Release Changes

Release History

1.12.02017-09-29This point release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 8.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.11.12017-07-11This point release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 7.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.11.02017-03-31This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 7.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.10.02016-09-30This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 7.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.9.02016-03-31This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 6.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.8.02015-09-30This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 6.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.7.02015-03-31This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 5.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.6.02014-09-30This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 5.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.5.02014-03-31This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 4.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.4.12013-11-27This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 4.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.4.02013-09-30This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 4.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.3.12013-06-21This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 3.1.1 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.3.02013-03-31This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 3.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.2.02012-09-30This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 3.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.1.02012-06-11This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 2.2.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.0.02012-01-31This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 2.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
0.4.02011-11-09This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 2.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
0.3.02011-08-29This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 1.2.0 of the PDS4 System. This release is intended as a prototype release in support of the assessment of the PDS4 standards and the system components to date.
0.2.02011-03-25This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 1.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This release is intended as a prototype release in support of the assessment of the PDS4 standards and the system components to date.
0.1.02010-10-31This release of the Validate Tool is a component of the integrated release 1.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This release is intended as a prototype release in support of the assessment of the PDS4 standards.

Release 1.12.0 – 2017-09-29

UpdateImproved Operation guide examples. Fixes PDS-504.mcayanan
AddAdded support for validating data content of table products. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-508.mcayanan
FixUpdated to resolve a handshake issue when running with a JRE 7 older than update 95. Fixes PDS-515.mcayanan
UpdateUpdated to no longer support model versions older than 1000. Inherited from core.mcayanan
AddAdded in the 1900 version of the schema and schematron and set as default for this release. Inherited from core.shardman
UpdateIncreased the JVM heap space allocation settings to -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m in the startup shell script and Windows batch file.mcayanan

Release 1.11.1 – 2017-07-11

FixFixed support for Schema JAR URLs. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-467.mcayanan
FixFixed to support bundle.xml and collection.xml file names to trigger their respective pds4.bundle and pds4.collection rule types. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-501.mcayanan

Release 1.11.0 – 2017-03-31

FixRestored URL support. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-481.mcayanan
FixRestored integrity checking feature. Fixes PDS-482.mcayanan
FixRestored file reference checking. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-483.mcayanan
FixRestored the capability to pass in a target directory to do file by file validation. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-484.mcayanan
FixRestored reporting of files that passed validation. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-485.mcayanan
FixRestored capability to filter on specific files when passing in a target directory. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-486.mcayanan
FixRestored capability to validate a schema defined in a label. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-487.mcayanan
UpdateDisabled support for xinclude pointers. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-488.mcayanan
AddAdded integrity checking feature to the pds4.bundle and pds4.collection rules. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-490.mcayanan
AddAdded in the 1800 version of the schema and schematron and set as default for this release. Inherited from core.shardman

Release 1.10.0 – 2016-09-30

UpdateUpdated Windows System Properties Install Guide. Fixes PDS-464.mcayanan
AddAdded support for PDS3 volume validation. Inherited from core.mrose
AddAdded in the 1700 version of the schema and schematron and set as default for this release. Inherited from core.shardman
UpdateClarified in the documentation the differences between using the -f flag versus the -x flag.mcayanan
UpdateAdded new features for PDS4 validation. Inherited from core.mrose

Release 1.9.0 – 2016-03-31

AddAdded a -B,--base-path flag option to specify a base path to use when resolving relative file references in a Checksum Manifest file. Also, use target root as the base directory when doing checksum validation. Fixes PDS-409.mcayanan
FixDuplicate messages appearing in the report. Fixes PDS-415.mcayanan
FixDoes not place errors found in the referenced file of an xinclude statement in the proper place of the Validate Tool report. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-439.mcayanan
FixFixed to also recognize "Member Status" as a valid field name for the Field_Delimited element in the Inventory area of a collection. Fixes PDS-443.mcayanan
AddAdded in the 1600 version of the schema and schematron and set as default for this release. Inhertied from core.shardman

Release 1.8.0 – 2015-09-30

FixUsing the -i argument "-i someFile" returns an ugly error message. Fixes PDS-352.mcayanan
FixShould not throw a warning for missing secondary members in a bundle or collection. Fixes PDS-371.mcayanan
FixIntegrity checking of multiple products with same LID but different VID. Fixes PDS-372.mcayanan
FixCorrect issue where a NullPointerException is thrown when a schema file could not be read. (Inherited from core) Fixes PDS-375.mcayanan
FixSchema validation behavior error. Fixes PDS-376.mcayanan
FixReferential integrity checking not recognizing missing products. Fixes PDS-401.mcayanan
AddAdded in the 1500 version of the schema and schematron and set as default for this release. Inherited from core.shardman

Release 1.7.0 – 2015-03-31

UpdateReport if a given XML Schema or Schematron file is invalid. Fixes PDS-320.mcayanan
UpdateEnable reporting of line numbers for Schematron errors. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-345.mrose
FixCorrect issue where schema validation fails with a certificate issue in Java 6. (Inherited from core) Fixes PDS-351.mcayanan
AddAdded in the 1400 version of the schema and schematron and set as default for this release. (Inherited from core)shardman
UpdateUpdated to support schema and schematron URLs. (Inherited from core)mcayanan

Release 1.6.0 – 2014-09-30

AddTool should allow the schema and schematron files specified in the labels to be used for validation. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-84.mcayanan
AddAdded support for bundle and collection integrity checking. Fixes PDS-280.mcayanan
AddAdded support for reading a checksum file for use in checksum validation. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-287.mcayanan
FixFixed to properly report errors when validating a directory. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-314.mcayanan
FixFixed to correctly find file references specified in Product_Document products. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-315.mcayanan
UpdateClarify and check for proper usage of referential integrity feature and update documentation accordingly. This also includes defaulting the file filter (-e option) to *.xml and *.XML. This can be overridden by specifying the option on the command-line. Fixes PDS-316.mcayanan
AddAdded in the 1300 and 1301 versions of the schema and schematron and set as default for this release. Inherited from core.shardman
UpdateRefactored the code so that schemas/schematrons are only loaded once per execution run in order to improve tool performance.mcayanan
FixFixed to properly crawl a URL directory.mcayanan
FixFixed to correctly populate the severity level field for INFO messages in the XML and JSON style reports.mcayanan

Release 1.5.0 – 2014-03-31

UpdateUpdated Unix shell script and Windows batch file to provide a more user friendly message when JAVA_HOME is not set in the environment. Fixes PDS-253.mcayanan
AddAdded in the 1200 version of the schema and schematron. Inherited from core.shardman
AddAdded in the 1201 version of the schema and schematron and set as default for this release. Inherited from core.shardman
UpdateUpdated to be xinclude aware when performing checksum and file casing validation on file references found in a PDS4 label. Inherited from core.mcayanan

Release 1.4.1 – 2013-11-27

AddAdded support for xinclude pointers. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-27.mcayanan
FixFixed to correctly find file references that use the directory_path_name element. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-213.mcayanan
UpdateUpdated to leverage the "role" attribute in a schematron rule in determining the severity level of a failed-assert message in the schematron report. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-225.mcayanan
AddAdded support to change the severity level messaging in the report.mcayanan
AddAdded support in the reports to distinguish parent versus fragment label problems.mcayanan
AddAdded in the 1101 version of the schema and schematron and set as default for this release. Inherited from core.shardman

Release 1.4.0 – 2013-09-30

AddAdded in the 1100 version of the schema and schematron and set as default for this release. Inherited from core.shardman
AddAdded the capability to generate reports in XML and JSON.mcayanan
UpdateUpdated to support URL inputs to the tool.mcayanan
UpdateUpdated the report header to display the timestamp with an ISO 8601 date time format.mcayanan

Release 1.3.1 – 2013-06-21

AddAdded in the 1000 version of the schema and schematron and set as default for this release. Inherited from core.shardman

Release 1.3.0 – 2013-03-31

AddAdded the capability to perform the following file reference checks: Check that the casing of the file references match what is on the file system; Check that the generated checksums match the supplied checksums in the label, if provided. Inherited from the core library.mcayanan
AddAdded in the 0310b version of the schema and schematron and set as default for this release. Inherited from core.shardman
FixBundled in DTD for 1.1 catalog. This allows doctypes to be specified in catalog files. Inherited from core. Fixes PDS-109.pramirez

Release 1.2.0 – 2012-09-30

AddUpdated to support the v09 data model. This includes no longer crawling a bundle or collection to look for file references.mcayanan
AddUpdated version information to also display the default schema and schematron files being used during validation.mcayanan
AddAdded in the 0300a version of schema and schematron and set as default for this release. Inherited from core.pramirez
FixFixed the report header to display the correct core schema and schematron being used when validating against an older version of the data model.mcayanan
FixFixed an issue that caused schematron to not be loaded internally when user supplied schema file(s) were given. Inherited from core.pramirez

Release 1.1.0 – 2012-06-11

AddAdded a -S, --schematron flag option to be able to specify schematron files to use during validation.mcayanan
AddAdded in the 0800k version of schema and schematron and set as default for this release. Inherited from core.pramirez
AddAdded in the 0700j version of schema and schematron. Inherited from core.pramirez
UpdateUpdated xpath expressions to support the latest changes to the PDS4 data model.mcayanan
UpdateUpdated to provide a better mechanism for determining the product type of a target in order to determine appropriate crawling behavior.mcayanan
FixFixed to rely on the field_location and field_length attributes instead of commas to parse an inventory table file.mcayanan
RemoveRemoved the Release Notes document. This document now serves as the single source for release changes.shardman

Release 1.0.0 – 2012-01-31

AddAdded support for XSD 1.1 and XML Catalogs. Inherited from core.pramirez
AddAdded a -C, --catalog flag option to be able to specify catalogs to use during validation.mcayanan
UpdateCleaned up the documentation and removed the PDF generation feature.shardman

Release 0.4.0 – 2011-11-09

AddAdded in the 0500g version of the schemas and set this as the default for the release. Inherited from core.pramirez
AddAdded support to validate against older versions of the PDS4 data model.mcayanan
FixFixed to support crawling of all bundle class types. Fixes PDS-48.mcayanan
FixFixed a bug where the Validate Tool did not correctly crawl a collection or bundle when validating multiple targets of different types during a single executable run.mcayanan

Release 0.3.0 – 2011-08-29

AddAdded in the 0411f version of the schemas and set this as the default for the release. Inherited from core.pramirez

Release 0.2.0 – 2011-03-25

AddAdded in the 0300A version of the schemas and set this as the default for the release. Inherited from core.pramirez

Release 0.1.0 – 2010-10-31

AddAdd capability to validate a product label or directory containing product labels. Validation capabilities provided by the Core Library.mcayanan
AddAdd capability to validate against a user-specified schema instead of the internal, default schemas used by the tool. Internal set of XML Schemas provided by the Core Library.mcayanan
AddAdd capability to disable directory recursion.mcayanan
AddAdd capability to optionally set the tool behaviors through a configuration file.mcayanan
AddAdd capability to specify file filters to search for specific files in a target directory.mcayanan