
This document describes how to operate the Report Service Manager. The following topics can be found in this document:

Note: The command-line examples in this section have been broken into multiple lines for readability. The commands should be reassembled into a single line prior to execution.

Tool Execution

Report Service Manager can be executed in various ways. This section describes how to run the tool, as well as its behaviors and caveats.

Command-Line Options

The following describes the command-line options available:

usage: report-mgr [options]
 -h,--help                              Display usage.
 -l,--log-file <file name>              Specify a log file name. Default is
                                        standard out.
 -P,--cas_pp_port <port>                Port number to run CAS PushPull.
                                        Default: 9999
 -p,--pull-logs                         Pull logs from remote sources.
 -r,--pushpull_properties <file-path>   File path to PushPull
                                        push_pull_framework.properties file.
 -s,--pushpull_specs <file-path>        File path to CAS PushPull Remote Sites
                                        specification file. Default:
 -v,--verbose <level>                   Specify the severity level and above to
                                        include in the log: (0=Debug, 1=Info,
                                        2=Warning, 3=Error). Default is Info and
                                        above (level 1).
 -V,--version                           Display application version.

Pull Logs

This section demonstrates how to configure and execute the tool to pull logs from remote sites. The examples below execute the tool via the batch/shell script.

NOTE:All machines using SFTP to retrieve logs requires a user to log in to the machine by hand to accept certificate prior to running the software. If this is not done beforehand, the software will fail.

First, you will need to configure the Apache PushPull software according to the destinations you want to pull from. The initial installation should contain configurations that should not require much modification. However, there are a couple environment variables that need to be exported or the configurations need to be modified.

The following environment variables need to be added to the environment. These examples assume the software is installated at /usr/local/report-manager:

% export REPORT_MGR_HOME=/usr/local/report-manager
% export LOGS_HOME=/my/log/home

The REPORT_MGR_HOME variable represents the installation home directory for the Report Manager software. The LOGS_HOME variable represents the base directory were logs will be downloaded. These variables can also be replaced by hand in the following files:

  • $REPORT_MGR_HOME/etc/push_pull_framework.properties
  • $REPORT_MGR_HOME/etc/conf/RemoteSpecs.xml

Assuming REPORT_MGR_HOME was set in the environment, and you would like to run the software on the default port, the following command will pull the logs based on your configurations:

% report-mgr -p

If REPORT_MGR_HOME and LOGS_HOME were replaced by hand in the configurations, and the environment variables were not set, you can run the software as follows to specify the properties, remote specs, and port:

% report-mgr -p -P 9999 -r /usr/local/report-manager/etc/push_pull_framework.properties -s /usr/local/report-manager/etc/conf/RemoteSpecs.xml