all object appendices of standard documents.  (Note
     that 'Z's on the end of other time fields were NOT removed.)

  o  Check the PDF version of the latest Planetary Science Data Dictionary
     for references to GMT and 'Z' and mark these for deletion.

  o  Add an impact statement to the SCR indicating that impact on the
     system is expected to be negligible.

  o  Note that Lyle Huber dissents on the SCR because he feels that all
     time issues should be dealt with simultaneously, rather than 
     incrementally (that is, by successive SCRs).