Compare Report

The following is an example of a compare report:

PDS Catalog Ingestion Tool Report

  Version                1.0.0
  Date                   Tue, Jan 05 2010 at 08:12:46 AM

Parameter Settings:

  Mode                   Compare
    Source = file:/C:/catalog-files/diff/dir1/
    Target = file:/C:/catalog-files/diff/dir2/
  Directory Recursion    true
  Severity Level         WARNING


  [X] Differences Found
  [ ] No Differences Found

Compare Details:

  DIFFERENT: file:/C:/catalog-files/diff/dir2/DATASET.CAT
      line 2: Element RECORD_TYPE has different value than source
         Source: line 13 of file:/C:/catalog-files/diff/dir1/DATASET.CAT
         < FIXED_LENGTH
         > STREAM

      line 3: Element LABEL_REVISION_NOTE has different value than source
               Source: line 2 of file:/C:/catalog-files/diff/dir1/DATASET.CAT
         < 2005-07-29 RS:simpson incorporated aerobraking data

      line 16: Element DATA_SET_ID has different value than source
         Source: line 17 of file:/C:/catalog-files/diff/dir1/DATASET.CAT
         < ODY-M-RSS-1-RAW-V1.0
         > ODY-M-RSS-1-RAW-V2.0

      line 31: Element ARCHIVE_STATUS not present in source
      line 28: Element DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC not present in source
      line 32: Element CITATION_DESC not present in source
      line 786: Object DATA_SET_TARGET not present in source

  SAME: file:/C:/catalog-files/diff/dir2/MISSION.CAT

End of Report