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Planetary Data System - Engineering Node Banner

Release Changes

Release History

1.1.02013-09-30This release of Transport Proxy is a component of the integrated release 4.0.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release supporting the deployment of the system at the Engineering Node.
1.0.02012-11-09This release of Product Query is a component of the integrated releases 3.0.0 and 3.1.0 of the PDS4 System. This is an operational release supporting the deployment of the system at the Engineering Node.

Release 1.1.0 - 2013-09-30



Moved this project from the Portal component to the Transport component and renamed it from product-query to transport-proxy.shardman

Release 1.0.0 - 2012-11-09



Created the package based on the 3.0.11 release of the OODT Grid Product Server. The Product Servlet and associated classes were modified to remove dependencies on the early OODT infrastructure like the RMI Registry. This servlet, referenced at, was previously included in the Data Set View suite of web applications.shardman

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