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Delete Existing Database

If the existing databases do not need to be retained for the upgraded installation, then they can be deleted. Prior to deleting the databases, shutdown the Tomcat server. The following is a set of instructions for deleting the databases that are dependent on the database server used in the current environment. Once the databases have been deleted, see the Deploying the Databases section for instructions on how to create the new databases.


For a Derby database instance, execute the following to delete the database (the path was specified in the Configuration section):

% cd /path/to/registrydb/home
% rm -rf registrypds3 registrypds4 derby.log


For a MySQL database instance, execute the following to delete the database from the database server:

% mysqladmin -u root -p drop registrypds3
% mysqladmin -u root -p drop registrypds4


For a PostgreSQL database instance, execute the following to delete the database from the database server:

% psql -U postgres
postgres=# drop database registrypds3
postgres=# drop database registrypds4
postgres=# \q

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