Release Changes

Release History

1.1.02014-09-30This release of the Harvest-PDAP Tool is a component of the integrated release 5.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
1.0.02014-03-31This release of the Harvest-PDAP Tool is a component of the integrated release 4.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
0.2.02013-09-30This release of the Harvest-PDAP Tool is a component of the integrated release 4.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
0.1.12013-06-21This release of the Harvest-PDAP Tool is a component of the integrated release 3.1.1 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.
0.1.02013-03-31This release of the Harvest-PDAP Tool is a component of the integrated release 3.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release of the system components to date.

Release 1.1.0 - 2014-09-30

updateUpdated for the v1.3 data model and changed the URN prefix to urn:esa:psa.shardman

Release 1.0.0 - 2014-03-31

updateUpdated Unix shell script and Windows batch file to provide a more user friendly message when JAVA_HOME is not set in the environment. Fixes PDS-253.mcayanan
updateUpdated for the v1.2 data model.shardman

Release 0.2.0 - 2013-09-30

updateUpdated for the v1.1 data model.shardman

Release 0.1.1 - 2013-06-21

updateUpdated for the v1.0 data model.shardman

Release 0.1.0 - 2013-03-31

addAdded the capability to register data sets from the PSA Registry.mcayanan
addAdded support for handling of multiple values given in the TARGET_NAME, INSTRUMENT_NAME, and INSTRUMENT_ID fields in the PSA Registry.mcayanan
addAdded support for registering associated resource products for every product registration.mcayanan
fixFixed to replace illegal URN characters with '-' characters in the data set ID when forming the logical identifier. Fixes PDS-93.mcayanan