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The Profile Setup software is a web application for setting up a new profile for the Report Service, and provides functionality to transfer a nodes web logs to the Engineering need for use in the Service. The application is available from the Engineering Node site at The main screen of the application is as follows:

Profile Main Screen
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The user may begin by either entering the necessary information in the appropriate text fields in order to create a new profile, or select one from the drop-down list to modify.

Command-Line Operation

The logs transferred from remote nodes must be updated regularly as more logs become available. This can either be done manually or on a cron job basis. To run the script, unpack the WAR file, and run the script from the ./WEB-INF/classes/ directory. The script uses the and files to access the MySQL database and rsync all new web logs to the specified storage location. A decryption password is also required in order to read the encrypted password foy MySQL (Contact System Administrator). To run the script, go to the ./WEB-INF/classes/ directory in the unpacked WAR and change the permissions of the and files:

chmod 700
chmod 700

The run the script as follows:

./transferLogs <decrypt_password>

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