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This document describes how to operate the Search Service software. The following topics can be found in this document:

Create Index

An index is required in order for Solr to provide a search interface. This index is created by the the Search Core Tool. From the Search Service package, go into the $SEARCH_SERVICE_HOME/pds/bin directory and perform the following command to create a new index:

% ./initial-index <search-service-home>

By running this script, the old index will be backed up and replaced by the new one developed by the Search Core. The solr-post script will then transform the index using XSLT and post the information to the Solr instance using cUrl.

Update Index

It may not be necessary to run an entirely new index, but only update the Solr core in order to reflect the present index. This can be accomplished by performing the following command from the $SEARCH_SERVICE_HOME/pds/bin directory:

% ./solr-post <search-service-home>

Common Errors

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: A pseudo attribute name is expected.

This error usually means there is a typo in your context file. More specifically, keep an eye on this line:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

Provider net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl not found

This error occurs when the CLASSPATH environment variable is not properly set in /usr/local/tomcat/ (or /etc/init.d):

export CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:/usr/local/search-service/lib/saxon-9.jar

XSLT transformation error XSLT transformation error

This error occurs when the CATALINA_OPTS environment variable is not properly set, or set multiple times in /usr/local/tomcat/ (or /etc/init.d):

export CATALINA_OPTS="${CATALINA_OPTS} -Dsolr.pds.home=/usr/local/search-service"

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