Engineering Node Operation

This document describes how to operate the Search Core software, specifically for the Engineering Node installation. The following topics can be found in this document:

PDS EN Index Generation

This procedure details the PDS Engineering-specific procedure for generating the Solr Index and posting to development and operations machines.

Dev Index Generation

  • Log onto pdsbeta.
  • sudo su to pds4 user and change to the pds4 user's home directory:
    % sudo su pds4
    % cd ~
  • Run the search-core-pdsen script, substituting today's date for <date> (Format: YYYYMMDD):
    % search-core-pdsen >& index_<date>.log
  • Send log to Jordan Padams for analysis.

Ops Index Generation

This procedure details the PDS Engineering-specific procedure for generating the Solr Index and posting to all operational machines.

  • Log onto pdssrv1.
  • sudo su to pds4 user and change to the pds4 user's home directory:
    % sudo su pds4
    % cd ~
  • Run the search-core-pdsen script, substituting today's date for <date>:
    % search-core-pdsen >& index_<date>.log
  • Log out of pdssrv1.
  • Send log file to Jordan Padams for analysis.
  • Log onto pdssrv2.
  • sudo su to pds4 user and change to the pds4 user's home directory:
    % sudo su pds4
    % cd ~
  • Run ops-index script:
    % ops-index

Test Search Service

Once this script completes, the data should be available through the Search Service interface:

See the Search Service - Operate page for more information on how to query data.