Release Changes

Release History

9.0.02018-09-30This release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the integrated release 9.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
8.1.12018-06-08This release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is an interim point build of the component. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
8.1.02018-03-30This release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the integrated release 8.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
8.0.02017-09-29This release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the integrated release 8.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
7.1.02017-03-31This release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the integrated release 7.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
7.0.12017-01-03This release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool represents a point build of this component.
7.0.02016-09-30This release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the integrated release 7.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date. release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System. release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System. release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 system. release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System. release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System. release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System. release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System. release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System. release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System. release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System. release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System. release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System.
0.1.82013-05-01This release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System.
0.1.72013-04-07This release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System.
0.1.62012-12-14This release of the Local Data Dictionary Tool is a component of the PDS4 System.

Release 9.0.0 - 2018-09-30

updateThis release of the IMTool includes those approved by the CCB and bug fixes since Version 1.A.1.0 of the PDS4 Information Model. The released documents include 1. index_1910.html – Information Model Specification; 2. PDS4_PDS_1910.xsd – Common Schema; 3. PDS4_PDS_1910.sch – Common Schematron; 4. PDS4_PDS_1910.xml – Label for Common Schema and Schematron; 5. PDS4_PDS_DD_1910.html – Data Dictionary (html); 6. PDS4_PDS_DD_1910.pdf – Data Dictionary (pdf); 7. PDS4_PDS_JSON_1910_DOM.JSON – Information Model (JSON); 8. PDS4_DISP_1910.xsd – Display LDD Schema; 9. PDS4_DISP_1910.sch – Display LDD Schematron; 10. PDS4_DISP_1910.xml – Label for Display Schema and Schematron.jshughes

Release 8.1.1 - 2018-06-08

updateNeed to quote use of JAVA_HOME environment variable in scripts. Fixes PDS-428.pearl
fixFixed incorrect xsd file being produced. Fixes PDS-558.jshughes

Release 8.1.0 - 2018-03-30

updateBug fixes and enhancements are detailed in model-ontology section.jshughes

Release 8.0.0 - 2017-09-29

updateThis release of the IMTool includes those approved by the CCB and bug fixes since Version of the PDS4 Information Model. The released documents include 1. index_1900.html – Information Model Specification; 2. PDS4_PDS_1900.xsd – Common Schema; 3. PDS4_PDS_1900.sch – Common Schematron; 4. PDS4_PDS_1900.xml – Label for Common Schema and Schematron; 5. PDS4_PDS_DD_1900.html – Data Dictionary (html); 6. PDS4_PDS_DD_1900.pdf – Data Dictionary (pdf); 7. PDS4_PDS_JSON_1900.JSON – Information Model (JSON); 8. PDS4_PDS_OWL_1900.rdf – Information Model (OWL-DL); 9. PDS4_DISP_1900.xsd – Display LDD Schema; 10. PDS4_DISP_1900.sch – Display LDD Schematron; 11. PDS4_DISP_1900.xml – Label for Display Schema and Schematron.jshughes

Release 7.1.0 - 2017-03-31

updateRemoved the restriction where LDDTool has to be run from a directory named "LDDTool".jshughes

Release 7.0.1 - 2017-01-03

updateUpdated to allow LDDTool to be relocated - SBN node request 12/7/16.jshughes

Release 7.0.0 - 2016-09-30

No changes in this release.

Release - 2016-07-01

updateFixed problem that ignored any rule assert statements after the first in Ingest_LDD.jshughes
updateFixed problem that wrote wrapped lines in a description with line-feed as the line delimiter.jshughes
updateChanged “element name” to “element ref” for elements referenced from an external namespace and which have been “exposed”.jshughes

Release - 2016-04-14

updateFixed problem associated with multiple “Choice” attribute blocks within a single class.jshughes

Release - 2015-09-10

addAdded sync option that creates output file names with local namespace and version id of the master model – Option “s”.jshughes

Release - 2015-08-06

addAdded ability to process more than one Ingest_LDD file at a time.jshughes
addAdded property maps listing to schema as documentation – Option “n”jshughes
updateWrite Information Model Specification - Option “1”jshughes
updateMade out file names consistent. All namespace ids have been uppercased.jshughes

Release - 2015-04-02

addAdded Element_Flag to indicate classes to be defined as xs:elementjshughes
updateFixed problem with “choice” group of classes.jshughes
updateGeneral code cleanup to align LDDTool with master PDS4 standard document generation code.jshughes
updateFixed problem with descriptions that have tokens wider than the printed text block, for example URLs.jshughes
updateFixed problem with processing cycles in Ingest_LDD, for example, a class definition that references itself as a parent.jshughes

Release - 2014-05-01

updateRemoved option 'a' – print attribute element flag (all elements are now defined as simpleTypes.)jshughes

Release - 2014-03-31

updateFixed bug in validating version numberjshughes
updateFixed bug in writing of permissible values and value meanings.jshughes

Release - 2013-11-25

updateFixed bug in referencing common attributes (e.g., the attribute "comment" in display class). Note that the next version of the common schema still needs to create elements for each attribute defined as a simpleType or defined using PDS4 data_types.jshughes
addFixed bug in extension/restriction associations. Added “parent_of” as permissible value for "reference type" to ultimately replace “subclass_of”, “extension_of”, and “restriction_of”. The original reference_types indicated the wrong direction. (Note that the next version of the common schema needs to be updated to no longer allow the original reference_types.)jshughes

Release - 2013-10-03

updateRe-release Version with new data files after release of PDS4 Version

Release - 2013-09-09

updateAllow mixed LDD and External components in xs:choice.jshughes
addAdded –v option to report versionjshughes
updateAllow LDD templates to define classes and attributes that already exist but report a warning.jshughes
updateWrite XML label for LDD schema filejshughes
updateReference the USER (owned) attributes in the master DB for an external reference.jshughes
updateChanged Build 3b to Build 4a in schema and schematron file comments.jshughes
addAdded support for xs:anyjshughes

Release - 2013-0-05

addAdded additional validation checks and output messages. Validate that each attribute is referenced in an association and report a warning if this is not the case. Validate that all names, either class or attribute, are unique in the specified namespace and report an error if this is not the case.jshughes
updateWrite error messages to both the output (log) file and the report file.jshughes
updateWrite an additional CSV file for each language specified in any terminological entry. The file name includes the language name. Any name or definition in a language other than English is substituted in.jshughes
updateNow use the LDD namespace id for the following namespace declaration in the schematron file.jshughes
updateFixed class order.jshughes

Release - 2013-06-28

addAdded command line options to write element definitions in the XML Schema file. The "-c" option writes definitions for class elements and the "-a" option writes definitions for attribute elements.jshughes
updateUpdate for RFA_Build3b_076: removed “SAMPLE” from title.jshughes

Release 0.1.8 - 2013-05-01

addUpdated master schema to Release
updateIntegrated LDD Tool processing code into master schema processing code. The LDD XML Schema and Schematron files are now created by the code that creates the master schema. This update improves consistency.jshughes
updateThe definition of subclasses is now allowed.jshughes
updateThe schematron rules for enumerated lists are now properly written to the schematron file.jshughes
updateThe schematron rules for enumerated lists are now properly written to the schematron file.jshughes
updateThe “version” segment of a directory path is now the major number (first digit) of the Information Model Version Id.jshughes
updateThe first lines of the schema and schematron file headers have been updated to indicate that the files are for operational use.jshughes

Release 0.1.7 - 2013-04-07

updateUpdated schema to Release
updateRenamed UnitOfMeasure_* to Units_Of_*.jshughes

Release 0.1.6 - 2012-12-14

updateFixed problem associated with not finding a defined and referenced child class.jshughes
updateChange type of message from WARNING to INFO for overrides of data type default values.jshughes
updateValidate that all referenced attributes and classes exist.jshughes
updateNo longer output the value of the USERNAME environment variable.jshughes