Release Changes

Release History

1.5.02017-09-29This release of Data Dictionary Search is a component of the integrated release 8.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.4.02017-03-31This release of Data Dictionary Search is a component of the integrated release 7.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.3.02016-09-30This release of Data Dictionary Search is a component of the integrated release 7.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.2.02016-03-31This release of Data Dictionary Search is a component of the integrated release 6.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.1.02015-09-30This release of Data Dictionary Search is a component of the integrated release 6.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.0.02015-03-31This release of Data Dictionary Search is a component of the integrated release 5.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.

Release 1.5.0 – 2017-09-29

No changes in this release.

Release 1.4.0 – 2017-03-31

UpdateModified the query request to support the Search Service change from AND to OR.earevalo

Release 1.3.0 – 2016-09-30

No changes in this release.

Release 1.2.0 – 2016-03-31

FixCorrected the issue where the interface occasionally returns the wrong definition for the selected attribute. Fixes PDS-419.earevalo

Release 1.1.0 – 2015-09-30

UpdateModified to default to the publicly available Search Service instead of localhost.shardman

Release 1.0.0 – 2015-03-31

AddInitial release of the Data Dictionary Search interface that queries the Search Service for Product_Attribute_Definition and Product_Class_Definition products and displays the results to the user. Fixes PDS-354.earevalo
FixCorrected an issue sorting attributes that contained a colon in the name. Inherited from search-service. Fixes PDS-355.jpadams