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This document describes how to install the Transport Service software contained in the transport-ofsn package. The following topics can be found in this section:

System Requirements

This section details the system requirements for installing and operating the Transport Service.

Java Runtime Environment

The Transport Service was developed using Java and will run on any platform with a supported Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The software was specifically developed under Java version 1.6 and has only been tested with this version. The following commands test the local Java installation in a UNIX-based environment:

% which java

% java -version
java version "1.6.0_26"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03-384-10M3425)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.1-b02-384, mixed mode)

The first command above checks whether the java executable is in the environment's path and the second command reports the version. If Java is not installed or the version is not at least 1.6, Java will need to be downloaded and installed in the current environment. Consult the local system administrator for installation of this software. For the do-it-yourself crowd, the Java software can be downloaded from the Oracle Java Download page. The software package of choice is the Java Standard Edition (SE) 6, either the JDK or the JRE package. The JDK package is not necessary to run the software but could be useful if development and compilation of Java software will also occur in the current environment.

Java Application Server

The Transport Service requires a Java application server for hosting the web application. The suggested application server for this release is Apache Tomcat with a minimal version of 6.0.20 through version 7.0.X. Consult the local system administrator for installation of this software. For the do-it-yourself crowd, see the Tomcat Deployment document for installation and configuration details. If viewing this document from the transport-ofsn package, view the Tomcat Deployment document from the Engineering Node site.

The top-level directory where Apache Tomcat is installed (i.e. the directory containing the webapps and conf sub-directories) will be referenced in these instructions as $CATALINE_HOME.

Unpacking the Package

Download the latest transport-ofsn package distribution from the PDS FTP site to a location on your server referenced here as $PDS_HOME. A typical location on Unix systems is PDS_HOME=/usr/local/pds, but the package can be installed anywhere. Note though that choosing /usr/local/pds as the top-level installation directory will minimize the work required to configure the service later on.

Unpack the distribution in that location and create a symbolic link to facilitate configuration and future upgrades (the following commands are for Unix-based systems, on Windows environments please modify accordingly):

% export PDS_HOME=/usr/local/pds
% cd $PDS_HOME
% unzip
% tar -xzvf transport-ofsn-0.2.0-bin.tar.gz
% ln -s ./transport-ofsn-0.2.0 ./transport-service
% cd transport-service

Note: Depending on the platform, the native version of tar may produce an error when attempting to unpack the distribution file because many of the file paths are greater than 100 characters. If available, the GNU version of tar will resolve this problem. If that is not available or cannot be installed, the zipped package will work just fine in a UNIX environment.

The commands above will result in the creation of the transport-ofsn-0.2.0 directory with the following directory structure:

  • LICENSE.txt

    The copyright notice from the California Institute of Technology detailing the restrictions regarding the use and distribution of this software. Although the license is strictly worded, the software has been classified as Technology and Software Publicly Available (TSPA) and is available for anyone to download and use.

  • README.txt

    A README file directing the user to the available documentation for the project.

  • config/

    Directory containing all configuration files, which will need to be customized for each deployment.

  • doc/

    Directory containing the package documentation (for installation, configuration, operation). The full documentation can be accessed by pointing a browser to the top-level index.html file.

  • lib/

    Directory containing the dependency jars, including the transport-ofsn classes (i.e. this module) packaged as a jar.

  • testdata/

    Directory containing some test files.

  • web-grid.war

    The product servlet web application which will need to be deployed to Apache Tomcat.

Deploying the Application

The Transport Service package includes the web-grid war file, the library jars to execute the product transformations, and a few configuration files that tie the whole application together. The package comes pre-configured for an installation location of $PDS_HOME=/usr/local/pds. If you have installed the package in this standard location, the changes to the configuration files will be minimal. If not, a few files must be edited to insert the custom system paths, as described below.

Initial Installation

  1. Deploy the web-grid.war file to your existing Tomcat installation through a context file.
    % cd $PDS_HOME/transport-service
    % cp config/transport-service.xml $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/transport-service.xml
  2. Insert your specific installation location for $PDS_HOME, if different than "/usr/local/pds". The following three files must be edited:
    • $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/transport-service.xml.
      The installation path must be changed in three places:
      • The location of the war file (by default: docBase="/usr/local/pds/transport-service/web-grid.war").
      • The reference to the full path of config.xml (by default: value="/usr/local/pds/transport-service/config/config.xml").
      • The location of the "lib/" directory for the Tomcat class loader (by default: virtualClasspath="/usr/local/pds/transport-service/lib/*.jar").
    • $PDS_HOME/transport-service/config/config.xml.
      Change the location of the ofs-ps.xml file (by default: /usr/local/pds/transport-service/config/ofsn-ps.xml).
    • $PDS_HOME/transport-service/config/ofsn-ps.xml.
      Change the location of the productRoot directory. For now, insert the full path to the directory containing the test data (by default: productRoot="/usr/local/pds/transport-service/testdata").
  3. Restart Tomcat to load the web-grid application with the new configuration.

Configure for Operations

To serve products from a real production directory, you must edit the configuration file $PDS_HOME/config/ofsn-ps.xml and change the value of the productRoot attribute to the top-level directory containing your products.


  1. First of all, you should test that the Transport Service web application is up and running. To do so, type the following URL in your browser:
    The above URL assumes that your Tomcat is running on the default port 8080 on localhost - if not, please adjust the URL accordingly. You should see a simple introductory page with a few links.
  2. Out of the box, the PDS Transport Service is configured to serve products in the directory $PDS_HOME/transport_service/testdata (referenced as "productRoot" in the file ofsn-ps.xml). You can test your installation by accessing the following URL:
    If you see a JPG image, your installation was successful! If not, please look into the Tomcat logs for any error messages.

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