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Release Changes

Release History

0.5.02010-10-31This release of the Registry Service is a component of the integrated release 1.0.0 of the PDS 2010 System.
0.4.02010-08-25This release of the Registry Service is a component of the integrated release 0.1.0 of the PDS 2010 System.
0.3-dev2010-07-26This release of the Registry Service supports integration with the Registry User Interface developed at Ames.
0.2-dev-RC2010-07-06This release of the Registry Service supports integration with the Registry User Interface developed at Ames.

Release 0.5.0 - 2010-10-31

addAbility to deal with Services. This required the addition of Service Bindings and Specification Links as well.pramirez
addAbility to deal with Classifications. This required the addition of Classification Schemes and Nodes as well.pramirez
addInterface to retrieve Auditable Events.pramirez
addAbility to delete products.pramirez
addAbility to delete associations.pramirez
updateUpdated registry status information to include counts on the number of managed items.pramirez
updateRefactored any list response to simply be a RegistryResponse instead of a PagedResponse.pramirez
updateAdded a default sort order on slots so they come back in a fixed order on repeated requests. The default order now is their generated id.pramirez
updateUpdated persistence layer to be more flexible and require less change as we add new types of RegistryObject's. For example, instead of having saveProduct and saveAssociation there is now a unified saveRegistryObject.pramirez
fixSlot values that were extremely large would truncate. Now they map to @Lob with a length of max integer.pramirez
fixConvert from using userVersion to using versionId for externally tracked versions. Switch to versionName instead of version to align with model.pramirez

Release 0.4.0 - 2010-08-25

addRegistry Client API support of filtering on products and associations.pramirez
addRegistry client support of ssoToken set for interaction with service.pramirez
addFiltering for associations within the registry. Same restrictions that apply to the product filtering.pramirez

Release 0.3-dev - 2010-07-26

addAdded basic registry client API to support interface development. This is a Java API that abstracts away the URL mappings and serves back Java objects.pramirez
addFiltering for registered products. This supports the basic retrieve a set of products given some criteria. Is not a full blown search API as that will be dealt with by the Search service.pramirez
addDocumentation integration and updates for service interface. Provides examples and is generated as part of the build.pramirez

Release 0.2-dev-RC - 2010-07-06

addSupport for registration of Products.pramirez
addSupport for registration of Associations.pramirez
addAllow changing of registry object status.pramirez
addSupport for auditable events. This allows us to track the changes made to registry objects.pramirez
addAdded support for persistence to Derby DB for registry back end. This was done using the Java Persistence library.pramirez
addSpring integration to support injection of components that make up the system. This allows for extensibility by placing how the system is put together in configuration rather than code.pramirez
addPluggable identifier generation.pramirez
addPluggable version generation.pramirez
addSupport for basic navigation through URLs to registry objects.pramirez

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