Validate Report

The following is an example of a validate report:

PDS Catalog Ingestion Tool Report

  Version                1.0.0
  Date                   Tue, Jan 05 2010 at 08:24:24 AM
  Dictionary version     
/* Planetary Science Data Dictionary database dump */
/* Start of alias definitions */
/* Version: OPS */
/* Online Database: pdscat1r76 */
/* Generated: Wed Nov 11 07:39:27 2009 */

Parameter Settings:

  Mode                   Validate
  Target                 file:/C:/catalog-files/goodcatfiles/
  Directory Recursion    true
  Dictionary File(s)     [c:\pdsdd\pdsdd.full]
  Allrefs File           file:/C:/catalog-files/goodcatfiles/allrefs_1r74.out
  Severity Level         WARNING
  Report File            report-validate.txt


  5 of 5 validated, 0 skipped
  5 of 5 passed

  4 referential integrity check(s) made, 0 skipped
  2 of 4 passed

  0 new standard value(s) found

Validation Details:

  PASS: file:/C:/catalog-files/goodcatfiles/MK88-120DS.CAT

  PASS: file:/C:/catalog-files/goodcatfiles/MK88-120DS_REF.CAT
      WARNING  line 17: Could not find year at the end of the citation. Found 557-578.
      WARNING  line 24: Could not find year at the end of the citation. Found
      WARNING  line 24: REFERENCE_DESC value does not start with UHGUIDE
      WARNING  line 31: Could not find year at the end of the citation. Found #2059.

  PASS: file:/C:/catalog-files/goodcatfiles/MK88-120_INM.CAT

  PASS: file:/C:/catalog-files/goodcatfiles/MK88_INST.CAT

  PASS: file:/C:/catalog-files/goodcatfiles/MK88_INSTHOST.CAT

Referential Integrity Details:

  FAIL: Data Set Integrity
    Parent File(s): [MK88-120DS.CAT]
    Begin checking children
    End checking children
      line 7: MK88-120DS.CAT: DATA_SET_ID = MK88-L-120CVF-3-RDR-120COLOR-V1.0 is not specified in a non DATASET.CAT.

  FAIL: Reference Integrity
    Parent File(s): [MK88-120DS_REF.CAT]
      line 17: Description for PIETERS1986 does not match description in allrefs dictionary.
         Source: allrefs_1r74.out
         < Pieters, C. M. (1986), Composition of the Lunar Highland Crust from Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Reviews of Geophysics, Vol. 24, No. 3, 557-578.
         > Pieters, C. M. (1986), Composition of the Lunar Highland Crust from Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Reviews of Geophysics, Vol. 24, No. 3, 557-578.

      line 8: MCCORDETAL not found in allrefs dictionary.
    Begin checking children
      line 102: MK88-120DS.CAT: REFERENCE_KEY_ID = MCCORDETAL1981 is not found in a REF.CAT.
      line 33: MK88_INST.CAT: REFERENCE_KEY_ID = MCCORDETAL1981 is not found in a REF.CAT.
    End checking children

  PASS: Instrument Integrity
    Parent File(s): [MK88_INST.CAT]
    Begin checking children
    End checking children

  PASS: Instrument Host Integrity
    Parent File(s): [MK88_INSTHOST.CAT]
    Begin checking children
    End checking children

End of Report