Release Changes

Release History

1.12.12018-05-01This release of Search Core is a component of an interim point build for the Search components. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.12.02018-03-30This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 8.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.11.02017-09-29This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 8.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.10.02017-03-31This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 7.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.9.02016-09-30This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 7.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.8.12016-07-12This release of Search Core is a component of an interim point build for the Search components. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.8.02016-03-31This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 6.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.7.02015-09-30This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 6.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.6.02015-03-31This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 5.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.5.02014-09-30This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 5.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.4.12014-06-20This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 4.1.1 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.4.02014-03-31This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 4.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.3.02013-09-30This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 4.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.2.12013-06-21This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 3.1.1 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.2.02013-03-31This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 3.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.1.12012-11-14This release of Search Core is a component of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release supporting the deployment of the system at the Engineering Node and includes updates for issues discovered during deployment.
1.1.02012-11-09This release of Search Core is a component of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release supporting the deployment of the system at the Engineering Node.
1.0.02012-09-30This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 3.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
0.3.02012-06-11This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 2.2.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
0.2.02012-01-31This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 2.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
0.1.02011-11-09This release of Search Core is a component of the integrated release 2.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.

Release 1.12.1 – 2018-05-01

No changes in this release.

Release 1.12.0 – 2018-03-30

UpdateNixed the pds3/archiveinfo.xml config file since it was essentially duplicate of context.xml. Also updated the pds3/context.xml and pds4/context.xml files to include investigation, instrument_host and instrument fields. Fixes PDS-528.shardman

Release 1.11.0 – 2017-09-29

No changes in this release.

Release 1.10.0 – 2017-03-31

UpdateUpdated to improve the appearance of Archive Page products in search results. Fixes PDS-492.hyunlee
AddAdded support for Product_Document to be returned in search results. Fixes PDS-494.shardman

Release 1.9.0 – 2016-09-30

No changes in this release.

Release 1.8.1 – 2016-07-12

AddAdded configuration files to support indexing of Product_Service products in order to support the Tool Registry. Also updated all of the configuration files to consistently populate the data_product_type field. Fixes PDS-429.shardman
UpdateUpdated the documentation to address issues SW-19, SW-20 and SW-21.shardman

Release 1.8.0 – 2016-03-31

UpdateUpdated to improve handling of date/time fields. Fixes PDS-370.hyunlee
UpdateCleaned up the configuration files and included extraction of file_ref_* fields and added support for indexing Product_Document products.shardman
UpdateUpdated the JRE requirement to 1.7 in the Installation document.shardman

Release 1.7.0 – 2015-09-30

No changes in this release.

Release 1.6.0 – 2015-03-31

AddCreate new configs for Product_Attribute_Definition and Product_Class_Definition products. Fixes PDS-335.jpadams
UpdateAdded PDS_Affiliate fields to PDS4 context product configuration. Fixes PDS-363.jpadams
UpdateUpdated error handling to be more descriptive when a search core run fails.jpadams

Release 1.5.0 – 2014-09-30

UpdateUpdated configurations to consistently include data_class and product_class slots for all product types. Fixes PDS-277.jpadams
UpdateUpdated ProductClass to include new SlotFilter for version_id = latest. Updated dataset.xml to include version_id. Add new test to ProductClassTest. Fixes PDS-286.jpadams
UpdateUpdated the configurations to only include products where status is "Approved". Updated a couple tests (albeit not all that useful) to include references to this. Fixes PDS-294.jpadams
UpdateUpdated core config schema to allow for specification of both output string or registry path in the configurations. The registry path will be used by default, unless it is not found. Updated pds4 context config to use this functionality to look for resource_url for the resLocation, otherwise default to the ds-view/viewContext page. Fixes PDS-301.jpadams

Release 1.4.1 – 2014-06-20

UpdateAdded external_reference_text to all configs. Fixes PDS-261.jpadams
UpdateUpdated XSD and JAXB classes to allow for multiple registry paths in core configs. This handles the context products that require the software to look in two different places for the same search field. Removed all Product_Context configs for the specific context products. Create new generic context product config to add in all context products. Fixes PDS-262.jpadams

Release 1.4.0 – 2014-03-31

UpdateCreated new core configs for all of the specific PDS4 context products, which include the new SlotFilters. Also updated ProductClass to respond to updates to RegistryResults API, including the generation of Association and Slot Filters. Fixes PDS-229.jpadams
UpdateUpdated Unix shell script and Windows batch files to provide a more user friendly message when JAVA_HOME is not set in the environment. Fixes PDS-253.mcayanan
UpdateUpdated all core configs with new search_id field. Also generated OutputString and OutputStringFormat classes from the core-config.xsd to allow for specification of the format required for the output String. Previous implementation automatically URL encoded the string. Fixes PDS-255.jpadams
UpdateCreated new archiveinfo.xml config for PDS4 resources. Fixes PDS-256.jpadams
UpdateUpdate documentation to take change from initial-index-pdsen to search-core-pdsen.jpadams
UpdateUpdated PSA data set config to use localhost. Updated PDS4 config to only refer to registry-pds4 and no longer refer to registry-atm.jpadams

Release 1.3.0 – 2013-09-30

UpdateGet all .xml files in the given config directory instead of requiring product-classes.txt to be specified. Fixes PDS-144.jpadams
UpdateAllow for unlimited 'jumps' for associations to be specified (i.e. instrument_host_ref.instrument_ref.data_set_ref.node_ref.agengy_ref.alternate_id will get agency). Fixes PDS-154.jpadams
UpdateCompleted patch for use with Solr 4, including updates to pom dependencies and Fixes PDS-173.jpadams
UpdateUpdated PDS config files to point to relative instead of absolute URL to resolve issue with domain specificity. Fixes PDS-177.jpadams
UpdateUpdated command-line options and property keys to allow for specification of primary and secondary registries; also update XSD to allow for inclusion of 'DataSources' which can then be set with primary/secondary 'priority' and DataSource type (i.e. registry) as well as the option to 'append' the new sources to the current list specified via command-line/property file, or to overwrite. Fixes PDS-189.jpadams
AddCreated new logging and stats classes to maintain the missing slot/associations/etc.jpadams
UpdateUpdated unit tests to reflect changes from PDS-189.jpadams
UpdateLeveraged decorator pattern for Extrinsic Objects to allow for extension of the objects that come back from the Registry. Allows for methods like getLidvid, getSlotValues, etc.jpadams
UpdateRefactored RegistryAttributes class to be an enum to better handle Registry attributes.jpadams
UpdateUpdated unit tests to test new classes/methods.jpadams
UpdateUpdated core configs to work with XSD.jpadams
UpdateUpdated software to use XML schema to specify configurations for different products. Introduced core-config.xsd.jpadams
UpdateRemoved Indexer and ProfileParser classes that have been deprecated from use and no longer have a use. Updated Launcher to remove reference to these classes.jpadams
UpdateCleaned up assembly.xml to use correct syntax for recursive include.jpadams
UpdateUpdated SearchCorePDS3Test to run against only 5 data sets instead of 1000 to improve deployment performance.jpadams
UpdateUpdated solr-post script to use awk instead of gawk for systems that do not have gawk installed.jpadams
UpdateUpdated OPUS description in search-tools.xml.jpadams
UpdateUpdated documentation to include info on configurations.jpadams

Release 1.2.1 – 2013-06-21

UpdateUpdated EN-specific documentation to be very explicit with exact steps for running index.jpadams

Release 1.2.0 – 2013-03-31

AddCreated Search Service config files for Bundle, Collection, and Context PDS4 products. Fixes PDS-138.jpadams
UpdateUpdated config file directories to reflect future installations (pds/pds3, pds/pds4, psa/pds3).jpadams
UpdateUpdated PDS3 product configurations to remove all search fields named mission_* with investigation_* to meet with PDS4 model.jpadams
UpdateUpdated unit test classes to reflect changes in config file directories.jpadams
AddCreated initial-index-pdsen script that will create index specific to PDS Engineering node, including flags for PDS3, PDS4, and PSA data products.jpadams

Release 1.1.1 – 2012-11-14

AddCreated ops-index script to rsync data from remote machine in order for operational use.jpadams
AddCreated env-vars scripts to allow for specification of all environment variables. Minimizes potential human error.jpadams
UpdateUpdated module documentation to handle more potential errors from installation. Fixes PDS-132.jpadams
UpdateUpdated in-line documentation in all core Bash scripts for running the index.jpadams

Release 1.1.0 – 2012-11-09

AddCreated new Archive Information configuration file to include mission resources in search results. Fixes PDS-119.jpadams
UpdateUpdated ProductClass and SearchField classes to include handling of a name-based query of the registry in order to return Archive Information. Fixes PDS-119.jpadams
UpdateUpdated hierarchy to include new agency facet. Fixes PDS-121.jpadams
UpdateUpdated data set config to include new agency_name field. Fixes PDS-121.jpadams
UpdateFixed bug in solr-post script where the search tools were not being included in the index.jpadams

Release 1.0.0 – 2012-09-30

AddCreated PDSDateConvert class to handle conversions of PDS4-compliant date/time values into Solr-compliant date/time values. Fixes PDS-102.jpadams
UpdateRefactored the Search Protocol and XML Response Writer out of the search-core and into search-service. Also moved Solr index scripts from search-service to search-core and updated the scripts to use absolute paths. Updated pom files accordingly to reflect changes in dependencies from refactoring of Solr stuff. Fixes PDS-100.jpadams
UpdateUpdated CLI by requiring registry URL to be specified, a new flag to specify a configuration directory, and a new flag to specify Search Service Home.jpadams
UpdateRenamed several classes to use PDS4 terminology (i.e and
UpdateUpdated Solr document parser class to populate unknown/null date/time fields with values.jpadams
UpdateUpdated Solr Indexer to create multiple solr-index.xml depending on a specified threshold of index documents for Solr Index file. This coincides with changes to the solr-post script, alleviating issues with Java Heap during XSLT transformations prior to posting to the Solr Web App.jpadams
UpdateUpdated PSA Config to capture more information from data in the registry. THis may be a temporary fix until more data is available. Includes data_object_type and mission_start/stop_date.jpadams
UpdateModified references to Search Service Home throughout application and documentation in an effort to eliminate confusion between the path used in Search Core versus the path specified in the Search Service installation. Changed Search Service Home to Search Home, where applicable.jpadams
UpdateUpdated Installation and Operation documentation to reflect the changes in tool functionality.jpadams
FixFixed bug in ProductClass class to set default version to 1.0 when associated lidvid does not contain a version.jpadams

Release 0.3.0 – 2012-06-11

AddAdded command-line option to specify number of queried records.jpadams
AddUpdated the configuration to reflect to changes in slot names, in accordance with changes made by harvest.jpadams
UpdateRefactored Registry Extractor, Solr Indexer, and PDS Indexer to reflect changes in the registry-core client.jpadams
RemoveRemoved the parent project's Release Notes document. This document now serves as the single source for this component's release changes.shardman

Release 0.2.0 – 2012-01-31

UpdateCleaned up the documentation and removed the PDF generation feature.shardman

Release 0.1.0 – 2011-11-09

AddInitial implementation of PDS search protocol request handler.pramirez
AddRefactored implementation of Registry Data Search prototype to work with registry-core v1.0.0.jpadams
AddCommand-line interface to run Registry Extractor, Solr Indexer, and PDS Indexer.jpadams