
This document describes how a user can utilize the Application Program Interface (API) of the pds4-tools package to develop their own tool. The following topics can be found in this document:

API Entry Points

We have not had a chance to document the entry points into the API as of the current release. The best source for this information currently is the JavaDocs documentation for this project.


The PDS4 Tools library can be configured to write log messages to a log file, if desired. It uses the logging library SLF4J. Two JAR files are needed to configure SLF4J:

  • slf4j-api-n.n.n.jar - The SLF4J API library. Here, n.n.n means the SLF4J version number used.
  • An SLF4J implementation library. There are multiple implementations which use various lower-level logging libraries. The one used in this toolkit is slf4j-jdk14-n.n.n.jar, the library that binds SLF4J with java.util.logging. You can replace this JAR file with an implementation that uses Log4J, Jakarta Commons Logging, or other logging library.

See the SJF4J web site for more information about configuring SLF4J.