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Release Changes

Release History

0.1.02011-03-25This release of the Registry Core is a component of the integrated release 1.1.0 of the PDS 2010 System.

Release 0.1.0 - 2011-03-25

fixPDS-1: Delete associations when a registry object is removed.pramirez
addPDS-3: Ability to page through all services.pramirez
updatePDS-7: Mapped Product to ExtrinsicObject to align better with information model for registry. Moved all interfaces that ended in product(s) to extrinsic(s).pramirez
addPDS-8: Allow a set of Classifications to be associated with a given registry object.pramirez
addPDS-16: Configuration endpoint to pass in classification schemes and nodes as one XML file.pramirez
updatePDS-17: Make associations based off their global identifier instead of the LIDVID.pramirez
addPDS-19: Defined RegistryPackage as an intrinsic object. Acts merely as a collection of registered objects through the use of Associations.pramirez
addPDS-20: Added ExternalIdentifier support for registered objects.pramirez
addPDS-22: Include delete operation for Classifications delete.pramirez
updateRefactored model classes from the service classes to allow for the core to be included as a jar dependency.pramirez
fixSet the object type for all intrinsic objects.pramirez

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