Windows Setup OptionsThis section details a couple of options for setting up a Windows environment for launching the Generate Tool. Specify the CLASSPATH on the Command-LineAn alternative method to setting the CLASSPATH variable with all of the tool's dependent JAR files is to specify the java.ext.dirs Java property on the command-line when running the tool each time. This is done by passing the property via the Java "-D" flag as demonstrated in the following example: C:\> java -Djava.ext.dirs=c:\generate-0.1.0\lib \ gov.nasa.pds.validate.ValidateLauncher \ <targets> <command-line arguments> Specify the JAR on the Command-LineAnother alternative method is to specify the executable JAR file on the command-line when running the tool each time. This is done by passing the JAR file specification via the Java "-jar" flag as demonstrated in the following example: C:\> java -jar c:\generate-0.1.0\lib\generate-0.1.0.jar \ <targets> <command-line arguments> Specify the Path in the Control PanelThe method for setting the executable path permanently for Harvest Tool is to set the Path environment variable via the control panel as follows:
Note: If you already have a DOS window open, you will need to close and re-open the window for the Path changes to take effect.