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Delete Existing Configuration

This section details two different methods for deleting the Object Type Configuration from a Registry Service instance. Once the configuration packages have been deleted, see the Object Type Configuration sub-section of the General Configuration section for instructions on how to load the configuration.

Registry User Interface

The easiest method for deleting the existing configuration, is to use the Registry User Interface component. If this component is installed in your environment, access the component from your favorite web browser (on the local server access end point http://localhost:8080/registry-ui), select the Registry Service instance from the pull-down menu and perform the following steps:

  • Navigate to the Packages tab.
  • Select the Refresh button.
  • Among the list of packages, you will see four packages with the following Names (if the packages are not listed on the first page of results, enter the names below in the Name text box, one at a time, and select the Refresh button):
    • Core Objects
    • Core Associations
    • PDS Associations
    • PDS Objects
  • Select the check box next to each of these packages and then select the Delete button.
  • A series of pop-up messages will appear, one asking if you really want to delete the packages, one stating the deletion is commencing and then one each verifying the deletion of each package. Select the OK button for each of these.

Command-Line Interface

The alternative method for deleting the packages, is to determine the Global Unique Identifier (guid) for each package and then delete each one with a set of cURL commands. Access the Registry Service at the end point http://localhost:8080/registry-pdsX/packages (where pdsX is either pds3 or pds4) from your favorite web browser. You should see a listing similar to the following (your listing may contain many packages):

<ns2:response xmlns:ns2="" numFound="5" start="1">
    description="This configures the core set of registry objects"
    status="Submitted" objectType="RegistryPackage" 
    name="Core Objects"

Identify the four packages where the name attribute matches the list provided for the previous method. If the packages are not listed on the first page of results, modify the end point request to increase the number of packages returned as follows: http://localhost:8080/registry-pdsX/packages?rows=X. The value of X should be equal to the numFound attribute value from the initial request. Use the web browser's Find feature to identify the configuration packages and obtain their guid attribute value.

Execute the following two cURL commands for each package (the first deletes the member products and the second deletes the package product):

% curl -X DELETE -v \
% curl -X DELETE -v \

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