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Planetary Data System - Engineering Node Banner

Engineering Node Operation

This document describes how to operate the Search Core software, specifically for the Engineering Node installation. The following topics can be found in this document:

PDS EN Index Generation

This procedure details the PDS Engineering-specific procedure for generating the Solr Index and posting to development and operations machines.

Dev Index Generation

  • Log onto pdsbeta.
  • sudo su to pds4 user and change to the pds4 user's home directory:
    % sudo su pds4
    % cd ~
  • Run the initial-index-pdsen script, substituting today's date for <date> (Format: YYYYMMDD):
    % initial-index-pdsen >& index_<date>.log
  • Send log to Jordan Padams for analysis.

Ops Index Generation

This procedure details the PDS Engineering-specific procedure for generating the Solr Index and posting to all operational machines.

  • Log onto pdssrv2.
  • sudo su to pds4 user and change to the pds4 user's home directory:
    % sudo su pds4
    % cd ~
  • Run the initial-index-pdsen script, substituting today's date for <date>:
    % initial-index-pdsen >& index_<date>.log
  • Log out of pdssrv2.
  • Send log file to Jordan Padams for analysis.
  • Log onto pdssrv1.
  • sudo su to pds4 user and change to the pds4 user's home directory:
    % sudo su pds4
    % cd ~
  • Run ops-index script:
    % ops-index

Test Search Service

Once this script completes, the data should be available through the Search Service interface:

See the Search Service - Operate page for more information on how to query data.

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