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The Release Description Documents (RDDs) detail the new and modified capabilities that comprise a particular PDS4 System release. These documents will also describe any impact that the new or modified capabilities will have on the Discipline Nodes or the PDS user community. The following releases are available:

3.1.02013-03-31This release of the PDS4 System represents Build 3b and is intended as an operational release of the system components to date.
3.0.02012-09-30This release of the PDS4 System represents Build 3a and is intended as an operational release of the system components to date.
2.2.02012-06-11This release of the PDS4 System represents Build 2c and is intended as an operational release of the system components to date.
2.1.02012-01-31This release of the PDS4 System represents Build 2b and is intended as an operational release of the system components to date.
2.0.02011-11-09This release of the PDS4 System represents Build 2a and is intended as an operational release of the system components to date.
1.2.02011-08-29This release of the PDS4 System represents Build 1d and is intended as a prototype release in support of the assessment of the PDS4 standards and the system components to date.
1.1.02011-03-25This release of the PDS4 System represents Build 1c and is intended as a prototype release in support of the assessment of the PDS4 standards and the system components to date.
1.0.02010-10-31This release of the PDS4 System represents Build 1 and is intended as a prototype release in support of the assessment of the PDS4 standards.
0.1.02010-08-25This first release of the PDS4 System is intended as a prototype release in support of the demonstration at the Management Council Face-to-Face meeting in August 2010.

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