The following is an example of a JSON report:
{ "title": "PDS Validation Tool Report", "configuration": { "version": "1.4.0-dev", "date": "2013-09-12T20:30:58Z", "coreSchemas": "[PDS4_PDS_1000.xsd]", "coreSchematrons": "[PDS4_PDS_1000.sch]", "modelVersion": "1000" }, "parameters": { "targets": "[]", "severityLevel": "Warnings", "recurseDirectories": "true" }, "status": "FAIL", "label": "", "messages": [ { "severity": "ERROR", "line": 90, "column": 47, "message": "cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element \u0027dph:spacecraft_clock_start_count\u0027." }, { "severity": "ERROR", "line": 91, "column": 46, "message": "cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element \u0027dph:spacecraft_clock_stop_count\u0027." }, { "severity": "ERROR", "line": 121, "message": "Generated checksum \u0027653ac7fc8cdeee51a875689bc47a771a\u0027 does not match supplied checksum \u0027d220dac0d1fe312f3f3b9c824f6ac294\u0027 in the product label \ for the following uri reference: \" } ] }