Type | Changes | By |
 | 2003-06-26 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/news/index.html: Update news for 1.0.8. | kelly |
 | 2003-06-26 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/build.xml: Bump version # to 1.0.8b. | kelly |
 | 2003-06-26 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/LabelQueryHandler.java: Rethrow an a ProductException wrapping the IOException instead of as containing merely the IOException message. | kelly |
 | 2003-06-19 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/DefaultQueryConstructor.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/DefaultResourceHandler.java: Factor out common code so it can be called somewhere else. | thuytran |
 | 2003-06-19 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/ResourceServerConfig.java: Add main method | thuytran |
 | 2003-06-19 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/Utility.java: Check for null string before trimming. | thuytran |
 | 2003-06-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/gazetteer/LoadGazetteerData.java: Load data into database. | shuliu |
 | 2003-06-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/gazetteer/GazetteerConfiguration.xml: Configuration file for Gazetteer profile server. | shuliu |
 | 2003-06-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/gazetteer/GazetteerProfileServer.java: Gazetteer profile server. | shuliu |
 | 2003-06-06 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/PDS2FName.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/LabelQueryHandler.java: Return the STRUCTURE file if found along with the label file. | jerry |
 | 2003-06-04 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipDFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipNFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipTESFileHandler.java: Change absolute paths in zip files to relative paths. | jerry |
 | 2003-05-29 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/DefaultQueryConstructor.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/DefaultResourceHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/QueryConstructor.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/Utility.java: Make QueryConstructor an interface to allow users of DefaultResourceHandler to define their own QueryConstructor. The DefaultQueryConstructor will be used if no specialized QueryConstructor is defined. | thuytran |
 | 2003-05-20 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/CatalogSchema.java: Handle null MAPPINGS | thuytran |
 | 2003-05-14 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/AliasMap.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/CatalogSchema.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/ConstantMap.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/DBUtil.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/DefaultResourceHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/Join.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/JoinColumnPair.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/NodeConfiguration.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/NodeConfiguration.xml, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/NodeServerManager.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/QueryConstructor.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/Resource.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/ResourceAttributes.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/ResourceLocation.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/ResourceServer.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/ResourceServerConfig.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/resource/ThemisConfiguration.xml: Initial version of the PDS default profile server. The default profile server (main class = jpl.pds.resource.DefaultResourceHander) can be dynamically configured to process queries sent to a PDS product catalog. The product catalog needs to be described in an XML configuration file (see ThemisConfiguration.xml as an example) defined by the property "jpl.pds.resource.config.url". | thuytran |
 | 2003-05-01 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/build.xml: Halt javadoc generation on an error with ${halt.on.error}. | kelly |
 | 2003-05-01 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/build.xml: Parameterize whether unit tests should halt on failure. Default to no. | kelly |
 | 2003-05-01 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/build.xml: Add a no-op corba ant target. | kelly |
 | 2003-04-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/dev-network.xml: Remove test USGS product server as it's unaccessible. | kelly |
 | 2003-04-09 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/native/pds2jpeg/win/pds2jpeg.c, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/native/pds2jpeg/win/pds2jpeg.exe, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/native/pds2jpeg/win/pds2jpeg1.doc, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/native/pds2jpeg/win/readmoc.lib, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/native/pds2jpeg/win/LIBJPEG.LIB, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/native/pds2jpeg/win/oal.lib: Windows version for converting image files to JPEG. | jerry |
 | 2003-04-09 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/native/pds2jpeg/sun/pds2jpeg_source.tar, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/native/pds2jpeg/sun/libs.tar, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/native/pds2jpeg/sun/moc.tar, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/native/pds2jpeg/sun/pds2jpeg.sun, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/native/pds2jpeg/sun/jpeg.tar: Sun solaris version for converting image files to JPEG. | jerry |
 | 2003-04-09 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/native/pds2jpeg/linux/pds2jpeg.linux: Linux version of pds2jpeg for converting image files to JPEG. | jerry |
 | 2003-04-09 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipNFileHandler.java: Close zip file before sampling size. | kelly |
 | 2003-04-09 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java: Add capability to download image files as JPEG. | jerry |
 | 2003-04-09 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/JPEGFileHandler.java: Add capability to display images as JPEG downloads. | jerry |
 | 2003-03-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/dev-network.xml, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml:
From: Neil Heather
To: Sean Kelly
Cc: Steve Hughes
Subject: Lost is now Ringmaster
The product server lost.arc.nasa.gov has now become ringmaster.arc.nasa.gov. Please make a note of it.
Neil | kelly |
 | 2003-03-15 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/install/index.html: Update substitutable tags so where we don't want substitution to occur, it doesn't. | kelly |
 | 2003-03-14 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/install/index.html: Add MacOS X installation instructions. | kelly |
 | 2003-03-14 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/results.jsp: Per Pam Woncik's request, if the resource URL contains "pdsimg" or "pdsimage" (ie. Atlas browsers), don't append the user specified search criteria to the resource URL. | thuytran |
 | 2003-03-08 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/servlets/QueryServlet.java: Add attributes that are not on the Data Set View interface to the list of searchable attributes so queries from clients other than the Data Set View containing these attributes can be passed on to the PDS profile server. | thuytran |
 | 2003-02-24 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/LabelQueryHandler.java: Use new VAXReader to handle VAX label files and standard ASCII label files. | jerry |
 | 2003-02-24 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/VAXReader.java: Created a version of readLine() that reads VAX label files and standard ASCII files. | jerry |
 | 2003-02-24 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Add proxy entry for USGS (and starbase, while I'm at it) so this network.xml file is usable anywhere. | kelly |
 | 2003-02-19 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/dev-network.xml: Add USGS server manager definition and product server entry for development. | kelly |
 | 2003-02-19 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Add USGS server manager definition and product server entry for operations. | kelly |
 | 2003-02-11 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Add Laura Back to list of admins for WUSTL. | kelly |
 | 2003-02-07 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipDFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipNFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipTESFileHandler.java: Use forward slash for path separator. | jerry |
 | 2003-01-22 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/ds_latestdata.gif, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/ds_stamp.gif, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/title_entry.jpg: Images for data set view | thuytran |
 | 2003-01-21 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipDFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipNFileHandler.java: Fix PDS zipname to return product_yyyyMMddHHmmss if zipname not specified. | jerry |
 | 2003-01-15 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipDFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipNFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipTESFileHandler.java: Add zip mime type and close temp file after addProduct. | jerry |
 | 2003-01-15 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java: Close temp file after addProduct. | jerry |
 | 2003-01-15 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/beans/SearchBean.java: Use subList() method of java.util.List in getSubList(). | thuytran |
 | 2003-01-10 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/results.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/release.jsp: Update for new SearchBean interface: returns Profile objects directly instead of Result objects that contain Profile objects in XML form. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-10 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/beans/SearchBean.java: Use ProfileClient instead of QUERY_CLIENT since the QueryService hides exceptions from the ProfileService.
N.B.: We need to fix the query service because it does spidering
... this is just a short-term fix to keep PDS users happy. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-10 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Use new ASU server location. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-10 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/dev-network.xml: Use new ASU server location and add missing NMSU test product server. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-10 - Update version number to interim release 1.0.8a. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-06 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Change URL to ASU server manager to themis-data.asu.edu. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/changelog/index.html: Add changelog entries for 1.0.7 and update the copyright for 2003. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/edarc.xml, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/jacorb.properties, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/orb.properties: edarc.xml no longer needed since it's generated from edarc.src. The other two are no longer needed since PDS uses RMI. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java: Update the copyright for 2003. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java: Make application/zip, not application/octet-stream, the default MIME type. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/eda/gui/Install.properties: Update the copyright for 2003. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/news/index.html: Update news for 1.0.7 and update the copyright, too. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/license/index.html: Update copyright. Remove reference to Helma software as we use Apache's XML-RPC library (which is just Helma's but with the Apache license). | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/install/index.html: Update copyright and fine-tune a few installation steps. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/authors/index.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/index.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/README.src: Update copyright. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/us_en.nsi: Remove extraction of JacORB files. Add extraction of edarc.src and filter.exe. Run filter.exe to filter edarc.src into edarc.xml. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/license.txt: Update copyright. Remove reference to Helma software as we use Apache's XML-RPC library (which is just Helma's but with the Apache license). | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/dev-network.xml: Update URL to ASU's Server Manager. Update test process names. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/build.xml: Update for release 1.0.7; add filter.exe for transforming the edarc.src into the edarc.xml file during installation and remove unneeded files from the staging area. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/edarc.src: edarc.xml file but with tokens that need to be substituted with correct values for the local installation in order to resolve XML entities. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/eda/gui/Install.properties: Another important and recovered file that lets the installer actually work. | kelly |
 | 2003-01-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/eda/gui/images/pds-big.png, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/eda/gui/images/pds-small.png, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/eda/gui/images/pds_bnr2.gif, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/eda/gui/images/pds_bnr_logo2.jpg: Bring back missing images for the PDS installer. Lucky we found them! | kelly |
 | 2002-12-16 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/dev-network.xml: PDS development network. The production network is just in network.xml now. | kelly |
 | 2002-11-08 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Make ops the default process set. Delete the test processes and the test process set. Change starbrite to starshine. | kelly |
 | 2002-10-29 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/install/index.html: Update release docs to say Java 1.4 is required. | kelly |
 | 2002-10-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/changelog/index.html: Update changelog for 1.0.6. | kelly |
 | 2002-10-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/news/index.html: Update news for what's new in this release 1.0.6. | kelly |
 | 2002-10-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/build.xml: Bump version # to 1.0.6. | kelly |
 | 2002-10-24 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQuerier.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/LabelQueryHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/LabelQueryHandlerTest.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/RawFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/RawFileHandlerTest.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipDFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipNFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipTESFileHandler.java: Support changes to accommodate new FileListHandler.java. | jerry |
 | 2002-10-24 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileListHandler.java: Add new query handlers for RETURN_TYPE=FILELIST,FILELISTZIP,PDS_FILELIST,PDS_FILELISTZIP | jerry |
 | 2002-10-24 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/DirListHandler.java: Replacement for DirListFileHandler.java | jerry |
 | 2002-10-24 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/DirListFileHandler.java: Renaming this file to DirListHandler.java to fit better with the names of other Handlers. | jerry |
 | 2002-10-21 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/index.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/release.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/tech_help.html: Fixed email address for pds operator pds_operator@jpl.nasa.gov | thuytran |
 | 2002-10-17 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/PDS2FName.java: Support changes to PDS_ZIPN_TES in ZipTESFileHandler. | jerry |
 | 2002-10-17 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipTESFileHandler.java: Change PDS_ZIPN_TES to look for product id instead of filename in OFSN path. Use product id to specify the returned zip filename. Recognize RT as well as RETURN_TYPE. | jerry |
 | 2002-10-09 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java: Change ZIPN_TES to PDS_ZIPN_TES for file handler type. | jerry |
 | 2002-10-09 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipDFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipNFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipTESFileHandler.java: Created new file ZipTESFileHandler.java to support ZIPN_TES return type. | jerry |
 | 2002-10-04 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/about.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/advanced.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/footer.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/index.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/index.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/noprod.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/power.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/release.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/results.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/tech_help.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/viewProfile.jsp: Marked as thread safe to allow multiple connections. | thuytran |
 | 2002-09-25 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/title.jpg, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/title_hm.jpg, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/about.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/footer.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/noprod.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/release.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/results.jsp: Add "subscribe" link | thuytran |
 | 2002-09-25 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/DirListFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java: Add a new query handler that returns a directory list of product files in XML format. | jerry |
 | 2002-09-23 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/results.jsp: Don't append DATA_SET_TERSE_DESCRIPTION to the product search and correlative search URLs. | thuytran |
 | 2002-09-20 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipDFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipNFileHandler.java: Replaced Info-zip with ZipOutputStream. Changed zip file name from products.zip to products_yyMMddHHmmss.zip. | jerry |
 | 2002-09-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/beans/PDSKeywords.data, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/beans/SearchBean.java: Add NODE_NAME to the query | thuytran |
 | 2002-09-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/servlets/QueryServlet.java: 1. fix for searching on nodename instead of nodeid, 2. the select always includes targname = MARS, PHOBOS, or DEIMOS by default. | thuytran |
 | 2002-09-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/title.jpg, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/title_ancil.jpg, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/title_hm.jpg: updated images | thuytran |
 | 2002-09-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/about.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/advanced.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/advancedSearchParams.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/footer.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/glossary.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/index.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/paramsList.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/power.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/quickSearchParams.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/release.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/results.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/utils.js, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/viewProfile.jsp: 1. fix for searching on nodename instead of nodeid, 2. the select always includes targname = MARS, PHOBOS, or DEIMOS by default. | thuytran |
 | 2002-09-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/quickSearchParamsB.jsp: not used | thuytran |
 | 2002-08-31 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipDFileHandler.java: Make product IDs from ZipDFileHandler use "zipd" as the unique identifier prefix. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-31 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipNFileHandler.java: Make product IDs from ZipNFileHandler use "zipn" as the unique identifier prefix. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-29 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/build.xml: Fix xmlrpc.jar; should be underscored name, not dotted. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-29 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/build.xml: Fix dnsjava.jar; should be underscored name, not dotted. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-29 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/PDS2FName.java: Add getDirectory() to support ZipDFileHandler and fix errors. | jerry |
 | 2002-08-29 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipDFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipNFileHandler.java: Change to work with new ZipDFileHandler. | jerry |
 | 2002-08-26 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/PDS2FName.java: Replace String.split() with StringTokenizer | jerry |
 | 2002-08-23 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/pds: Add chkconfig comment for auto-installation on Linux init. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-23 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java: Normalize EOL. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-22 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Start web server and RMI registry together so that the longer time it takes for the web server to come up will allow the RMI registry to also come up before we start launching processes that want to register with the RMI registry.
This is kludge, though. What we really need is a new process type specifically for RMI registries instead of "Java Process" which can do nothing but tell if the process exists. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-22 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Ooops. Stop the *test* rmiregistry and web server when shutting down the test network, not the *operations* servers. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-22 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/advanced.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/footer.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/index.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/power.jsp: Few minor adjustments to the wording of things | thuytran |
 | 2002-08-22 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Ooops. Fix unclosed quoted string. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-22 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Update labels. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-22 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/about.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/advanced.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/footer.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/glossary.html, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/index.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/power.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/release.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/results.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/viewProfile.jsp: Popup alert when user selects more than one parameter on the quick search page, or selects nothing on the quick/advanced/power search pages. | thuytran |
 | 2002-08-21 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/results.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/release.jsp: Change import jpl.oodt.profile_service to jpl.oodt.profile | thuytran |
 | 2002-08-20 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/changelog/index.html: Update changelog for 1.0.5. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-20 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/news/index.html: Update news for 1.0.5. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-20 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/viewProfile.jsp: Fixed import jpl/oodt/profile/Profile | thuytran |
 | 2002-08-19 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/beans/SearchBean.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/beans/pds.properties: Change PDS profile server reference to urn:eda:rmi:JPL.PDS.Profile | thuytran |
 | 2002-08-19 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/DisplayOptions.java:
Add a new argument to displayValList for the caller to specify <option> and <value> for a SELECT element object | thuytran |
 | 2002-08-16 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/xml/ALLProdServProf.xml: Update with RMI based product server locations. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-16 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/reset.jpg, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/space.jpg: new graphics for PDS | thuytran |
 | 2002-08-16 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/advanced.jpg, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/power.jpg, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/quick.jpg, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/title.jpg, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/images/title_hm.jpg: Graphics change. | thuytran |
 | 2002-08-15 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/advanced.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/advancedSearchParams.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/index.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/paramsList.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/power.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/quickSearchParams.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/quickSearchParamsB.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/release.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/results.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/utils.js, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/viewProfile.jsp: Incorporate feedbacks from PDS users | thuytran |
 | 2002-08-15 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/beans/SearchBean.java: Return the profile in raw format and let the caller displays it in his desired format. | thuytran |
 | 2002-08-15 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/servlets/QueryServlet.java: Retrieve the instrument_host_id to display on the results page | thuytran |
 | 2002-08-15 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/beans/SearchBean.java: Use new jpl.oodt.profile interfaces. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-14 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Update for RMI based product servers. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-09 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Update installation dir of PDS software on starbase. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-09 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Update with new hostname of ASU server. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-09 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipNFileHandler.java: Version that uses arrays. | jerry |
 | 2002-08-08 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/RawFileHandlerTest.java: Change File arg to queryForFile to array of Files. Placed pds.util.PDS2FName in a loop of look for label files in each file passed in the array. | jerry |
 | 2002-08-08 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/RawFileHandler.java: Changed File arg in queryForFile to array of Files. Needed to allow array of files in ZipNFileHandler. | jerry |
 | 2002-08-08 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java: Changed File arg in queryForFile to array of File. Only first element of array is accessed. Changed label file search to use pds.util.PDS2FName. | jerry |
 | 2002-08-08 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/LabelQueryHandlerTest.java: Changed File arg in TestHandler to array of Files. | jerry |
 | 2002-08-08 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java: Added ZipNFileHandler to list of FileQueryHandler. Check query for multiple files and create an array of files to pass to handlers. Only ZipNFileHandler will be passed more than one element. | jerry |
 | 2002-08-08 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/LabelQueryHandler.java: File arg changed to array of files. Only the first element of array us accessed. Needed to make a common interface to ZipNFileHandler. | jerry |
 | 2002-08-08 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQuerier.java: File arg to queryForFile changed to array of files. Needed to make a common interface with ZipNFileHandler. | jerry |
 | 2002-08-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipNFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/RawFileHandler.java: Remove unnecessary imports of obsolete jpl.oodt.product_service. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/LabelQueryHandlerTest.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/LabelQueryHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQuerier.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/mola/MolaQueryHandler.java: Use jpl.oodt.product instead of jpl.oodt.product_service. | kelly |
 | 2002-08-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Fix Formal Public Identifier reference. Add NMSU and its product servers back. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-31 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java: Clean up end-of-line problems. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-30 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/PDS2FName.java: Improve search for file references in label files | jerry |
 | 2002-07-30 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java: Added reference to ZipNFileHandler | jerry |
 | 2002-07-30 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipNFileHandler.java: Initial version using PDS2FName and Info-Zip. | jerry |
 | 2002-07-25 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/build.xml, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Contact.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Control.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Labeled.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Network.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/NetworkTest.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Process.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/ProcessController.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Sequence.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Server.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/ServerController.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Set.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Utility.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/UtilityException.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/UtilityTest.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/dtd/network.dtd: Upgrade to xmlrpc 1.1. Refactor EDRN and PDS network control programs into a common EDM network control program. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-20 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Get rid of PDS.Atmos.Product and its .Test counterpart. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-20 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Comment-out NMSU. Add NAIF test servers. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-19 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ServerException.java: Exception in a PDS server. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-19 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java: Use a file accessor to locate files instead of constructing the path itself. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-19 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/NetShareAccessor.java: File accessor for files on shares in a Windows cluster, like at wustl. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-19 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/StdFileAccessor.java: Standard file accessor.
This accessor locates file by appending any file name onto a root product directory, specified by the system property named by FileQueryHandler.PRODUCT_DIR_PROPERTY. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-19 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileAccessor.java: A file accessor is a way to access files. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/jacorb.properties: Set jacorb verbosity to level 1, otherwise important error messages get suppressed. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/build.xml: Include test data files in resource.binary.files list. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java: Refactor to conform to simplified FileQuerier interface. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/RawFileHandlerTest.java: Unit test for RawFileHandler. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/RawFileHandler.java: Refactor to conform to simplified FileQuerier interface. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/LabelQueryHandlerTest.java: Unit test for LabelQueryHandler. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/LabelQueryHandler.java: Refactor to conform to simplified FileQuerier interface. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java: Refactor to move determination of path to product file to one place (here) and to name the product dir property with a constant for reuse in unit tests. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQuerier.java: Refactor interface to remove unused returnType parameter and to change String filename to File file. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileHandlerTestCase.java: Abstract test case for file query handlers. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/testdata/img.jpg, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/testdata/pds.lbl, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/testdata/raw.dat: Test data for PDS unit tests. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-18 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/jacorb.properties: Double jacorb's retry limit. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-17 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java: Set the resource ID to "products.zip" so the product servlet can use it as a suggested filename to a browser. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-17 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/RawFileHandler.java: Set the resource ID to the name of the file being retrieved so the product handler can use it as a suggested filename to a browser. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-17 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/news/index.html: Update news for 1.0.5. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-17 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/doc/release/changelog/index.html: Update changelog for 1.0.5. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-17 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Server.java: Add proxy access to a server manager's port manager. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-17 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Control.java: Add a reset command to reset all server managers. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-16 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/jacorb.properties: Adjust CORBA connection and timeout parameters and use weak references for reference caching. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-16 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/build.xml: Add activation.jar and mail.jar to a release. Bump version number to 1.0.5. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-15 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Process.java: Implement getEventAddresses, setEventAddresses. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-14 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/RawFileHandler.java: Extend the ChunkedFileHandler and let it manage product fragmentation. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-14 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ChunkedFileHandler.java: Abstract querier that chunks product results.
This forms the base of the raw and zip file handlers by providing management for chunked product retrieval. It hands out chunks on demand, accepts closing out of products, and includes facilities to timeout products that are never retrieved in their entireties as well deletion of temporary products during shutdown. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-13 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/LabelQueryHandler.java: Implement chunked product retrieval as no-ops since labels are never fragmented. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-13 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/RawFileHandler.java: Prefix product IDs with "raw" so they can be clearly differentiated from other chunked products. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-13 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQuerier.java: Add methods to retrieve a chunk and close off a chunked product. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-13 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java: Allow each file querier a chance to handle a chunked product request. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-13 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java: Create zip archives using temporary files in order to reduce gigantic memory usage. Support chunked retrieval of zip archives. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/beans/PDSKeywords.data: Add database field <-> PDS keyword mapping for MISSION_START_DATE and MISSION_STOP_DATE | thuytran |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/beans/SearchBean.java: Add msnstrtdate and msnstopdate to the list of profile elements to be retrieved by the server. | thuytran |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/servlets/QueryServlet.java: Add msnstopdate to the list of query attributes so we can query the profile server for active mission data sets (msnstopdate=UNK) | thuytran |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/advanced.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/index.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/power.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/release.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/results.jsp: Add link to display list of active mission data sets. | thuytran |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Control.java: Fix command-line usage check. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Control.java: Increase join timeout to 5 minutes. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Update NAIF's installation directory to their symbolic link, /usr/local/pds. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Control.java: Fix bug that prevented installation on all servers. Add a method to delete files from a set of servers. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java: Log the query object received if we get a non-ONLINE_FILE_SPECIFICATION_NAME query. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/testNetwork.xml: Update unit test data to include some process sets. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Server.java: Add a method to get an Ant manager. Add missing javadoc. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Sequence.java: Add a method to retrieve all of the processes in an execution sequence. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Process.java: Make the name of a process optional; if not specified, it defaults to its ID attribute in the XML file. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/NetworkTest.java: Add unit tests to test process sets. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Network.java: Provide accessors for process sets and parsing from XML description of process sets. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/dtd/network.dtd: Add a set element to the DTD. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Define two sets of processes for PDS: an "ops" set and a "dev" set. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Set.java: A set of related processes. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Control.java: Refactor so adding new network-wide control features are a lot easier. Add a way to kill a process on a remote server. Support sets of processes. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/ServerController.java: Controller for a server. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-12 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/ProcessController.java: Controller for a process. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-08 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/advanced.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/index.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/paramsList.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/power.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/release.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/results.jsp: Add hyperlink to display the latest mission data set releases. | thuytran |
 | 2002-07-08 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/beans/SearchBean.java: Query the profile server to retrieve the latest mission data releases. | thuytran |
 | 2002-07-08 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Add PDS installation directory on pdsimg.jpl.nasa.gov. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-08 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Add PDS image node. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-07 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: Add image node to PDS network description. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-03 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/xml/ALLProdServProf.xml: Remove SYSTEM keyword. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-03 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/xml/ALLProdServProf.xml: Profiles of all profile servers in PDS-D. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/ZipFileHandler.java: Implement the FileQuerier interface. Replace wildcard imports with imports of specific classes. Add missing javadoc. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/LabelQueryHandler.java: Implement the FileQuerier interface; add some missing javadoc. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQuerier.java: A file querier queries for files. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/FileQueryHandler.java: Replace switch statement with interface delegation. There are no switches or if/else's in object oriented programming. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/RawFileHandler.java: Chunk a product if its size exceeds a configurable threshold. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/RawFileHandler.java: Sort imports; add javadoc. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-02 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/server/RawFileHandler.java: Chunk results if the raw file's size exceeds a configurable threshold. | kelly |
 | 2002-07-01 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/advanced.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/power.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/results.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/utils.js: 1. Add links on the advanced and power pages, back to the quick search page, 2. Don't pass INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME to the custom and default browsers because it is already appended to the URLs saved in the profile., 3. Make the "last updated" date at the bottom of the results page be the current date | thuytran |
 | 2002-06-30 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/PDS2FName.java: Add package for util directory | jerry |
 | 2002-06-30 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/PDS2FName.java: First version of module to extract filename from PDS label files. | jerry |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/testNetwork.xml: Test network, used by NetworkTest unit test. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/etc/network.xml: XML description of the PDS-D network.
STEVE: when new servers come online, please edit this file. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/UtilityTest.java: Unit test for class Utility. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/UtilityException.java: An exception with a utility. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Utility.java: Utility functions. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Server.java: A server is a system that runs a server manager. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Sequence.java: An execution (startup or shutdown) sequence. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Process.java: A process deployed in the PDS-D network. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/NetworkTest.java: Unit test for the PDS-D network. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Network.java: The PDS-D Network. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Labeled.java: Interface to indicate that something has a label. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Control.java: Command-line control of the PDS network. Enables you to start, stop, and check on the server processes that comprise the network. It also lets you install new jar files on all server systems. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Contact.java: Style: alphabetize imports. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/java/jpl/pds/util/Contact.java: A contact (such as a system administrator) who is responsible for a server running a server manager. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/dtd/network.dtd: DTD for describing the PDS-D network. | kelly |
 | 2002-06-28 - /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/paramsList.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/results.jsp, /home/oodt/cvs/pds/src/www/apps/apps/pds/utils.js: Update values for the GUI pull downs and selection boxes | thuytran |